Quit Lo Loestrine Fe But Still Have Common Symptoms


I stopped taking Lo loestrine FE 3 weeks ago. I am still experiencing all the symptoms of my cycle as if I were still on the pill. I took Lo loestrine FE for 20 months and only had a period the first 2 months. My OB said this was normal. Ok Fine. I had period symptoms: cramping, breast tenderness, back aches etc..Well, 3 weeks without this pill and I feel likeII'm still on it. When will these symptoms go away?

2 Replies

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This is a hormonal contraceptive and you were taking it for almost 2 years, so what you're experiencing is normal. Your body got used to your adding those hormones and now, it has to readjust to no longer having them and reregulate your hormones on its own. That's going to take some time.

Learn more oral contraceptive details here.

It may take about 4 to 6 weeks for these issues to start to taper off and for you to feel more normal.

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I feel the same. My symptoms are the same. I thought this pill was supposed to be the lowest dose of hormonal bc around. That's why I chose it. And I thought that since if you accidentally miss two or three days on the pill it becomes ineffective and you could get pregnant. If it becomes ineffective that quickly I would assume it would leave my body just as quickly. Thanks for your response.

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