Purbac Problems (Top voted first)


When I diagnosed with food poisoning my doctor prescribed Purbac DS for me forgetting that Im allergic to Sulphur. I was on day 3 of taking the tablets when I realized that I was consuming Sulphur. My stomach is constantly heavy and bloated like I consumed cement. I sometimes take Chinese tea to relieve the constipation but it doesn't seem to be helping because one day I had bloody diarrhea. I need to kow how can I make this bloated ness and heavy feeling in my stomach go away?

2 Replies

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How are you doing now?

It's usually just a matter of time to let the effects wear off.

Learn more Purbac details here.

I had a bad reaction to this same antibiotic earlier this year and it took several weeks for all of the annoying effects to wear off.

However, if you've have blood stool, you should really have that checked out.

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Hi Iam taking Purbac 480 For acne will it make me gain weight and i am trying to get pregnent will it make any complication

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