Puffy Eyes On Amitryptlyine (Top voted first)


I was prescribed 10mg amitryptilyine for migraine prevention. It seems to be helping with the migraines, however, I feel very tired all day and my eyes have bags under them and feel so tired all the time. It has been well over a month since I've started this and the side effects do not seem to be subsiding. Any suggestions?? I love the fact I'm not having the migraines but the side effects I can't handle much longer.

2 Replies

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Hello! How are you?

This medication is a tricyclic antidepressant and it can cause REM onset latency, which means you don't enter the REM phase of sleep as fast as normal and spend less time in it than normal, so your sleep isn't as restful. That's likely why you feel so tired and have the bags under your eyes.

I found that they improved about 6 weeks in, when I started taking one, so you may find they improve soon. If not, you should speak to your doctor about trying a different one.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Thank you for your reply, that makes sense. I am going to speak with my neurologist.

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