Red Oblong Pill With 350
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I'm allergic to aspirin and all NSAID's outside of Tylenol cause me to have a crippling headache. I found a red oblong O.T.C. pill with an imprint of 350. It's PROBABLY Tylenol... Any help is appreciated! T.Y.

11 Replies

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Re: James (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

If it is in fact a 500 mg Acetaminophen then you should be okay to take 2 at once (1,000 mg total). Be sure to follow instructions on the packaging and not to exceed the recommended dose in a 24 hour period.

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Re: kimberly (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

It is dollar general brand - can I take 2 at time?

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It appears that you may be right about "red oblong 350" tablet. Apparently there is a variation of the same tablet that is imprinted "3S0".

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Re: Ms Cautious (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

It has to be 3S0, it wouldn't have 350 on it if it was 500mg.

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I found an oblong red pill with 350 on one side in a pill bottle of mine and am trying to figure out what it is.

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Re: nelly (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

How can Kroger sell acetaminophen with a red coating on it that is allergic reaction for some people and has other side effects?

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Re: Kimberly (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Super helpful, thank you!

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I have the exact medicine you're describing. it's 500mg acetaminophen (generic tylenol) and I bought it from Dollar General, it was DG brand.. Hope I could help.

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I found a red oblong pill with either 3S0 or 350 on one side. I thought it was a Tylenol so I came here to be sure. From what I'm reading it sounds like it's a generic Tylenol. Thanks guys!

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Re: nelly (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I've gotten the Kroger 500mg rapid release oblong tablets that are red and look like 350 on them, which is pretty stupid to put on acetaminophen containing 500 mg medication.

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Top Answer
A red capsule shaped pill (approx. 18mm in size) with an imprint code of 3S0 is reportedly identified as Acetaminophen 500 mgs.

Labeler - Kroger Company

National Drug Code: 30142-507

Inactive Ingredients:

- Croscarmellose sodium
- Crospovidone (15 mpa.S at 5%)
- Hypromelloses
- Polyethylene glycols
- Polysorbate 80
- Povidones
- Stearic acid
- FD & C red no. 40
- FD & C yellow no. 6

Ref: DailyMed
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