Quinacrine Forums
Recently active Quinacrine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Quinacrine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Has anyone found real help by adding this drug to treat Lupus SLE- or other autoimmune diseases? What about the side effects? Is your skin yellow? Is it upsetting your stomach badly? If so, are the side effects worth the difference it makes on your condition? ## Hi Cat, Although I personally don't take Quinacrine, I'd like to mention that it is really up to you to determine whether or not the medication is worth the risks and benefits. Reason being is that every medication is going to effect each person differently. So while one person may get great results and experience very little side effects, it could be an entirely different experience for you or someone else. This is the case with every other drug, whether it be pain killers or anti-depressants, so I think it's safe t...
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