Prozac Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Prozac forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Prozac and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.what are its side effects and what happens if you take 5mg of it with 20mg of prozac ## Klonopin is a benzodiazepine that is used most commonly used to treat anxiety, and nervous disorders. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and taking it with Prozac(Fluoxetine) may intensify some side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, and sedation. Have they both been prescribed for you?
I have been on Fluoxetine for 9 years and took 20mg but then I started taking every other day thinking I was gonna come off it, but started feeling bad again so I’m on my 4th week of taking it every day again. The side effects are really bad again, thought my body will be used to it. Can anyone help ## What side effects are you experiencing? Can you please post back and clarify? Thank you! The NIH lists the typical ones as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, and weight loss, along with others. If you were taking it every other day, then started taking it every day, again, that is essentially a dosage change, so it is normal for you to experience side effects, again, for about 4 to 6 weeks.
Between nuzak and venlor, which is better? I have been suffering from panic attacks from a young age, and 6 years ago my sister died (suffocated) in front of me, also 2 children later and I feel extremely unwell from anxiety and ptsd. Which would be better? I google too much and it makes me scared. ## There is really no way to say, since we are all different. What works well for you might not work for me, and so on. The NIH does warn that they cause similar side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, mood changes, and weight changes. Are you on any other medications? I am so very sorry about your sister, that would be horrible, and a memory you can't let go of. ## Just for reference in case anyone else has an opinion Nuzak is the same active ingredient as Prozac (F...
drug being given my husband to control anger in dementia ## i have discovered a friend of mine is prescribed deficote as well as prozac should i be worried? ## Are you referring to Depakote? The name is very frequently misunderstood. It is most commonly used to prevent seizures and to treat bipolar disorder. The FDA warns that its side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes, and mood changes. Isabel, as to them combining the medications, it should be okay, if his doctor has prescribed them both and decided they are safe for him. Have they experienced any odd side effects, or reactions?
I am on the search for an antidepressant that will not cause weight gain or fluid retention. Can someone give me some personal experiences with medications they were on? Thank you so much. ## I've had very good luck with Prozac/Fluoxetine, which I take for perimenopause symptoms. I am a congestive heart failure patient, which high blood pressure, so I can't take anything that could cause weight gain, or fluid retention. The FDA lists this medication as causing side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and weight loss. Does anyone else have any suggestions?
antidepressant containing opium or opiates. Opiates used for depression. ## That is not a common use for opiates, in modern times, due to their addictive nature and the risk of abuse, which the FDA warns about. They may also cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. What other medications have you tried? Have you tried any SSRIs, or SSNRIs? Some examples would be Prozac, Wellbutrin, Zoloft, or Cymbalta?
I take prozac, trazodone, topamax, ambien, protonix and melatonin. I tested positive for PCP. ANY IDEA WHAT MEDICATION IT COULD BE? PLEASE HELP. ## It’s the Ambien it comes up as a benzodiazepines my suboxone doctor told me that’s...Thank u ## PCP will NOT show as a Benzo on any drug test although Ambien is itself a Benzo but still no relation to PCP. Completely different compounds. However, Antidepressants, especially Prozac,Wellbutrin and Trazodone are highly documented in causing false positives for amphetamines.
We live in a nation where drugs are created for every conceivable human feeling. Do you ever wonder if these feelings are normal and not meant to be drugged away? What if your depression and anxiety were you body's natural way of telling you something is going on with you, that you need to pay attention to something inside of you? Seriously, how else would our mind and body alert us if something is wrong, if not through our depression and anxiety? Are we then actually harming ourselves by medicating away our body's natural reaction to stress? I like to hear your thoughts on why we should or shouldn't stop taking drugs. ## You are so correct with this statement. Our bodies are telling us it isnt working right, but most doctors are too quick with the ink pen to try to find the...
Hey, I'm going through clinical depression... Depression struck me four years ago. I realized something wasn't right and I forced my parents to take me to a doc. My diagnosis was a herculean task. It took almost 6 months of medicine trial and counseling and then came to a conclusion that I had OCD and depression. Thereafter, the doc prescribed me many different types of medicines and one medicine made me feel slightly better but increased my weight by about 25 kilos... So he tried one more medicine and I'm in the worst phase again... I'm a singer and I make people laugh and entertain them, but nobody can even guess what I'm going through.
UpdatedI have always been an anxious person (worrying too much, scared, etc) but last year some events made my anxiety worse. I was prescribed Prozac for it and at the beginning it was good: no anxiety anymore. After 7 months I decided I didn't want to take it anymore so I tapered to 0. I felt ok for about 3 months after stopping and then the anxiety came back with a revenge; this time I had several new symptoms like: chest pain, insomnia, OCD thoughts, panic attacks, depressive feelings. My doctor told me to get on Prozac again and so I did. The anxiety has gone a bit but now I have a lot of side effects that I had not experience in my first round of Prozac. Emotional numbness, zero libido, nausea, etc. I just want to come back the state of mind that I had before meds, in the long term Pr...
My Dr. just put me on Prozac 40mg. Never had it before. But I'm one who suffers from severe depression, mood swings, ect. When I'm depressed I don't eat, maybe for days. Will Prozac help turn it around? ## Unfortunately, no! Prozac actually may cause more weight loss, if you're under weight. It's prone to doing that, rather than causing weight gain. It may also cause dizziness, drowsiness and dry mouth. If you really want something that may help with appetite, you may do better with a different SSRI, such as Zoloft. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Don't drink with it. I did and my hubby said that I have a split personality when I do. But when I don't drink...It's the best meds I've ever taken. It really works. Just please don't drink wh...
i took a urine test and tested positive for benzos while taking proaz benzicaine and zanaflex the benzicaine is oral gel ## I was wondering if anyone else tested positive for benzos while taking 40mg prozac and 4 mg of zanaflex both taken together at nite.Also was using benziciane alot for mouth pain and tylenol pm to sleep? ## No, none of the medications you listed have been known to cause false positives for Benzodiazepines. Learn more Benzodiazepine details here. Did they name a specific one that showed up? Did you take anything else, even over the counter products? ## valium like ## I'm taking 4mgs of Zanaflex and had a drug screen done on me it came back as a false positive for benzo... Has anyone ever had this to happen?
Im on both methadone and prozac,the problem i am having are awful jerks or spasms when i take them as prescribed.I have tried several other antidepressants on methadone but still have spasms or violent jerks.When i tell the doctors they dont have an answer,Help! ## Come on Verwon,i need some info on the problem of spazms or jerks while on methdone and antidepressants. Help ## Unfortunately, while it is a common problem reported by many people, I really don't have any answers as to why this happens. It's been reported with many antidepressants and Methadone. It may be due to the fact that some of the antidepressants raise the levels of Methadone in the body. What dosage do you take? You might want to try asking your doctor about making a slight adjustment, so you take a little le...
WHAT DOES A GENERIC prozac 20mg and a 10 mg look like. I want to find the green capusles ## As a generic, there are far too many on the market for me to be able to list all the possible markings and descriptions for you. There are even quite a lot if I just narrow it down to green, or ones that can be taken for being green. Do you have any other information on it, such as the manufacturer name? ## It says E92 it is different than any I've gotten before
i took a urine test and tested positive for benzos while taking proaz benzicaine and zanaflex the benicaine is oral gel ## No, none of the medications you listed have been known to cause false positives for Benzodiazepines. Learn more Benzodiazepine details here. Had you taken anything else? Even over the counter products? ## a clinician at the drug counseling center advised me that flexaril will show a false positive for benzo's, that being your xanaflex. ## Not true I'm on prozac an Methadone an I've tested positive for benzoes
I don’t find a lot of positive stories about antidepressants, or I find stories where people are taking the antidepressant the wrong way... I wanted to share my experience. A positive one. I’ve had generalized anxiety disorder, SEVERE OCD, and panic disorder for as long as I can remember. My first memory of having an episode was when I was 4 years old at my kindergarten interview. I feel as though I was born with the illnesses mentioned above, right from the womb. When I was a child I was extremely anxious, had bad separation anxiety from my parents and had extreme OCD, I was just a kid and thought that the way I was feeling is how all kids felt, I didn’t realize that I was different. This went on, and got even worse in middle school. I began developing trichtilomania ...
UpdatedBack in November of 2016 I made the decision to seek help in dealing with some depression and anger issues that I had been suffering with for a very long time. I called my health care provider (KP) and they had me talk to a general practice doctor, saying that I needed a referral in order to see anyone in their behavioral health department. I wasn't sure what a regular doctor was going to do for me, but I did as I was told. The day that I saw this person would end up being the beginning of some of the worst days of my adult life. This doctor listened to me for all of about 10 minutes and then prescribed Prozac for me. I had heard of it before, and was willing to try anything, so with little information on what I was getting myself into, I proceeded to follow Doctor's orders and ...
Hi there, i started fluoxetine 3days ago but am already feeling side effects and want to stop. Will the withdrawals still occur even after only taking them for 3days? I was prescribed 20mg for post natal depression and anxiety. I dont think i want to be on then as want to try and perservere with brwast feeding which ive been told i have to stop as soon as im on them. I dont know what to do. ## In 2002 I didn't think i'd be able to breastfed because I took SSRI. However, a major Chicago pediatric practice said it was fine to nurse and take Zoloft, so I did, to give baby a good start. Supplemented with 2 bottles Enfamil a day, just in case. Also reduced Zoloft to 100mg instead of 150mg. on my own initiative, enough to get by, I thought. Had post partum depression, and later terrib...
Okay I had ADHD as a child and was prescribed Dextroamphetamine 5mg I would take 3 pills in the morning and 2 in the Afternoon. Followed by Catapress to sleep in the evening. Leading up into early adult hood I was still using and become addicted to Dextroamphetamine. Years of Abuse of this Drug resulted in Depression and Drug induced psychosis. I believe the use of this drug damage receptors in the brain. I do not take amphetamine anymore but I have been prescribed prozac I have been taking 20mg daily now for 4 months and my depression is near non existent. I can only take prozac in the morning as it gives me a very large energy boost, if I was too take it at night I would not sleep. If I become burnt out or unable to relax I am given a short term dose of Tamaze to use when needed only on
UpdatedI started Prozac about 4 weeks ago. I had started having really bad panic attacks and bad anxiety so I went to the doctors and he put me on this. Since I've been taking this medicine it has helped with the attacks but it's made me feel so weird and like I'm not alive. My body knows what it's doing but my mind isn't all there. I forget tasks very easily and start to forget stuff sometimes. My mind is constantly in a battle with itself. I just always ask myself, is this ever going to end? Is this going to get better? I don't know what else to do. Can someone please tell me if this is going to stop? Sometimes I just go to sleep early at night hoping things will be better in the morning but nothing ever changes. I don't have thoughts of suicide at all but I just ...