Red And White Capsule No Imprint
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I've heard red and white capsules no imprint are 30 mg roxicodones?
2 Replies
I bought what was supposed to be a dietary supplement called Garcia Cambogia, but when I got it in the mail, it had no seal, and the bottle was so full when I opened it, the pills were popping out. I looked up the description of what they were supposed to be & it's nothing like these. I opened 1 of the capsules & it has an off white powder in it. We contacted the seller, they tried convincing me it was the correct med. I counted the pills & it can only fit 52 in the bottle but was supposed to have 60. They refunded my money, but I'm still curious as to what these really are.
Honestly, it would largely depend on the country of origin of the pill. Reason being is that U.S. law requires all prescription drugs to have some sort of marking or imprint on the tablet to identify the substance and dosage. Without that, it could literally be anything from a dietary supplement, OTC med, illicit drug, or even something foreign.
Whereabouts did you find it?
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