Rashes From Tecfidera (Top voted first)


I have been have been having this dry skin rash that started on one breast first, then it move to my back then to my chest just below my chin. The chest rash is much worse than the others. Went to doc and got a cortisone shot which did nothing for it. There are no creams that help either. This is going to scar my chest and need some help. Anyone have any ideas?

3 Replies

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That can be a fairly common side effect of Tecfidera, along with flushing and stomach problems.

Have you tried consulting a dermatologist? Or maybe trying a prescription cream from your doctor? They may help more.

Has anyone else experienced this issue?

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Yes...I had the exact expierience m. I couldn't figure out what it was from. I even had a biopsy.

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Hi, SHastings

have they found out what it was ? i am having same issue, started on tecf about 10 months ago and having skin rash on my breast too, (not itchy though!)
GP sent me to see a dermatologist...

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