Reduce Pain Meds
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Several years of pain meds for back and neck joint deterioration. My Dr. has told me I will soon no longer receive pain meds. Due to a Government Mandate I will go thru a 90 day period where the meds will be slowly reduced. I will be given Naltrexone to help with with withdraws. Is this true? Is our Government sticking their nose into private people's quality of life? How is it possible to assume my joint deterioration problem has gone away? It just doesn't make sense to me! .

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Thanks for the info about the 90 day reduction oif pain meds.

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Thanks for the info. I still don't see how no more pain meds is in my best interest. As I get older my back and neck joint deterioration will worsen. At no time did I think the meds were fixing anything. My understanding was, I would take pain meds until surgery was needed. We are selling our home and moving out of state. Maybe in a different state with a new Pain Management Group will work out better for me. At this point in time I'm very upset. Our Government has no business making medical decisions for each individual. This is Socialism at it's worse!!!!

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No, that is not actually true. The DEA has issued more strict directives that doctors must use, when prescribe controlled substances and, after that 90 day period, they must have a valid explanation for why the are prescribing such medications... unfortunately, this has caused many doctors to decide to stop prescribing, unless someone has a potentially fatal illness, such as stage 4 cancer.

Other patients with chronic pain will most likely need to see a pain management specialist to continue receiving such medications.

The FDA warns that narcotics carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation.

Naltrexone will not help with withdrawals, it actually stops your body from being able to feel the effect of opiates and is often used to ensure someone can not take them, or feel their effects, it can also prevent alcohol abuse.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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