Qualitest Hydrocodone 10 325 (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Although many have said one drug is the same as the other I find that Qualitest hydrocodone 10/325 seems to not affect me as far as making me drowsy and extremely tired. It does so help with the pain but it does not make me so I can not function. The other manufacturer Mallincor (spelling not right) their hydrocodone makes me so tired I have to literally go to bed. Strange I think that if two drugs are identical how can they have different effects to you. I prefer to not take any hydrocodone but until I am through this pain I prefer to take the one that does not comatose me.

82 Replies (5 Pages)

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With the data base that has information available that has opiod script fulfilment info available yes thd drs and pharmisist do have a major responsibility for there part in yhe issue... that said the majority are not abusing the system but suffer because of those that do, as does the patient that does not abuse their meds.... those that do abuse their script writing powers need to be punished accordingly. Example dr pulled of united flight lost his license for a fee years no jail time totally under punishef.... the govt rather than punishing the guilty passes laws infringing on the law biding citizen. That said each individaul is responsible for their own behaviour and should be treated accordingly, whether a dr that over perscribes or a patient that over consumes..... but of the two the dr deserves the more strict punihment after all they are the pro and should know better and the law biding dr amd patkents should not be punished because af those that break the law ..... the standard way govt trys to fix issues they pass more oppressive laws rather than handle those that causd the problem harsh enoigh too stop further behaviour from others....

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The YELLOW pill from Par Pharma IS THE BEST! The WHITE ones from ACTAVIS suck compared to Par Pharma!

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THANK YOU SO MUCH, RORO!! I'm sitting on top of 120 white pills that don't work!! I didn't check them before leaving my pharmacy!! Am I STUCK WITH THEM, with no pain help for 2 MONTHS??!!!?????? Help plz!

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I wish i had those issues with meds. If you are a chronic pain sufferer in wv you have to buy through other means. What's pathetic is it's for my 78 year old mother who'd been treated for arthritis for 4 yrs. with 5 mg hydrocodone 3x per day. Before that, she just suffered with it for yrs. Then, no warning, just "we don't write narcotic medications anymore". It's so sad, the govt's form of thinning out the older population.

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Yes Birdman! We are stuck with the whites! So very unfair! The 2 pills are so alike in COLOR, that's the way they fooled us! That should be unlawful! It's time again for a refill 5-6-17, & once again Longview, TX doesn't have the YELLOWS! What to do??!!! HELP!!!‍

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Bayshore Walgreens should have them.
I lived in that area for ten years and they never changed them.

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Re: Marlene (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Wal-Mart does not carry Qualitest brand. Sorry to burst your bubble. They provide the Maliindcrodt ant Tris brand.

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I totally agree Actavis and Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals decrease the actual pain medication anywhere from 1% - 20% in their formula. I myself have been horribly sick when taking their medication, no pain relief and so tired I can't hold my head up. They claim they do this to prevent addiction!! A patient should be able to receive the actual medication they are prescribed not what the manufacturer decides is best. It's also a financial issue. Cheaper to make a drug with less pain medication and cheaper for the pharmacy as well. Our doctors are too scared to prescribe medication for patients who actually need them because of the DEA and addiction issues so we suffer. I've been living with Chiari, have had brain surgery, spinal cord surgery, traumatic brain injury, and seizures. You can't fake that and only our doctors should decide what is best for us. Sorry, got a little off subject. I wish for you good health.Look for Qualitest and Par manufacturers, you get what you're prescribed.

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Re: Birdman (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

the manufacturor is listed on bottom right of script label after strengh should be at least a 4 letter code

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Re: RJ (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

What did they do to these yellow 3601 I just found a pharmacy that has them and they don't work like they used to, make me sleepy no pain relief and feel depressed. Is there a timed release in them?

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Re: RJ (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah they suck now just got some look same but totally different. Like a time release or something make me feel tired and depressed. What is the new best brand out there?? Anyone?

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They are just the same mate, what's different? Your mindset?

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Anyone know why you can't get the yellow Qualitest Hydrocodone 10/325 any longer? I have been taking them since 2004 because I have 3 bad discs and the white pill doesn't work.

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Hi honest engine , I'm new to Texas , as well as any ever posting. I just was notified by my out of state doc that he can no longer write me 10/325 , or any other of my meds. Do u recommend a doc near fort worth or anywhere that is educated and or has empathy to reads us whom truly have factual pain??

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I have never tested positive for opiates while on norco. Been on it for years, even passed a hair follicle test. She told me hydrocodone doesn't "usually spill over" so not to even worry about a positive result. Morphine however came up in a pre-employment test.

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While generics are supposed to have a bioequivalence that is the same as brand name meds, the absorption may be different up to five percent. In actuality, the bioequivalence can vary to 90% and 110%. If you take gabapentin, the FDA studies show that gabapentin blocks uptake exponentially while increasing gabapentin uptake. There is no difference in the formulary between yellow and white qualitest Norco except that the dye has been removed. There may be differences in manufacturer formularies which could have a different bioequivalence and absorption and inactive ingredients also affecting absorption and your reaction to the medication.

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I have severe pain and have been prescribed Norco 10/325. I take them as directed and have them filled at Walmart each month. I have had Two (2) pre-employment physicals in different months , two different med refills, and both were at separate locations in different towns and both were negative for opiates. My doctor sent my urine to a lab and they found a Trace amount of opiates at the lab. I even took a pill 20 mins prior to the urine test. These were NOT placebo pills!!
When I inquired at the pharmacy the pharmacist stated it could have been faulty tests. ( really...2 different towns 30 mins apart) I'm thinking there is very little Quality in Qualitest product..

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I'm a professional nurse and published researcher and live with intractable pain.

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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I would suggest calling various pharmacies in your area and asking the tech what brand they carry. Also , I do sit down yoga, stretching etc it really helps! Costco usually carries Qualitest:)

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Opiate medications when taken 20 minutes before a drug panel won't show necessarily except for a trace amount due to the process that uptakes in your system. There is route of administration, in your case I would assume orally, then your stomach absorbs or absorption takes place. If you take gabapentin (neurontin), then your AUC or amount in the bloodstream is decreased exponentially depending on the amount you take. Also, prevacid, protonix, Maalox, and a host of other inhibitors can slow absorption. Then comes distribution add to where your medication goes to relieve pain, in this instance the mu receptor. After that is metabolism and how your body processes the medicine, and how fast or slow and where depending on the medicine that it processes. In the case of hydrocodone, you're kidneys and liver, so it can theoretically be out of your system within 24 hours depending on titre level or how often you take it. THEN AND ONLY THEN will it go thru the past stage, elimination which is your urine usually. Evaluations at the metabolite level for 6MAM or 6AM (6acetylmorphine) will determine SPECIFICALLY AND WITHOUT QUESTION if there's the presence of illicit drugs. P.S. Topamax has been known to show positive for opiates as it releases massive amounts of endorphins which goes thru your body as a natural opiate... You may have heard of runners high where the body naturally does the same release.

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