Redotex Side Effects With Birth Control (Top voted first)
UpdatedIve been taking redotex for 3 weeks now my weight loss is amazing ive lost 17 lbs and have had no real side effects other than dry mouth but drinking water is vital. I have an implanon birth control inserted in me and dont have frequent menstraution cycles. But since taking the redotex my menstraution hasnt stopped some days its spotting other days its full on. Has this happened to anyone ? thanks for your help :)
14 Replies
I took redotex for about 3 months and lost over 50 lbs. I was not on any special diet I just ate everything I wanted (which was almost nothing since you don't get very hungry taking this pill) but I quit drinking soda and relied only on water with lemon or just pure water.
Can redotex affect the depo shot at all, can it make this form of birth control stop working?
Hi Laurie,
Based on my research, there aren't any drug interactions listed between the active ingredients found in Implanon and those in Redotex. Although I still wouldn't be surprised if Redotex has been contributing to the cause, since the stimulating ingredients in this medication may have some effect on your thyroid & hormones.
I think it may also be a good idea to contact your gynecologist about the irregular menstrual cycles, as I have read on a number of webpages that this can be a normal side effect of oral contraceptives (due to a fluctuation in hormone levels).
I hope this helps!
thank you !!! I've scheduled an appointment with my gyno :)
Did you exercise while taking the pills?
I have been on the pill for two weeks and only lost 5 pounds. What are eating? Do you workout? I haven't had any side effects outside of a headache when I first started. I need help! I m working out twice a week and my diet is ok. I m not out here eating fast food or a lot of sweets.
Laurie I have the same problem I've been taking Redotex for a week and when I started taking them I was on my menstrual and it haven't stopped. Did you go to the doctor and if you did what did they tell you?
Is Redotex legal to use in the U.S.? The FDA seems to have banned this drug
I was told not to drink anything that was diet or lite because it cuts the effect. Whether that is true or not I have no idea.I'm barely gonna start on monday
Hey I just started taking them I'm on my fifth day and hadntbhad any effects only today my boobs hurt and all my body like if I were bruised I haven't gotten my period don't know if that's it
My impant injection as expired now 8months bse were am leaving they cant remove it in my hand is it dat its affecting my life or
Am working in uae were by i cant tell my boss dat i came with implant injection on my right hand as it as been expired and i ve to wait until i go bk to uganda and remove it but my worry is ,is it affecting my life bse am expecting to go bk to my country next year in June
Re: Elizabeth (# 7)
Where did u get them from and how much is it? I would a like to try this diet pill. Please give me some information. {edited for privacy}
Same exact problem here! Ecactly same implanon and period fluxuations. I didnt have this problem until I started taking the Redotex
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