Purchasing Paregoric (Page 3) (Top voted first)


My pharmacist said paregoric is backordered and don't know when or if it will come in. I've taken it for over 40 years for colon problems. I have a prescription for it. Is there any place I can purchase paregoric?

59 Replies (3 Pages)

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One more thing... rumor has it that the Paregoric may return. Frankly, i'm not confident in that.

For those interested, it may be worth contacting the old manufacturer and ask them if they will bring this back and what it would take to bring it back.

Their link is: hitechpharm.com

I have written many times and i don't hear back and when i call, they never know where to transfer me, but that has not stopped me from trying. :)

I tell them that there is a whole community of people with our ailments and the discontinuation of this product has reduced the quality of life, significantly.

So... for what it's worth... maybe everyone here can try making contact...



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CVS does NOT compound. Walgreens does. Thanks. But it is still not the same as "real" paragoric. finding illness extremely frustrating. especially hen something workds with minimal side effects. i work full time.

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Thanks for the update.

I agree... NOTHING compares to Paregoric. There just is not anything that truly works like it does.

My only point with my post(s) is that many places charge a pretty good penny for the Morphine Anhydrous and the anhydrous is a filler product. It supposedly does not do anything. Plus, it's 100% out of pocket expense as insurance won't cover it.

Liquid Morphine, on the other hand, typically is covered by insurance and therefore you'd only have a copay.

That was my only point.

It might be worthy of trying liquid morphine and then, if that doesn't "help", then try the more expensive stuff.

Just food for thought.

Good luck.


p.s. I recommend writing Hi-Tech. I posted their info in an earlier post. I wrote a second letter to their product development manger asking if there was a way to get the "recipe" for paregoric which a compounding pharmacy could use to mix something up and if they were unwilling to share it with the public, would they be willing to share it directly with the pharmacist only...

I have not heard back. LOL

But i will keep trying.

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So How do I get dr. to prescribe the liquid morphine??? And I can't purchase any opiate over state lines. I have prescription. when I went on vacation one time, I could not get the dr. to call in the paregoric because it was over state lines. Now looking into making my own. The only reason one version above would not taste as much like licorice is that it contains less anise, for flavoring.

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I had an indepth talk with my gastro. Since Morphine is the main ingredient, it's the closest thing you can get. So he prescribe it at .3ml every 6 hrs.

We tried opium first but the morpine was more effective.

You just need to talk to your dr and explain that paregoric is gone, and likely will not be back for years, if ever. Not until all these regulations are overturned.

Good Luck


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paragoric is NOT back-ordered. they have stopped making it. and will not again in the forseeable future. get a compounding pharmacy to make you some. still need an rx, and it is not as good, but closest i've found yet. good luck

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Amy, have you tried straight up liquid morphine and/or liquid opium, prior to doing the compound?

Just curious as i did not get the the compound which isn't typically covered by insurance where as the other 2 are.

My gastro says that the "compound" is an inactive ingredient, that the primary is the morphine (and agian insurance covers), so just curious if you've tried either or both.


And you are correct... there is no backordering of Paregoric. It's done until the regulations are backed off and that will require not only a new administration but a new house and senate and then a few more years for the industrial machine to get going again.

Either that or we finally... open our boarders to competition for i find it hard to believe that there isn't SOMETHING... in other countries that is the same or very similiar.

Anyone here from another country? Anyone know of any other med outside of the US that is like Paregoric?

Never really thought about that since our borders are locked down for medications.



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Hi Betty i love paragoric my stomach doctor would never give it to me tho so i would have to get the script from the family doc i just got one today and found out paragoric is no more. It was the only thing that would stop my stomach aches and quick fifteen min. and it was gone i have ibs too. I sure am not going to write my congressman i think i will call is too easy to throw a note away. My new family doc had never heard of paragoric he had to google it wasnt even in his medicine computer. I too find it hard to believe they could do away with it because it is old sounds like all the new things will kill u or make u very sick. I had one doc give me lomotil and tell me it was the best after two hours it hadnt helped my stomach ache at all so what else is there.....i sure hope we can get paragoric back but i bet not..........see ya and good luck.....Alan

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Terster, Alan and all...

Thank you so much for your responses...you know, it gets to be a matter of PRINCIPLE after a while...does paregoric work for us? You bet it does...is it as strong as its counter part (straight morphone) No. Is it as popular? No. But it works, darn it, it works!!! WHY, WHY, are they making it so difficult??? I know, it has been said, there is not as much a demand for Paregoric as stronger medications...but....oh, you all know what I mean...you have a good idea...CALL, not write our congressman...and Oh, Terster, you are working so hard for us...wouldn't it be wonderful if "the little guy out here" actually "wins"? Is there a number (that you call) that you would share...I will call it as well as my Congressman/thank you all for your understanding of why this WONDERFUL drug works so well...and again, the principle of it all...Sincerely, Betty

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Hi. Paregoric is no longer made. The current administration's additional regulations forced the FDA to have these companies test their products, regardless of how long they have been on the market.

As you can tell from this forum, it's been nearly 2 years since since people started searching for it.

There are some alternatives posted here. Some work for some people and others for yet others. For some of us, nothing works the way Paregoric worked.

Some alternatives:

Lomotil - a prescription pill
Loperamide (now over the counter)
Liquid Opium
Liquid Morphine
Morphine Anyhdrous (spelling??) which is a Morphine based compound which most insurance companies will not cover.

Until this administration gets the boot and all the regulations are over turned, this medication will likely not be back.

By then though, it will likely be decades. Blah.

Good luck. If you find something that works, please let us know.

My script of choice, liquid morphine. It seems to work the best and insurance covers it.

Although last month, it was in short supply and backordered. Pharmacist said that yet NEW REGULATIONS have made that medication more difficult for the pharmacies to get, so going forward i need to allow a few weeks. In other words, don't plan on dropping off a script and having it filled the same or next day. Those days are likely now gone as well.

Gotta love government regulation.

Sorry for going political... but that is the reason we are all in this situation. Good Ole Uncle Sam... regulating our lives or should i say, the quality of life, for most of us.

Just wait til ObamaCare kicks in. We'll be in a real mess (pun intended) then.

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HI. I have good news to share.

Paregoric is coming back, per Walgreens who called the manufacturer only 2 days ago (8/19/12).

I recommend to everyone, CALL YOUR PHARMACY and ask them to call the manufacturer.

Your pharmacy will tell you it's no longer made. They are correct. But, if your pharmacy is worth their weight in salt, if you ask them to call the manufacturer to inquire if they are going to bring it back, they will.

Mine Walgreens pharmacy did and you see what was reported back to me.

Now, they said that the manufacture would not give a date, only that it will be coming back.

So again, please, call your pharmacy and ask them to call the manufacturer... maybe if the manufacturer sees a swell of demand, they will work more quickly to get it produced again.

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Oh, this is WONDERFUL NEWS! Thank you sooo much for all you've done for those of us NEEDING this so badly! I shall call my pharmacy this afternoon! I would like to believe it is YOU and those of us that called mfg...maybe someone, somewhere 'heard'? Again, thank you, thank you, thank you! So Sincerely, BettyW

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hi to all the paragoric people did i read that post right morphine and opium are the same i sure didnt know that. my gastro doc wouldnt give me paragoric said it was too hard on the stomach has anybody else heard that i explained to him that paragoric was the only thing that fixed the pain i get in my stomach or intestines. Has anyone had problem with spasms when haveing a colonscope done, my colon or something clamped down on the doctors scope and boy talk about hurt i kept asking him if he couldnt give me something to stop it from haveing spasms and hurting so bad this scoping from the bottom and the top is all he does so he should know what he is doing he has been doing it for forty years i dont know if i should look for another doc it was really painful by the time he got done. I wish when i was reading these posts and the prices for like the liquid morphine people say it costs so much but they dont say what size bottle they get i havent bought paragoric for a few years I always have such a hard time getting a script for it I take donnetal for my stomach i dont think many people take that med it has a barbituate in it and was picked up on a drug test at my pain clinic but thank god i had put it on the list wasnt my fault they didnt know what it was. My stomach gets spasms and the donnatal makes them alot better..i guess i will have to try some liquid morphine and see if that fixes my stomach problems........thanks Alan

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OK Alan, yes I DO have 'spasms in colon (of colon)? I just had them this a.m., and they are PAINFUL! I was watching morning news, RELAXING, and sneezed, really hard...that started the "spasms"...(to me, it feels like my colon is "twisting"...)

My husband took my rx for paragoric to my compound pharmacy yesterday as I was still unable to get it from local pharmacy...(they told me to check back)...

When he arrived, pharmacist told them price had increased on paragoric...she would definately "mix me a batch", but her computer showed their warehouse had several bottles in stock...

My husband returned home (we live about 40 miles from compound pharmacy) with one, and I called all the pharmacies in my little town of Oakhurst, Ca...found that Raley's (a local chain in Ca) distributor in Sacramento, Ca has it, took my rx to them (Raley's) and Paregoric will be in (my understanding it's once again available through original distributor?) this afternoon...this is so much easier for me, as compound pharmacy charges cash (no billing computer available), and Raley's and other large drug stores bill my insurance (so I don't have to take cash out of pocket and wait months for my insurance to reimburse me)...ok, now...Raley's pharmacist called MY insurance carrier, and they will pay a PORTION of paragoric...not sure what the details are yet, but pick up rx this afternoon, and will post later on as to cost, etc...has anyone else been able to get a bottle of "the original paregoric" from...(can't think of name of mfg right now...it's been mentioned)? Will be back on line later...

I'm so sorry your gastro talked to you that way, Walter...man, if only everyone would remember the term "walk a mile..."!!!

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Hi Betty,

Can you confirm you got a bottle of the real, true, paregoric today, per your post?

If it is actually in your pharmacy out in CA, then i'm sure it's only weeks away from being out here in the midwest.

Walgreens told me they would call weekly and let me know when it's in. The girl at Walgreens that i work with has been great in helping me out over the past few years.

I now wonder one thing... back around 2008, they stopped making Paregoric. They brought it back in 2009 and then stopped again in 2010 and have not brought it back since.

So i wonder... will this be permament or will they make one large batch and then that's it for a while.

I reccommend stocking for, if possible, once it becomes available.

Good luck.

I'll post again when i get my first bottle of the real mccoy.



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Hi Terster and all...

I'm so sorry I didn't keep my promise and reply yesterday...I haven't forgotton you, but thank you for the reminder!
Yes, I went to Raley's (in Ca) and picked up a bottle of PAREGORIC (from hi Tech Pharmacal yesterday...THE REAL THING...this from a store house in Sacramento, Ca...
I wondered the same thing...is this just a one time "deal", or is it really back?

I took a teaspoon this a.m, and it definately has a "more licquorice taste" than the bottle I rec from compound pharmacy...Now, I so feel like a "hoarder"...(spelling?)...thank God, I don't work, so use it only when I'm going to be away from my home...
Has anyone else rec rx from Hi-Tech?

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Hi Betty,

It's going on a month and you're due for a refill... does your pharmacy still have it?

My pharmacy hasn't gotten it yet. They say it's coming but wont give a date.

It would be nice to show them that it's out there... they just need to figure out a way to get it.

Please advise.

Has ANYONE ELSE GOTTEN ANY in the past month? If yes, please post and let us know.

Thanks all!

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Terster and all!

Hi! Yes, I've rec paregoric from two pharmacies in my little town of Oakhurst, Ca.: Von's and Raley's who both were able to obtain it from Hi Tech Pharmacael...

You're not able to fill your Rx where you live? Gosh...I THINK Hi Tech is out of New York, but...have not done my homework...

I read a post where "one of us, so appreciating this great RX when we need it" said, something like I hope it's not just a 'batch' they make up, and then we start all over with searching for a 'substitute' for a...a...what's the perfect word to describe this "licquid gold" (for those of us suffering from diarrhea 'bouts', or...as another posted, pain that requires (my definition of what she wrote) more than ibuprofin type treatment, and yet not as strong as others so easily obtained...
OK, so I'm on my third cup of coffee (Ca time) and...just saw your post...I'm really worked up about this...and yet, (objectively) understand "supply and demand"...not sure what my big heart (and brain, trying to match it) is trying to articulate here but...I guess I keep returning to my original thought of "stronger drugs (and demand for) re paregoric and...and...well, gosh, if it WORKS (for a true 'problem'), why, oh why, do we have..."such problems" getting it? I guess some have "moved on" and found "other solutions" for their symptoms, and I understand that, but...gosh, it's hard to give up something that WORKS for a "patient's problems" and thus enables us to "carry on with life" such as those who DON'T have our problems...without trying and getting our bodies useto something else that 1) doesn't work 2) too strong for our metabolisms ...
And, bottom line...thanks for listening to my rambling reply to your very well thought out question (:>),,,
Terster? Are you asking for all of us that have been posting on this (the availability of paregoric) or...are you still waiting for return of this? I'm thinking that, if you have a RX for it, and one of us have found pharmacy that has it, our pharmacy (one closest to you) could mail it to you??? Gosh, you were one of those "working so hard for all of us", and....you're still waiting? Pls answer, I will call my pharmacies (if you request) , ask them about shipping out of area, and let you know? Have a great day!

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Paregoric is available from Hi-Tech Pharmacal and has been in the supply chain since August 2012. Independent pharmacies and chain pharmacies should be able to order through their local wholesaler. Pharmacists can also speak with your doctor about the availability of Paregoric.

Thank you,
Hi-Tech Pharmacal

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