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Weight loss pill

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Jessica, if you can, try and look through a phoen book in Tijuana, and look for a nutritionist. I know where two are, but I don't know how familiar you are with TJ. I only know where to go, but I don't know the street names or the phone numbers, nor the names.
But let me see what I can find.

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this really does work. can it be found in the US? I am very intested in getting it to jump start.

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Is there a stronger version of redotex? I heard there are the black and yellow pills, they are stronger than the pink,black, and white? Also are the drops and tea woeth getting?

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i recently purchased redotex from someone in texas. i'm not sure if it's the original or reformulated. it comes in a plastic bottle and the pills are black white and pink. i was reading the posts and noticed that robert had said that those were the ones that worked for him. i am on my third day now and haven't really experienced much thirst or appetite suppressing. could it be that these are the nf ones? or maybe i should wait a full week before determining the legitimacy of this product. i've been worried about being scammed with a fake redotex, because i've been reading about how many people have been scammed already.

any feedback would be much appreciated. thanks!

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They are the right ones i was the same way at first. I lost 14 lbs. I am going to take Itravil heard it was better. Good luck Sibble

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anyone wanna lead me in the right direction of some Redote? Thx!

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So I'm close to my two weeks of taking the pink black and white ones and haven't noticed ANY difference in my weight. I am very thirsty so I drink LOADS of water. I have noticed that I'm not so hungry because I'm always so full on water, but yet nothing has happened for the past two weeks. I'm a little upset about it after hearing about all the great things. Please respond if you have the original, a stronger one, or if i already am taking the original and may have just purchased from a bad source. Thanks.

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Taylor & Christine, if either of you come to useful conclusions which might benefit the rest of the community, please feel free to post that information back to this dicussion thread.

Also, it is important that everyone realizes that we must monitor discussion threads to ensure that they are more about exchanging information and stories than actually obtaining the drugs.

We do not condone, nor can we be held responsible for, any actions, legal or illegal, that come about as a result of talking with people on these discussion threads.

Always exercise good judgement before starting any drug regimen, and it is always advisable to get a doctor / specialist's opinion.

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i haven't noticed any weightloss and i'm on my 2nd wk of taking redotex nf. i'm planning on taking the regular redotex plus the IFA Norex, has anyone tried it? IFA Norex gives me alot of energy & Redotex NF keeps my hunger away so i'm just gonna take both, I need 2 lose the weight ASAP

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Thanx Jessica - I took them qwhile back and they were great! Now after the divorce and stuff I need to shed some weight (besides the PLESE HELP! I'd like to know where to get these

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Anyone that can tell me where to go in TJ to get it. I have to make sure it's the real deal. I'm a single mom can't waste money.

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Hi everyone. Well what I want to know is will I'll be able to buy Redotex in Progreso without a prescription? I'm currently taking Axcion. I started taking them after I had my baby but I just want the weight off already! But I'm kind of scared of all the warnings I've been reading about Redotex. I weigh 120 lbs right now, but of course my body ain't the same cause I did stretch bad with this last pregnancy. So would it be stupid of me to take these pills?

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I just bought two jars of redotex for 65.00 each. I didn't need a Rx to purchase them. I bought them in Matamoros, Mexico at Garcia's Pharmacy. I've read about harmful side effects, but at the same time read about how great people that have taken redotex look and feel. I'm going to try this for a couple of weeks see how they work. I want to lose at least 20lbs. I went from a size 4 to a size 10 during the xmas holidays so i need to get back on track.

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Hello, my name is Shannon and I am interested in the Redotex pills. Can someone please e-mail me more informaiton on how to obtain the pills? I want the orignal pills, i am trying to lose 90-100 lbs. Can you also provide me with the cost? I am a single mother and I can not afford to be scammed so only legit people contact me.

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Hey Mike - what is ur e-mail?

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Hey Blanca, did you have a hard time finding them, like having to go pharmacy to pharmacy?

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Hey, Rockinro
I have already purchased some pills already. But thanks anyway!

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Ok Why are ppl trying to sell other stuff on here other than REDOTEX?
I'm interested in getting Original Redotex I took the Redotex NF for about 1 month and it did nothing for me. My sister got it for me in TJ for $60.00 but i really want to try the Original if anyone knows how or where i can get it please let me know.

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It would be greatly appreciated if more information could be provided regarding the results, any side effects, precations, etc of Redotex.

This discussion thread has quickly become more about selling and obtaining the drugs instead of sharing information and experiences. Please remember to include specifics about this drug so that future visitors to this discussion thread can benefit.

Thank You!

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