Manufactured for:
Pan American Laboratories, Inc.
Covington, LA 70433
Manufactured by:
Atlanta, GA 30318
Red capsule says PAL 0016 on it, what is it?
capsule half red other half clear with pink and yellow balls ## I found maroon and clear capsules with yellow and pink b...
Two rwd capsules were found iny beer at the club and i am trying to find out what they are im not certain about the numb...
Need to know if this is acetaminophen or what, exactly; it was found by a co-worker in the parent's house.... ## The...
what is a red capsule with 4832 and a v on it ## what is a red capsule with 4832 and a v on it ## Found a match it's...
red capsule w/ white stripe in the middle and "th" imprinted on the left side. ## From what I can find, it appea...
Like in the title... small red capsule with white GG580 on either side of the halfway mark ## Found a match it's hyd...
I found some capsules with a red stripe, and little red and white balls inside, not sure what it is, and there are no ma...
off white or white oblong capsule with red stripe dividing the capsule off center - what is this? no other markings seen...
red and white oblong capsule with 54 392 written on it ## This contains 5mgs of Oxycodone and 500mgs of Acetaminophen, t...
I have a red and white capsule with M 532 on it, what is it? ## M 532 on a red and white capsule is Acetaminophen 500 mg...