Putting Patches Over Tattoos (Top voted first)


I've used just about every area on both my arm for patch placement except over a tattoo on my right arm. The tattoo is over 30 years old but it was done with a lot ink saturation. Can the patch be applied directly over this? I've never put one there because I thought it might inhibit the medicine from penetrating. Any help is greatly appreciated. This is my second post.

11 Replies

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Yes, you can place it over your tatts. My arms are sleeves and I am on 100 every 48 hours for chronic pancreatitis.

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Yes you can put a patch over a tattoo I had one on my lower abbs and had no problem,but should alternate where you put it every time,arm upper backside,but not on the waist.

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I am on a Butrans Patch over a year now it delivers 5mg per hour over a seven day period I have also put it over my tats. And found to have no problem with it
Just make sure when changing the patch that you do not touch the inside of it if you do it by mistake wash your hands instantly

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Hi I put a Brutans Patch over where I have a tattoo and had no problem with medication getting through I do it all the time

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has anyone tryed the new sandoz 75mcg transderm patch. just got them. And have been haveing bad stomach problems??

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What if the tatt is brand new, would you think the patch could fade it???

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Re: Gary G (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hello Gary, I have severe pancreatitis too and no relief, what do you mean by 100 every 48 hours? And does it help you?

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Re: thomas (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I think he means 100 microgram patch every two days. I use 75 micrograms every 3 days and it only seems to last 2 days. With the summer and heat I sweat like crazy and that drains my patch even faster. I can’t find a good place to put them that they will stay on. Always using tape which comes off. My shoulders seem the best locations but I’m covered in tattoos. I was told last week to find a clear patch of skin. I also noticed my black and gray ink fading. Not happy about it but it’s tthe lesser of two evils. I’m desperate to kill the pain and function so I’m trying on the inside of my tricep. At this point it’s several years on it so I’m used to it...and every thing else. About to try Kratom!!!

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Re: Shawn (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Kratom is effective in pain relief but only certain strains. I have good luck with the red vein type stuff or bali red; the maeng da or whatever just made me feel cracked out. If your doctor does U/A's, talk to him first because it does show on some lab analysis' but usually only when specifically checked for. I've been on every pain med besides oxymorphone at this point and at my highest dose was taking 360mg of oxycodone daily.

Currently im using a 10mcg butrans and lots of kratom. Pain relief isn't on par with all the oxy, but it's so much safer. I would say its more effective than when i was on duragesic 100mcg q 2 days. I live in texas and sweat a lot, the butrans patch sticks for a week and actually stays on. The fentanyl patches were falling off in two days and my skin was raw everywhere from taping them on.

You may have different results than me. Btw, my kratom dose is 10-15 grams 3 or 4 times a day. My doctor is on board with it luckily and knows im trying get relief without impairment.

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Re: kevcuz (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I’m having stomach problems not sure why. It’s scaring me it’s like a crampy feeling

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Re: Marti (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

No! This can cause overdose as it is still and potentially open skin. Only safe in fully healed tattoos.

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