Prozac Forums (Page 3)
Recently active Prozac forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Prozac and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Hi everyone, I developed anxiety attacks 2 weeks ago due to a relationship problem. I tried to solve too many problems at once associated with the split and couldn't sleep for a long time resulting in my current condition. I'm 37 and never experienced anything like this. It scared me so much that I started having delusions and slight hallucinations and it wouldn't stop. I had horrible thoughts because I believed that I had become insane. I found a great doctor who spent an hour with me and suggested I commence a government initiative called a mental health care plan involving 10 free psychologist visits per year. He prescribed me Prozac 20 mg and Seroquel. The 2nd night I felt so content, calm and happy which continued into the next day after a great sleep. (This included a ...
I am in a recovery clinic and I recently had a urine test come back positve for benzodiapines. I have taken none. I am going from DR to the lab and even the pharmacy trying to get answers as to why. But I have gotten no help. I am on methadone, prozac,vistatil, trazodone and I recently had a really bad touch of bronchitis and I took over the counter meds. Can someone help? Or tell me where to get my answers!! ## Go to the website below, it will prove by a pharmacist that yes you can test positive for benzo's from Vistaril. ## No, none of the medications you've listed have been known to cause false positives for Benzodiazepines. Learn more Benzodiazepine details here. Do you remember what over the c...
I have been switching from lexapro to prozac.. started with 5mg. Lexapro n 10 mg.. I have panic attacks and anxiety all day.. for someone that hates taking xanax because I'm afraid to be addicted.. it has made me even more panicy just taking the xanax to bring it down.. this has been going on for a good week now.. I can't be alone.. always wanna go to the er for some help. I was prescribed. 25 mg 2x a day of xanax.. it absolutely does nothing it's only 1130am and I've already taken 1mg n .50mg to get thru it.. please help I feel like I'm going nuts.. does this ever end.. is it just a phase to get thru until the prozac actually starts working.. scared this will never end.. my mind races of all the horrible things going on.. ## Get a book called "Self Help for Your...
I want to know if 10mg of Urbanol + 150mg of Epitc + 500mg of Dopaquel + 100mg Prozac can cause weight gain? ## Yes I will cause weight gain because it makes u eat alot at night when u take your medication ill rather be fat and happy then skinny en depro lol ## The Epitec and Dopaquel can both cause increased appetite and weight gain, as side effects, along with nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, and headache. How much have you gained?
Hi everyone, I am taking Prozac generics and wondering about preferences in manufacturers. I believe the 20mg of Activist is not performing very well. My pdoctor has increased to 30mg by taking 3 10mg and would like to get a reputable manufacturer. Also would like to know about experience from people who were given Latuda to use with it. He gave me a sample pack but have been afraid to take it. ## I currently take the capsule manufactured by Aurobindo Pharmaceuticals for perimenopause symptoms, which include anxiety, and it works very well for me. I take 20mgs in the morning and 10mgs at night. I can't say how well it will work for you, though, since we are all different. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry...
Hi, My name is Cynthia. And 3 weeks ago my doctor started me on Fluoxetine (prozac) and then 4 days I started taking methadone for my headaches and recently between the two I started itching badly, so I was wondering if It was the prozac or methadone? I looked up the side effects for prozac and one of them are itching, but so is One of the effects to the methadone! And it is my whole body not just one spot! Help me! Please/thank you so much ## Kittykat96, Although Prozac can cause localized itching methadone is notorious for causing full body itching that can become relentless. Methadone is a synthetic narcotic opiod and like traditional opiates it shares that propensity to cause itching. Contact your prescriber he may be able to adjust or eliminate one or the other . Hope that helps an...
Any info on side effects for a younger person (age 12) who was just prescribed Prozac for depression, after a depression diagnosis and attempted suicide? ## Hello, Diana! How are you? While the side effects would be the same at that age, as they would be for an adult taking it, they may be slightly more intense. The FDA lists them as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, trouble sleeping, vivid dreaming, weight loss and dry mouth. I am on it for perimenopause symptoms and I've found that generally, the side effects intensify for a few days around week 3, then suddenly improve and go away, after that. How is the child doing on it? ## Has been a week today and so far no symptoms other than lesser appetite after taking meds in the am. Seems to help with anxiety yet still seei...
I know this might sound strange but did anyone experience that their cough was reduced after taking prozac? I have had a cough since march (dr. said acid reflux and quitting smoking) but since on the prozac it has not been as frequent. Is this a possible side effect? ## No, that is not typical, the FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth. It is probably more likely just things slowly improving, overall, that typically occurs as time passes, the quit smoking cough usually improves very gradually. Are you on any other medications?
HI everyone! this is my first post on the forum, but I have been taking Prozac for anxiety about a month and a half now, but before this I was on Zoloft. The zoloft made me feel very depressed (I hadn't even known what depression felt like before the zoloft) and just down about life, so I decided to talk to my doctor and switch medications. The zoloft also cause diarrhea, but these side effects ceased to exist once I was off the zoloft and on prozac. Now while on prozac, I'm not sure if it has helped my anxiety that much, but I just feel at an easier state of mind. Some of the side effects I experience include occasional diarrhea (not was often as while on zoloft), a decrease in appetite, and sometimes I'm just very jittery and wired. I also noticed while taking both zoloft ...
Would like to connect & relate with people, who suffer from anxiety. I have just started sertaline. Been on prozac for years. And not long on pregabalin for chronic back pain (which I have learned is also for anxiety). I noticed that pregabalin was helping my GAD. I realized my anxiety hadn't been addressed. Not one to pursue I was left on prozac. My doctors put me on sertaline, she has started me on 50mg & told me I might feel I bit more anxious ! Last week I was sobbing at times, crying over silly things, I havnt had sleepless nights like some people say. feeling a bit more chilled 2day, but haven't felt like eating ?
UpdatedMy doctor switched me from Prozac 40 mg to Wellbutrin 150 mg. She had me take both, full strength, for a week together then stop taking the Prozac. Three days later small symptoms of anxiety started to show such as voice tics and nervousness. By day five I was experiencing something akin to electric shocks going through my body and I was in tears begging for help. My doctor said to stop the welbuutrin and start the prozac again. I did with no changes for three days. I called my psych doctor who was out on vacation and her nurse said to call my primary care. I did and my primary care doctor said to start taking the welbutrin again along with the prozac and call psych office and tell then I need to be seen. Psych office says I have to wait until doctor is back from vacation. After two day...
can U use pramadol with Prozac & Zanax ? ## Is it possible to use the drug pramadol with Prozac & Zanax for back and leg pain when needed ## Hello, John! How are you? Did you mean Tramadol? The main concern would be between it and the Prozac, since they can both raise Serotonin levels in the brain, which can lead to a dangerous condition called Serotonin Syndrome, if it becomes too elevated. Thus, you should only take them together, if your doctor has prescribed them both and is monitoring you regularly for any possible problems. The FDA classifies Tramadol as an opioid, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation.
I was recently diagnosed with Seratonin Syndrome after 3 months of going from doctor to doctor trying to find out what was wrong with me -- nobody knew how to diagnose it -- heart palpitations, severe joint pain (was tested for lupus and RA) dialated pupils, very agitated and irritable, nose bleeds, increased blood pressure and pulse rate. I had been on Prozac (10 mg) for over 20 yrs. after an auto accident & subsequent surgery, Neurontin (1500-1800 mg) was added, along with Tramadol (50mg) 3-4 times a day. Cymbalta (30 mg) was added to the cocktail in December & I have been fighting symptoms that no one could diagnose. Seratonin Syndrome can be life-threatening, but I was prescribed all of these medications which did nothing but react with each other. Please be careful & do...
Hi im 33 yrs. Yr old ive suffered with deppressed for 10 yrs now. I was taking prozac abd stopped 4 yrs ago. I have recently lost my mom sudden and unexpectly and i cant seem to find a way to get out of my depression and yes it does run in my family. I lost weight. And now ive gained 25 lbs in a month. ??? And my foot paini have 2 planters warts on the bottom of my foot on the front pads on both feet. Ive had had thrm surgicly removed and they return. Wat would you suggest i do? That you for your time ## For the warts, you'll likely need to have them removed, again. They do tend to do that, so sometimes they must be removed several times, as detailed by the NIH. As to the depression, having lost both parents at varying times of my life, I understand how hard that is and I would sugg...
Hi, I was prescribed fluoxetine to help with Menopausal problems about six months ago. I'm only on a very low dose and they've really helped with my mood. In fact so much so that the happier I am in myself the more I fear death. I suffered with post natal depression with both of my boys and occasionally had an intense fear of dying. I wouldn't say I spend loads of time thinking about it but more than normal I imagine. Does anyone else feel like this? I'm very content with my life and family and logically I know that I shouldn't give it time, life's too short to worry about something you can do nothing about but I can't seem to help it. I'm wondering if I should try and "face it" and think about it more or try and ignore it and carry on being happy...
I take Prozac and I ran out of meds my pharmacy put this med in my bottle by mistake and I have done took 12 pills am I ok with this mix up not my fault theirs I have bad headache for awhile not I ask place tht messed my meds up she apologized and said tht it was to treat acid probs is this so thanks ## Hello, Annette! How are you? The manufacturer, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, lists this capsule as containing 20mgs of Omeprazole, it is used to help reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. I take one with my Prozac, with no issues, but it's always best to double check with your doctor to be sure. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness and stomach pain. Is there anything else I can help with?
My daughter has a prescription for Prozac 10 mg and I brought it to Walgreens and was told that Medicade wont pay for it. Can someone please tell me why ? ## Prozac IS covered by Medicaid.they paid for mine until I switched to Effexor.i just called my pharmacy in Hammond la. and I asked them if Prozac is still covered.because I have Medicaid.and they said yes
Hi, I have very high anxiety.. I've tried everything!! I didn't want to be on any narcotics because I'm a opiate addict for 10 years and been clean for 2 years!! (Never looking back either, it was really hard to get off and I still think about it every day to this day). So I told my doctor this and that I did not want to be on anything that was addictive or a narcotic. So they prescribed me Prozac among a lot of other things. I had depression which I do not usually have. I have very very high anxiety and the only thing that seems to work is Xanax. Yes it is addictive and yes it's a narcotic. They won't prescribe it to me because I told them about my past addiction but that is the only thing that works. Has anyone else had experience taking Prozac and can say if it wo...
Have 20mg caps of prozac for anyone who needs. Lowered my dose and have many left. ## Nickynub- if you still have them available I would pay for shipping. If not, I am looking for 20mg capsules of Prozac for anyone who may have them. Thanks so much. ## You might also be interested in the patient assistance program being offered by Eli Lilly the manufacturer of Prozac. "Lilly Cares is a patient assistance program administered by Lilly Cares Foundation, Inc., a private operating foundation. Lilly Cares Foundation was created by and receives its financial and product support from Eli Lilly and Company. Lilly Cares Foundation and its patient assistance program is an outgrowth of Eli Lilly and Company´s ongoing efforts to provide ill and needy individuals and infants, who are US res...
My daughter takes 30 mg of Prozac in the morning. I did a home drug test on her 12 hrs later as I suspected drug use by her behavior. The Lab results came back positive for Amphetamines 7799 ng/mg. Can Prozac show up as Amphetamines? What do the numbers mean?