Red White Pill No Markings
Updatedfound red/white capsule pills in son's bedroom. They were in a baggy. He has been acting a little different in the last month but we have put it down to age (18) and the stress of football training. He is a senior this year, starting wide receiver and corner. Please help. I am not sure where to turn,
3 Replies
I found red and white capsules with no markings in my granddaughter's room. She is in outpatient care for depression and cutting. How do I find out what they are without turning her in to the counselors?
@scared mom,
Unfortunately, there's really no way to ID a pill without an imprint. All Rx and OTC drugs in the U.S. are required by law to have an imprint; otherwise it could be a vitamin, herbal, energy, diet, foreign or illicit.
It is possible that the imprint could've been scraped/smudged off at some point. My recommendation is to ask your son about the pills, he may be reluctant to tell you, but it's worth a shot.
Please post back if you have any more questions or concerns and I will be happy to help you.
I have discovered the same thing and I have searched everywhere online for answers. This post was made years ago but if you happen to see this, and figure out what they were, I would LOVE to put this mystery to rest.
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