Hope this helps!
Red and white capsule with numbers 54 392 on it - What is this?
I took a pill with red and white capsule with 54 392 on it after i wrecked my four wheeler the other night at the races my buddy gave it to me and said it will take away the pain so i took it didnt think nothing of it. and i wanted to know what it was??
Are these commonly abused?
red and white oblong capsule with 54 392 written on it ## This contains 5mgs of Oxycodone and 500mgs of Acetaminophen, t...
I have a red and white capsule with M 532 on it, what is it? ## M 532 on a red and white capsule is Acetaminophen 500 mg...
we moved to a new place, and we found these pills all over the place, i had no idea if there blood thinners or what i ke...
found these in boyfriends stuff. he is a gym goer and i wanted to know what they are? ## If there are no markings, it wi...
What is a red and white capsule with barr 302 on the white half and 50 on the red half? ## The capsule in description is...
found in my chair red,white and blue pill with ty a little pic in middle looks then 500 on it have never seen anything l...
It's in the shape of a capsule but it is a solid pill...it's red,and light blue, with a white ban around the mid...
Need to know if this is acetaminophen or what, exactly; it was found by a co-worker in the parent's house.... ## The...
Found a couple of these small capsules (about 1 cm) that I had put into a ziploc at one time...was thinking they are ben...
Hi I'm Mr.Jayaram Suffering from VON WIL BRAND DISEASE,Since more than 25 years,Dr. Advised me Tab.SPECTRAOFER, dail...