Quitting Oxycodone With Suboxone
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Hi everyone I'm a 25 year old male and have been taking 2-3 30 mg Oxycodone pills a day for the last 3 years. I get w/d after 1 full day with no pills but I 100% percent want to be done for good. I was fortunate enough to obtain 3 8mg Suboxone film strips. I know everyone varies but can anyone give any helpful advice to get me off the Oxys with just these 3 Subs? I don't think ill be able to get more from the person and I don't want to pay all the money for doc visits and a script. Please help, I know I'm ready to be done and get back to my old self. BTW I'm 5'11 and 185 lbs if that helps with the advice of how much to take. Thank you for your time
3 Replies
Don’t do it. Just quit the pills. I took about half that does for 4 years every day. When I wanted to quit my doctor put me on suboxone it took another 6 months to wean off that, and I still felt crappy. Fast forward a decade later when I took meds again every day for a couple years. Quit without suboxone, felt kind of crappy for a few days, then it was over.
Unless you’re craving the meds, suboxone doesn’t help. You’ll still have withdrawals, and they’ll last longer.
A hospital detox would be with two strips. Those will give you the coverage to withdraw from the oxycontin without symptoms and then not get addicted to Subs. The top Hospitals in the country use this method.
Suboxone is not meant to be used with such a mild habit, where you're really just dependent on the medication.
An addiction is when you like the way a medication makes you feel, but the high and euphoria that some people experience wears off after awhile, so then you'd keep taking more and more to get the feelings back.
2 or 3 a day really doesn't qualify.
And Suboxone contains a very potent narcotic Buprenorphine with Naloxone, which is used to prevent the abuse of other narcotics, while someone is being treated with it and thus, it cannot be taken until they are in full withdrawal, or it may throw them into severe, dangerous withdrawals.
For that low of an amount of Oxycodone, you'd be much better off just tapering off of them.
Have you consulted a doctor for assistance?
Learn more Suboxone details here.
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