Purbac Double Strength Information
UpdatedCan I use purbac double strength while I am taking contreceptives that are called Nordette? I have recently started both medications.
11 Replies
Hello, Tray! How are you?
According to the details provided by the NIH, this antibiotic may reduce the efficacy of your oral contraceptives, so it would be best to use a back up method of contraception, such as condoms, while you are taking the antibiotic.
The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, irritability, and PMS-like symptoms.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I was prescribed purbac double strength for acne a week ago with epiduo gel. Now my skin looks like it's peeling off & dry. Is it supposed to peel off? Also, what can I use to moisturize my face as it's so dry?
My mum is in her 70s and cannot swallow Purbac pills because they're too big. Can she crush it and swallow with water or yogurt or anything? She's taking it for bronchitis.
Does Purbac DS contain Terramycin? If not, what are the active ingredients?
Hi. I am on co-trimoxazole now and when I went to the doctor she gave me purbac. Can I take the two together? Also, what is the generic name for purbac?
Hi I would like to know the grams of double strength purbac because I have to to take 960gm
Im 29 years old woman. My urine lab is showing infection. I was treated twice but no improve today i be given purbac tablets. Will infection appear when i drink it?
Can Purbac Double Strength help to increase your weight? I've been using it for 4 months on my doctor's prescription and have picked up 10 kilogram in weight! I am using it for cellulites which I believe is caused by a bacterial infection. I have large red spots on my front legs above my feet.
My husband is allergic to Penicillin. Can he drink Purbac double strength for a flu?
Re: Annetjie (# 9)
I think I does increase your weight because I used the same medication and gained so much of weight
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