Qualitest Hydrocodone 10 325 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Although many have said one drug is the same as the other I find that Qualitest hydrocodone 10/325 seems to not affect me as far as making me drowsy and extremely tired. It does so help with the pain but it does not make me so I can not function. The other manufacturer Mallincor (spelling not right) their hydrocodone makes me so tired I have to literally go to bed. Strange I think that if two drugs are identical how can they have different effects to you. I prefer to not take any hydrocodone but until I am through this pain I prefer to take the one that does not comatose me.

82 Replies (5 Pages)

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the ones with the watermark are suppose to be the real ones . it's a light oval circle that you can only see under a light .

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The Qualitest is the same it has been for a few years . There yellow . Just got them . I don't know what the other guy is talking about . sounds like he is getting stuff of the street or something. I never had a pharma give me fake pills .

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I just got 120 hydros 10mg count prescription and Walmart ended up giving me 20 in one bottle and 100 in the Qaulitest manufacturers actual bottle (exp 12/2017).

I have has some left over from late October , The only thing I noticed was a stronger rubbing alcohol smell to the new ones where the old one hardly smell at all . The water crest over the V is smaller on the new ones where the old ones it was a oval shape that took up most of the pill . You can only notice the watermark under a light bulb .They break the same , No different . I have not tried one yet , Not going for a while . No pain right now and not messing around with this drug . I can easly say now that I was taking the yellow Qualitest I would never ever go back to the white Watson/Activis . Those things made me crazy and sleepless .I sure hope there is not change with the new bottle .

On a bad note Qualitest does not ship out Zolpidem anymore . 5 different pharmacies told me they can't get it anymore . So it can't be ordered either . The only other one I would get is Sandoz and that is getting harder to now . (I think they had a shortage)

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This new batch of Qualitest looks and feels 99.9% the same as the other yellow one from 6 months ago (the only main thing I notice is the new ones smell strong) are not as strong . I have waited a hour now and have to take another one , That's 20mg to notice any pain relief . I'm not sure what's on , I did just eat 1/2 before I took my first one . Does high fat fast food affect this type of pill ? I know if I eat Ambien won't do anything for me ,But Hydros I usually can eat and still feel pain relief from my neck problems . I would have to wait at least another 3 -6 months before I can get another RX . I had the option to get Activis white 10mg but passed as they make me feel crazy high . Real Vicodin way back would make me go to sleep , What has changed to make them so speedy ?

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Looks like PAR is at walmart now that Qualitest is gone , There white . What are people getting ? Is Par any good ?

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My pharmacy was able to order Qualitest 10/325 hydros today, so I hope they're still the yellow tabs that I used to get before they became difficult to find..

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Please let me know what you end up getting . According the the pharmacist I just talked to said that PAR makes them and there white , He said Qualitest is not made anymore . Some places might have old stock still left if were lucky to find . Same think for Zolpidem . I've tried everywhere and not one store has qualitest left and that's the only good generic ambien on the market . :(

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Was able to find Qualitest yellow 10mg at Meijer supermarket today. It said PAR on the bottle. Now another pharmacy told me that PAR took out the dye and there white. I have not tried those so I can't say how they are but If it's like what watson/actavis did then the medicine gets released super fast and makes your heart race, works quicker for pain but does not last very long and you can't sleep on them, you will be up all night.

Look around and stick to the yellow's did there dried up. I would be very interested if anyone get a chance to try the white PAR 10mg and how they work.

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Qualitest hydrocodone has disappeared from the face of the Earth can't get a straight answer from anybody including qualitest

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You should still be able to get it under the name PAR, they might be white though. Not sure if they changed the formula. Endo bought PAR and Qualitest. They kept some of the Qualitest, same logo but sold under the PAR name.

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I've got a problem with it's a qualitest works and they make money why is it off the market that bothers me

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I've been on hydrocodone seven and a half years qualitest is the better of the lot with less side effects malinkraft is the worst for side effects

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Different buffers with the opiates also depending on what countries making them plus you have to rely on the FDA watching them for quality kind of funny huh

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You've never heard about a pharmacy ripping off meds for cancer patients better keep an open mind

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HEB carries it, they are the only ones so far that Iv'e seen carry it

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Qualitest doesn't exist anymore, you can't call them. Call PAR - they bought them.

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I live in ft worth, TX. I get my 10/325 at Walgreens. Watson only ever given since I started pain management in 12/15 was on 7.5 but would run out before next doc visit so he upped it. Now y'all are making me wonder what I'm missing with the yellow ones. Because these just barely help but don't last long...Hmm. wish I knew where to get them in ft worth.

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Qualitest was bought by par pharmicuticals some still use qualitest name some dont but par also has plant in ny that makes white 10/325 but the yellow are made in alabama and they are still avalable so if looking for yellows call drug stores and ask for the qualitest yellows made in alabama distripuyed by par pharmicuticals

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That's good to know ,Another option , I tried something and it ended up working . I had my doc write a script for Vicodin HP 10/300 . Blue Cross covered it at $10 . This stuff does not give you they crazy speed like feeling the white watsons do and are much stronger then the Qualitest yellow or white . I ended up taking 15mg and it kicked my butt . usually I take 30mg of the Qualitest but they give me much more side effects . Something in the yellow dye I may be allergic too .

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I have been a chronic pain sufferer for over a decade and want to know what poison I'm putting in my body. I'm also in a medical profession and I've moved several times over the past decade and had a job which traveled so I've had to, out of necessity, use different pharmacies. That being said, they all don't use the same generic brands and I experienced differences in generic equivalents. In my profession I also have to be acutely aware of pharmacology, effects and side effects as well as new laws governing morphine equivalence, and psychopharmacology. Technically speaking, psychoactive drugs are as big of an issue as opioids since you have to wean back or suffer withdrawal which in some cases is uglier than opioids. There will always be a small part of the population that either misuses or abuses pain meds for many reasons. I received both Bachelors and Masters degrees while taking this medication and worked full time without any problems. Without it, somebody would be paying for social security disability or welfare. My GPA while taking it? 3.986 and 3.84 respectively so I do have a clue about the topic I'm speaking to. Responsibility lies with the patient more than the Dr, pharmacy or manufacture, and to blame those people is simply scapegoating since most medical professionals want to keep their license and not be sued for malpractice. Again, I stress that there will always be a small percentage of doctors who are irresponsible when prescribing just like there are a few people who will act illegally it irresponsibly with any controlled substance.

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