Reformulated Oxycontin Op (Page 2)
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I was receiving Oxycontin 80mg OC, but then they changed it to the reformulated Oxycontin 80mg OP. I never had a problem with the old version BUT now i get right side cramping. Is this because new version is not made properly?
Purdue has made their billions & could care less of what their new oxycontin is doing to us. I was put on hold bc I wanted to speak with their ceo. Go figure--he wasn't in & was told they would have him to call me. Yeah right, he has no time for me or any of you that has helped him make his millions or billions. I got a lawyer appt on next week & we will see what can be done....
I am suffering from severe chronic back and sciatic nerve pain due to failed back surgeries (4). I've been in horrible pain for almost 18 years. I lost a very lucrative career and have been existing on pain medication ever since. OC gave me some semblance of a life. I am never more than 6 hours from a crisis; I could not endure my pain without medication. Life is a real struggle even with it. The new formulation is not working and my pain is almost unbearable. I, like many, would love to be drug free but the pain I suffer is too much to bear without medication. I am saddened that some folks have abused OC and ruined their lives. However, I and others with chronic pain should not be made to suffer because of THEIR abuse. I pray there will be some compassion at Perdue and the regulatory agencies, and a return to the old formulation. I'll see my doctor in a week and hope for an alternative medication.
well since my Doctors appt was not until the 19th i have rescheduled to next monday. I have seemed to figured out what these OPS are doing to my body and why i have had no rest or pain relief. This mixture MIGHT be on at a higher dose if it was the ONLY medicine that a person was taking. But these are time released and most of us have sleep aides and breakthrough meds to help in between as pain spikes. Well for you PURDUE GENIUS's. What is happening is that your GEL MIXTURE not only is attaching itself to our intestinal system and causeing far to little Oxy to be released for any pain control but while there it isalso attaching to each and every other med we are taking. This is inevitable as it is what the gel is designed to do, so when i need to go to bed my sleep meds or if i have a severe breakthrough of pain this gel is grabbing onto every med that it contacts thus making ALL the meds TIME RELEASED.. at much lower doses. As such who needs a time releashed sleeping med or breakthrough med?? The obvious answer to that question is NOBODY DOES !!!! Yeppers i am useing CAPS because since you all have decided to run TESTS on all your legitimate patients with this crap in a Governmentally controlled and community based 'WAR ON DRUGS.. the Junkies have just moved on to other drugs, heroin, or combinations of things. The has been NO charting or news reports that opiod abusers are no longer a threat to society or that their numbers have decreased in any way shape or form and the FDA has not even taken into consideration the potential for this GEL to interact and turn EVERY single med we take into a time released bomb that burns to even expel from our bodies. I am no rocket scientist but I am educated enough to have at least THOUGHT about the potential effect that GELLING patients GI tract MIGHT just have the same effect on any other medication introduced into our body. Yet in searching the net for several weeks now I have not even seen that mentioned as a possibility. Typical beuracratic look the other direction mentality.. and move on with the program even though it does not work for even its origional purpose at all. There are a MILLION ways for junkies to still abuse this medicine and my bet is that instead of Purdues actions that if we were to see their sales records since they introduced it we would see that indeed they are producing MORE of the meds as well as seeing great jumps in the sales of the other meds they produce without it. EDUCATION is the ONLY way to reform addictive personalities not putting them into gummy bears. Yes you might think i sound pissed off, well you would be too if you were to be in my shoes and ALL your meds were being affected by this witchs brew !!!!! WAKE UP FDA AND PURDUE this stuff is torturing people who need the medicines and I could only imagine the effects we will see down the line for folks on Chemo looking for relief.
Your GEL turns EVERYTHING into time released meds, and it has not stopped you from producing the meds in such high quantities. In fact my guess is that PROFITS ARE UP at Purdue as it takes twice the dosage to get ANY relief.
ive read so many post on the new improved oxy op's and the general consensus is they suck... they are not abuse proof its just difficult to abuse and also people say they dont work as wel as the older ones in terms of pain relief. for people that are looking for quik pain relief i would recommend Roxicette 30mg's they work as wel as a OC40mg in terms of quickness and effectiveness. i have not had any experience with opana nor heard of it is it newer?
Don't go silent on Purdue people ..Keep that phone ringing and bug the hell out these non-compassionate four eyed idiots..You know I was raised in the country and am almost like survivor man, can eat almost anything (once we ate raw frogs just popped in alive) stupid kids, however I am nauseated by this formulated OP...Something about that gum makes me sick...I don't abuse and have called purdue four times and my last call finally I got the right person who told me a little about the preptrial ...There was a 23% report on nausea being No one complaint, so I know now I am not crazy..that is a very high percentage and DEA FDA let this enter your system..It needs corrected or taken off the market which I wouldn't mind at all..Something is rotting in Denmark and your system....
hello I'm addressing all the following blogs since my last 3. I had all the terrible things happen to me from the gi ,bowel vomiting. I got so ill i was in bed for days w/ fever could not walk had so many things happen. I did try and take my meds thinking maybe its just the flu. So I took them got very sick took myself off suffere alot of pain but all the other stuff stopped. I tried going back that was the last time I thought I was going to have to call medics in the middle of the night I was so bad.When I could finally get out of bed I went to my doc and switched my meds. Now I'm dealing w/trying to find the right formula to get my pain under control. I told my Dr. everyingthing I had A whole bottle of the ops & I had him dispose of them I will never put that crap in my body again. I told him please put this list of everything in my chart purdue needs to know what they are doing to folks. We need to group together and find a good lawyer we have no idea what this will do to us long term.I know I have not been the same since I went through being so ill from taking this med. The pharmacists said that some of the problem was that i would get to much of it breaking down so like an over dose.Bit the rest of the time vomiting it up or passing in stool. Then had gum stuff passing for days. All the cramping all I can say that I felt like I was poisoning myself.Lets help each other & find someone to help us. PM all
I have had multiple spinal surgeries and fusions on my cervical & Lumbar regions as well as a titanium plate installed in my neck 20 years ago. Presently I have a torn rotater cuff, a bucket tear in my knee, three disc bulges in my low back as well as 2 fusions, 2 ruptured discs in the c1-2 t1 area with bony protubereances that are impinging on my nerves. I have been taking OC for over 5 years and have never had an issue with the medication, it relieved my pain and in combination with a sleep aid i could control my pain reasonably well, at least I was able to function. However since receiving this new OP i find my pain levels and sleep patterns have ben severly affectd indeed causeing me to be diagnosed with a Rare Form of cluster hheadaches which these OPs do not even come close to any relief at all and i end up in the ER presnting with sweling eyeball and unending screaming headaches and sensitivity to light and sound. But even with all thepain my MAIN issue is that i all of a sudden have developed severe constipation and a feeling that i need to have a BM all the time. Its to the point where (not to gross anyone out) that i need to carry exttra underwear whereever i go and an extremely sensitive and painful experience when attempting to BM. I do not know if it is caused by the new mixture but it is the only thing in my life that has changed therefore i am assuming that my BM being so hard and sinking immediately is a result of the gummy/bear franenstein mixture of the new OP is the culprit. Has anyone else had these issues. It has really changed my life and i am basically homebound now due to the pain and BM issues. Why would they put in a gelatin that swells up and sticks to your insides just because some fools are junkies and abuse the medication. The FDA and Purdue need to realize that the REAL patients are who are suffering and truthfully I do not care if the junkies overdose and die on heroin or oxicontin, that is their free choice, but their free choice to be fools is afecting the sick people who are indeed in pain. 99% of anyone who has my medical history do nopt even try to walk I WANT and deserve a certain quality of life and here we are more concerned about some idiot snorting up a pill. Let them die I do not care, but I should not need to suffer in a governmental game to control a junkies intake of an illegal medicine in their cases whereas in mine it is needed. thank you
I cannot take the new formula of oxycotin because it makes me puke my gutts up and sick. It feels like there is a big ball of something stuck in my stomach. I have health problems and I rely on this medication to releive my pain. This new s**t does nothing for you. no pain relief. I have cancer and a very bad back with torn disks and now us people who need our medication cannot have it because some reason, all I know its not right for them to make something a charge so much for and dont even do anything in pain relief if freakin sucks big time. I dont know if the people who make this medication relize what you have done to many people who are in alot of pain and this is the only thing they can find relief. get it together people you are mwwing with our lifes not your.
I have been taking the OC's for several years for my chronic back pain as well. They switched the formula without notice at least to me, now I have stomach problems because the OP's ball up in the stomach like gum. There is no relief, and now diarrhea. What next. Give us legitimate people with legitimate pains that truly need our meds a freakin break.
I have been taking the OC for several years for severe back pain. Now I don't get any relief what so ever and the fact that it turns into a gum ball in the stomach can't be right. Why make the ones that really need it suffer because of the drug dealers. This is just not right at all.
20 years my fault
My grand father has been taking oxycontin for almost 40 years now, and has never had an issue with them until now. They make him itch until he breaks out into rashes (so then he has to take something else to stop the itching) it's ridiculous!...
What I don't get is..people who abuse them are STILL going to abuse them regaurdless of how they are being done (sooting them, snorting them, smoking..whatever)...They are going to take more of them now because they aren't recieving the high they used to get which will lead to overdose very quickly. I think the switch is stupid, drug addicts are going to be drug addicts regaurdless of what you make or don't make. It's up to THEM to quit doing one else. THEY have to straighten their life around and stop doing them, you can't stop them by making something different thinking they won't be able to figure something out to make them shootable or hootable? People are already starting to mix them, heat them, freeze them..just to figure out a way to do them. And if they can't, they take them whole! they don't feel anything with that..they take another one...they don't feel anything with that they take another one..ect..ect. Do you see my point? All i can say fixing these things... is getting everyone now we know the heroin dealers are comming up on so money now..thanks Purdue!
This medicine is deadly. Been taken oc for over 10 years. What they did was illegal. But noone knows nothing. No nobodys complained. We will find out real soon when pursues CEO is taken in handcuffs.may switch to opana.anyone else make the switch?
the new oxy's are horrible. i have been taking for 5 years with no problems. now the new formula is not helping my pain by half. i also have heart burn and upset stomach. what to do now. the drug addicts are being taken care of and the real patients are suffering. shaking my head...????
Maria you should not put all folks that are suffering in one bowl. I went to my doctor and I have extreme drug allergies. I found out my body is not breaking the drug down right. I would none of it then it would give me to much of the drug on top of the fact that I have the allergy. I chose to stop this medicine I have never abused a drug ever. Think before you speak alot of people are going through some issues that can make them sick all do to a drug that was changed and not informed as stated before I would of liked to been given the choice to know before I got so sick!!
this has been long overdue , this is what should have been done a long time ago,,, when i read about people on here that are wanting to abuse this drug,in some sort a way then to me they are junkies, cause i have a family member that is taking the new ones and they work fine for them.... thanks purdue keep up the good work,,,people are hooked
I also have a concern that the new oxycontin formulation might not be as effective because the gelatin type binder might not allow the opiates to be fully released making the new pill less effective. For severe pain patients that is a concern.
I have had stomach upset from the new formula also. The old oxycontin was a powder based tablet that dissolved in the stomach fairly quickly but the new formulation is a powder and gelatin combination which takes longer to dissolve and can cause stomach upset and cramping. I have a permanently damaged spinal cord and taking oxycontin doesn't get me high . It just makes the pain stop.
I'm giving an update to my statement . This new med is not good for you I have been thru hell trying to take this while awaiting my appt. w/my doc. It does cause severe cramping and many other problems.I would wake up w/vomit in my mouth very lucky i did not choke.It was causing issues w/ my acid refelux. Sat night i woke up very sick could barely walk hard time finding my words & have been in bed since then. Until today I'm to go to my doc & give him this bottle or ask do I take back to pharamacy . I will never put another tablet of this poison on my body.I have been on this medicine for 12 yrs. and always worked so very well.I have never abused my meds I have always taken them as directed by dr. I have to many health problems to be taking something that makes me even more ill. I do believe they are enteracting w/my RA & PA injections.If only I had been told when I picked them up so i had the choice to take them or not. I have always had many adverse reactions I have to be careful what a take.Then I would of never been so ill my body can't take it having all my health issues. Purdue can take this medicine & shove it. It saddens me we live where they take away something that can be abuse that helps so many but they leave ciggearettes & alcohol & many other things.My question is if this was such a concern take it of the market don't hand out poison to folks at least that would give us a choice of what to do next this is a bunch money B.S. going on at our health expense.
i agree, OP does NOT work. I usually take one and the pain is gone within 30 minutes, but i took 2 of the OP, instead of the OC, and i still have pain as if I didn't take any, plus what seems like abdominal cramps... I am calling the pharmacy to try to return them in the morning & HOPE EVERYONE DOES THE SAME?
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