Question About Stopping Adderall Xr


My son was disgnosed in the 3rd grade with ADHD and has been on Addrerall ever since and he is now in the 5th grade.He started a new school that has a doctor there to monitor him and on the 17th of May they took him off of the adderall and put him on Abilify. I have been noticing serious aggression and anger and yelling there are things that I did not see in the home before he did those things while on the addreall in school and that is why he is in a different school. They did not gradually decrease his adderall they just stopped it and put him on different neds the same day. I was wondering if possible he is going through withdrawl symptoms from the Adderall. Any inquiries would be helpful Thanks

2 Replies

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In this case, it is actually hard to say, because it could be either from stopping the Adderall abruptly, it could be due to the Abilify, or it might be a combination of both problems.



Have you talked to the doctor about this?

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Okay, never replied to any forum before however, when I scrolled across your explanation. First off, it is outlandishly cruel for any doctor to switch medications without a slow withdrawal. You should find a new doctor; understandable it's easier said than done. However, the wrong and non empathetic doctor could easily effect your child's life, not for tomorrow, but forever. It's a serious issue in today's society that not only are doctors geared towards artificial medication like concerta, adderall etc, but their uneducated in the form of seeking the child's or adults lifestyle. Saying this, the fact he/she hasn't imposed the idea of nootropics is no surprise but fearful. (Even the spell-check doesn't recognize "nootropics").

Here are two websites to begin with. Not necessarily the best or most informative; they're just a good starter to activate the journey of your child's better health.

Again I'll reinstate this. The fact your doctor did such a quick transition is more than enough proof to switch. It's extremely easy for a physician to handout medication "diets" or plans without actually taking the time to consider the consequences. Hope you make the right choice.

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