Pseudoephedrine Forums (Page 5)
Recently active Pseudoephedrine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Pseudoephedrine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.small round red tablet with L432 on it ## Based on the description provided, I found your pill to be Sudogest (30 mg). Pseudoephedrine is the generic name for Sudogest, and is commonly used as a decongestant. For more information about Pseudoephedrine, please refer to the link below... If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.
blue pill l420 ## This tablet contains 30mgs of Pseudoephedrine, 10mgs of Dextromethorphan 325mgs of Acetaminophen and 2mgs of Chlorpheniramine, this is an over the counter cold remedy. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness and dizziness. Do you have any other questions?
circular blue and white pill with the letter L126 on the white side. Please identify this pill ## Located a match to a white, cap shape pill with markings L126 on it. This pill contains 30 mg of Pseudoephedrine, 15 mg of Dextromethorphan, and 325 mg of Acetaminophen. These active ingredients are in many over the counter cold/flu medications. To learn more click on the link below... If you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back and I would be happy to help.
White capsule with L054 on one side ## Based on your description it should be an over the counter nasal decongestant containing Pseudoephedrine 120 mg. The only difference which I am seeing is that the L054 imprint is appearing on a white tablet, not a capsule. Not to be too technical, but I just wanted to mention that just in case you do have something in a capsule form. The imprint was an exact match though. Please post back if you have any other questions or information to add...
for cough ## I am looking for information about Guaifenex LA PSE. None of your references list both LA and PSE together with Guaifenex. Is there anywhere that it is still available in that form? ## No, you will not find anything like that, which includes both Phenyleprine and Pseudoephedrine. They both essentially serve the same purpose in a medication, so there is no need to have them both and the FDA will not allow it anyway.
is oblong white and has RX724 printed on it. sulfate or hydrochloride? ## RX724 is not found in a data search base clinical pharmacology that I use at work. I would NOT even want to bet that the pill is even pseudoephedrine period. ## This is NOT a prescription items, so it would not be in your pharmacology book!! However, it is Sudaephedrine sold by Walgreens as their store version, it is sold under the name Wal-Phed!
little white round pill with GG 22 on it. What is this pill and what is it prescribed for? ## This is NOT a prescription drug, this is an over the counter item, it contains Pseudoephedrine 60mgs, a generic or store brand of Sudafed. This is a decongestant.
white oblong pill with grey speckles ND SCF inprint on one side blank on other side ## This is an over the counter product, Contac Severe Cold&Flu Non-Drowsy Tablets, this the markings ND for non-drowsy and SCF for severe cold&flu. They contain Pseudoephedrine 30mgs, Acetaminophen 325mgs, and Dextromethorphan 15mgs, this is used as a cough supressant and decongestant combination.
its a oval and its white, its a pill, and it has L054 on one side ## This is Wal-pharm brand extended release 120mg psuedenephridine (sp.) It is an over the counter decongestant, but is slowly being taken out of medications because of its potential for abuse. Side effects include elevated blood pressure, headache, dizziness, rapid heart beat. ## Yes, definitely not a prescription med. The name is actually Wal-Phed, LOL! Here's an image: Pill and Packagine Image And the word she got lost on is Pseudoephedrine. This is a 12 hour tablet and yes, they are being pulled from the market, most area already gone, the few that are still available are usually kept in the pharmacy of most stores, so they can make sure you don't purchase more than state law allows.
Oblong gold pill with a V on one side and the numbers 62 and 11 (scored in-between) on the other side ## This is a sustained released tablet of guifenesin 600mg (expectorant) and pseudoephedrine 120mg (decongestant). Typically used for colds, other bronchial, cough issues. Side effects cause heart palpitations, headaches and blurry vision. ## Yes, you commonly see them sold as Mucinex D, or Duratuss, among many other names, depending on who makes them.
blue&yellow capsule with qd 112 ## Pill Image The word is Pharmaceutical. These capsules actually contain 100mgs Pseudophedrine and 12mgs Chlorpheneramine Maleate. It is a decongestant, and can also treat allergic reactions such as hives.