Psych Doctors In San Diego


I need help finding a doctor in San Diego ca or north county San Diego
That perscribe xanax, valume ect.
I know all do but some that are more freely open and are more ok with medication first. Try the other remedys later.

2 Replies

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Hello, Bill! How are you?

Unfortunately, there is no listing of doctors according to what they will or will not prescribe that I can refer to for you. Additionally, due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, most aren't going to be willing to just prescribe a possibly habit forming medication like this.

Have you taken one of these medications before? Do you have medical records showing that? If so, then that may help.

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I used to see Dr Jason Bennett in La Jolla he is on geneses and La Jolla village dr he will prescribe klonopin but he is really hard to get an apt with if you don't have insurance he charges $150 an hour but he will give you the medication you ask for

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