Prucalopride Makes Me Very Hungry All The Time (Page 2)
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Is anyone taking prucalopride resolor? Im just worried because since i started it four months ago, i feel very hungry all the time even 10-15 minutes after a meal. Is anyone using having the same experience? help

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Hey I'm similar situation to you, I have slow transit and my stomach gets so bloated with poo as a result. Did the prucalopride decrease your bloating?

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My son who is 14 is on prucalopride.First week 1 mg.second week 2mg.for four months.

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This is just like me I'm a week in and apart from feeling really sick, nothing at all. I'm scared it's not going to work at all and that I need to have a subtotal colectomy How long does it normally to get things shifting I have appetite what so ever

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Hi I take reslor and I also take dulcoease and dulcolax with no issues. Hope this helps.

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Do you know if its alright to take a laxative - like senna - lactulose if resolor deosnt work., Cause Im thinking of going on resolor but im reading that it deosnt always work so what if it deosnt - can you take a laxative too.

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My 1st dose worked very.. emphatically, shall we say, within 2hrs of taking. I would recommend taking very first thing in the morning if you can, definitely not at night!

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If you stop eating animal products (dairy, eggs, meat) you will not have odor

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Go to a good naturepath and get your gut microbiome checked out! All the medications you are taking dont fix the root cause. Find a doctor that will help you find the root cause rather than mask your symptoms with medication after medication.

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It took me 24 hours after 1st tablet to pass a bowel movement in which I hadn't passed in 14 days.!!

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Hi Carole. Gabrielle here . took this tablet at ten o clock. Had a large motion which came like a bullet 2 hrs ltr. It went on and on and on. Noons mentioned weight gain to me. No way can I afford weight gain. I'm worried about taking this now . it seems so strong. My son went into the bathroom after me and it looked like world war 2 had taken place. The mortification of it. I'm so upset.

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Hi Vicky,
I never had an official diagnosis. My GI just said my whole GI system was slow. My main symptom was to have very severe bloating abdominal pain ~1x week lasting for 5-7 hours. I had 1 week with some diarrhea, but for last month fairly normal BM & no pain.

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Are you still taking it? What was your diagnosis. I have slow colon transit

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My GI said to give it 60 days, and for me it started to work at ~45 days.

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Also, has anybody taken this with an extremely spastic colon? My Intestines don't work right. Extreme pain with every Bowel movement, things get trapped half way out, stool and gas and sometimes it goes into Spasms so severe that I wind up throwing up too. Throwing up is happening a lot more often lately. Bowels are an every day thing.

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Are GI Doctors in Canada prescribing Resotran for Males now too or is it only Females?

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As soon as I take a Resolor 2ml tablet, how long does it take for it to work?

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When you gained weight on the scale, did you notice your clothes tighter? Could it just be water weight?

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I'm 25, female whit chronic constipation. Resotran is very helpful.... But I also feel very hungry. I didn't realize until the second week. I eat really well (like VERY well) and I took 5 lbs, my pants doesn't fit well (I'm short 4'11''). I don't know what to do cause it's the only drugs that makes me go to the bathroom.

Did someone try to take an other drugs to reduce appetite ? Like Topamax ?

Pardon my english, I'm french canadian :)

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I have always had problems with CC but also with registering hunger. This is apparently linked as my system is sluggish my stomach doesn't empty properly and so I never get hungry until it is too late (crashing). Since I've been on this med I've suddenly started to get hungry ! This is actually great!.. And yes my stomach gurgles, but that is because my digestive system is working and I'm not used to it. It has been a huge relief, no more bloated stomach, no more painful abdomen and back. And yes, eating when I am supposed to. It has meant I have put on some weight and I am going to have to manage that. But now that I am eating better I will be able to exercise too without extreme fatigue. This medication has given me great hope for the future.

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Hi. I have been taking Prucalopride (resolor) for already 4 months. It increases the feeling of hunger. Well, I had no hunger before, since my Colon is so swollen that my stomach has been pushed up and reduced to almost no space. It has helped with the chronic constipation, but it has increased the migranes. I stopped taking it about 2 weeks ago. My constipation is back. More severe than before. additionally I have a very bad smell and taste in my mouth about 2 or 3 hours after eating something. It does not matter what it is what I eat. I am not sure if my intestines are now "addicted" to the medicine, but since I cannot eat a lot (no emptying of the intestines), I have lost 5 kilos in 2 weeks. I might start to take the medicine again, so I do not loose more weight, but I am not sure that the medicine is not worsening my nerves or muscle function by over stimulation.

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