Prozac Forums
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I took Prozac a year ago as I had been misdiagnosed as major depression, when in actuality I have Bipolar 1 disorder. At the time I had checked into a psychiatric clinic because I was having a Manic episode I hadn't slept in 4 weeks, maybe one hour a night if that, racing thoughts, Obsessive thoughts, talking quite fast, I was also feeling suicidal. So he put me on 20mg of Prozac, I took the SSRI for about 6 days. I started to have horrible thoughts of murdering my mother, and my dog, the neighbors, and killing myself, and there was a sense of urgency in it without any logic. I have learned that it is called Homicidal akethsia, I did not act upon these psychotic urges because I knew they were not right, I am a deeply sensitive person and it has affected me greatly. I would like to t...
I was on Prozac (fluoxetine) for about 8-9 years starting when I was about 14 years old. I'm 23 now and for about the last two-three years I started getting weird side effects and feelings that I never had before. I would feel spaced out, disoriented, out of body, dizzy, angry, light/visual disturbances and really wishhy washy, like bi polar feelings and suicidal feelings. I had never had these ever before. I was on the Prozac for severe anxiety and panic attacks. I never had depression or bi polar feeling ever in my life. And I always would get dizzy spells and just feel SOOO spaced out and out of body literally so freaking weird. So when these symptoms started happening I went to numerous docs and they all found nothing wrong physically. Blood tests, check up all normal. So I deci...
I just started taking prozac and have been on it a week now, though I haven't seen or felt any difference yet. Does this medication make you gain weight? ## Hey, well actually prozac usually has no side effects and I've been on it for almost a month. When my doctor asked me what my eating habits are like I said "good" and I asked why, and he said just to make sure, but prozac usually wont make you hungry or not hungry so it might be something else. ## He is talking crap, I just started to take Prozac and it made me eat more too. I also had recovered and was off Diabetes meds and now I'm back on them cause of the Prozac too. So it made my reading high and the doctor told me it didn't. Prozac causes my blood pressure to go up too. ## Is anyone on this thread still ...
I am having terrible panic attacks that last for hrs. at a time. I wake up in the morning with attacks that go on all through the day and night. I'm not depressed anymore like I used to be. Not crying any more unless the attacks do wear me down and I'll cry cause they won't stop. I am taking Prozac 40 mg. I feel it is helping me but, the panic is still there. I'm beside myself, and I try to watch TV but, sometimes it gets the best of me. I have to take my ipod and go out walking all around the complex where I live and I walk & try to do my breathing exercises. It goes on so long I get really tired of trying to do the breathing exercises. I'm 63 years old, and I've been home now 5years on disability. I've been sick with panic disorder all that time. It wen...
I just started Prozac 3 weeks ago. I started on 10mg for 10 days and then moved up to 20mg. I have had so many down days (like worse than I felt before I started taking it). I am taking mainly for OCD and anxiety. I feel like it’s never going to make me actually feel better, but I keep reading that I need to push through. Wish, I’m supposed to go up to 40mg when I feel like I’m ready. Not sure if I should just start it and get it over with, or wait to see if the 20 starts to work better….any advice? ## Usually, it takes about 4 to 5 weeks, at one steady dose, for a medication to reach its full level of efficacy in the body, so it may take awhile, as you gradually step up to the target dose. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizz...
Im from out of state and am trying to find a psychiatrist in knoxville that can write my prescriptions. I can have my info and medical records sent or faxed. I take Prozac, Valium and Tegretol. Someone please help ## Hello, Shayne! How are you? It might be easier to set yourself up with a new PCP there and then have them refer you to someone. Plus, the PCP could at least make sure you don't run out of the Prozac and Tegretol. The Valium, however, will have to be prescribed by a specialist. The FDA classifies the Valium as being a benzodiazepine that is most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. It carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Prozac is an SSRI antidepressant and its typical...
My son is 12 and I was wondering if Prozac is recommended for kids of his age. ## yes it is better that ritlyn.and much safer, not as many side effects. and doesnt effect the liver ## Dear Donna, I have been on Fluoxetine (Geteric Prozac) for a little over a year. I am a 25 year old female and it has worked great for me. My oldest son shows signs of possible ADHD and I know that anxiety and depression run in genes. We have waited to see how our son acts when he starts school this fall to see weather he may have to be treated. I agree with Jonnie in that it it better then ritalin. ## Yes, it is sometimes prescribed for children. Ref: Prozac Dosing Information However, it should only be given, if a doctor has prescribed it for them. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly inclu...
i've been weened off cymbalta & given prozac in it's place . i was taking 20mg. while i was still weening off cymbalta .i'm in the 3rd week now & the dr said that it takes 4 weeks to really get full effect . that will be on mon.of next week. about 5 days ago he uped my dose to 40 mg. as i am really suffering bad withdrawal from cymbalta about 3 weeks now & side affects from prozac . i'm getting panic attacks as i also suffer from panic disorder. the last 5 yrs. since i lost my mother .i even had to go on disabilty as i wasn't able to function at all any more . i manged to work for 25 yrs. at the same distribution center . but, i have always suffered with depression & had a complete nervous break down in 1985 .was in the hostipal for months & given...
I have been on Prozac for the last 25 + years and now I have glaucoma. Is it possible that the Prozac caused it? ## Glaucoma has been known to be a rare side effect of Prozac, but there's no way to be certain if it actually caused yours. The FDA lists other side effects as possibly including anorexia, memory impairment, dry mouth, and headache. Does your doctor think there may be a connection?
I was on Prozac to treat depression for about 10 months. The first weeks I felt euphoric. It seemed like all the problems magically disappeared and life was amazing again. I met somebody and we started dating. Then a few month later, I found myself getting angry with everything and everyone for little things, things that normally would make me shrug. Then the aggression (not physical by any means) started affecting my relationship. But still, I could not figure out what it was. I thought - back then - then there was nothing wrong with me and I had the reasons to act to certain situations the was I did. My relationship ended. I was not happy but I was not super upset either, although I knew that he was mr right. I went on a long vacation and the very first day I flushed all the remaining...
I'm not sure if doctor's read this website but until they realize that these drug manufacturers can't be trusted, they will not be able to help their patients. My mom who has Alzheimer's is able to react to changes in different brands of the same meds she's been on. Her caregivers notice and let us know. It's a real shame that the FDA allows such a drastic range in what they are able to put into these generic drugs. Shame, shame on them. We need to protect ourselves against the generic drugs sitting right in our local drug stores. You don't need to be on street drugs to be harmed by bad drugs, they are right at your local pharmacies. Don't let your pharmacist lie to you, they're in it for the money. ## Did anyone experience Seizures on Prozac? My daug...
I have a psychotic disorder, personality disorder, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder. I also have an anti-social disorder and polysubstance abuse disorder. What medication can they give me to help with all of this? Can Prozac help? ## Prozac contains the active ingredient Fluoxetine, it is an SSRI antidepressant that is also used to treat anxiety, and some other mental health disorders. That said, there is no way to know how much it will help you, other than trying it. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, weight changes, dry mouth, headache, and mood changes. Usually, when someone suffers from multiple issues, more than one medication is required. What options has your doctor suggested?
Hi all! Just wondering if anyone has been prescribed both an SSRI (Prozac) plus pain management such as MS Contin with breakthrough percocet? My husband needs something for depression but I didn't know if it would be safe to take (they tried him on zoloft and it caused him to have horrible back pain). Thanks for any experiences!! ## There is a possible interaction, you can read about it on the University of Chicago Medicine site. They warn about the risk of Serotonin syndrome. It isn't that they cannot be taken together, but a doctor should be closely monitoring the person if they care combined. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thank you!! I've read the studies and of course a doctor is prescribing but they don't know everything (I've been a registered nurs...
My psychiatrist put me 20mg of prozac first whilst in hospital then went to nuzak 20mg and 40mg urbanol. 10 breakfast n lunch n 20 dinnertime. I became like a zombie. I wss just slightky stressed with issues. And no family support as I livr away.i suddenly stop since ths was making hv no emotion no feeling. Fely good at first not worrying. But God doesn't create us to have no feelings. He wants us to go thru good n bad n feel everything. N just pray n go to the Lord Jesus Christ. He didnt open the red sea for nothing. If he can save hes people in doin that then surely our problems can be sorted. Be obedient n loyal to God and ask for his help hes waiting for you. Trust me I did. Im of the meds now about 14 days. I had terrible withdrawal. Slurred speech, forgetful, slow talk...
I have been on prozac for the last two and a half years and it has ruined my life. Since taking prozac I have lost my job, my home, my friends and family and almost my children. I also dropped out of uni. ## you need to be more specific... i was on zoloft for twelve years and one day it just flipped on me and I had severe depression to where I couldn't even get out of bed i just wanted to throw the sheets over my head and not move... since then I changed to prosac and it has been a miracle drug for me... i work, i have a three year old i am very productive in society... so everybody's different maybe you should try a more recently made anti-depressant... perhaps prozac is not for you. Also check into ambilify... I cant take it i had a severe reaction to it... but some people say...
I was on 10mg and just went up to 20mg 5 days ago. My jaw hurts, sinuses are blocked and my mouth feels sore like I ate too much salt. I also feel foggy and off. Is this normal? How long will this last? ## I just got on prozac 20mg. 4th day today i have all the same symptoms as you besides the jaw. its all normal yoga girl. The weird things is that its hard to get mad. That's a plus i guess. I hear that the foggy feeling get weaker as time. no worrys ## Yes, I can assure you both that such side effects only last for a few weeks, it was about 3 weeks for me, whenever I adjusted my dosage. They do improve and eventually go away completely. If they don't, then it might not be the right medication for you. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and wei...
What do you think is the best over the counter medicine or vitamins that don't distroy your liver? Do you think seeing a Doctor & getting medicine? I was hoping to avoid medicine at all. I'm really not having a hard time. I would like to get a good night's sleep. It seems to get bad at night time. Thank you ## I am in perimenopause, and I take a low dose of Prozac/Fluoxetine to help with the symptoms. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, headache, dry mouth, mood changes, and weight loss. I tried some over the counter products, such as multivitamins, black cohosh, resveratrol, and natural progesterone supplements derived from yams, but I never had any luck with them. So there are other options available that are safer for your liver, and d...
Are there any prozac users with a good response? Please let me know. I have tried so many meds for my severe anxiety depression fears paranoia anhedonia and medical related PTSD. Looking for success stories, please. I started at 20mg for 2 1/2 weeks, now on 40 for four days and no relief. Please help. ## Hello, Theresa! How are you? With Prozac, it actually takes about a month, before it starts having much of an effect and it can be as long as 3 months, before it reaches its full efficacy level in your body. What else are you taking? Have you considered taking more than one medication, at a time? From some of your posts, I've gotten the impression that you're treatment resistant and, in such cases, multiple medications are often needed. ## I've taken numerous meds for depres...
Alright so hello guys, I’m having a very scary problem. I’ve been taking fluoxetine (Prozac) for about 5 weeks. Things have been great the past few weeks, I was feeling really good! Before the medication I was having tons of suicidal thoughts but now for the past few days those thoughts have come back and even more scary, I feel motivated to actually act on them. Only thing keeping me going is I do still have hope and I know it will hurt my family. So have any of you had this problem? Should I keep taking the medication? Will I feel better again? I felt like this medication was working really well but now I feel lost again. I’m hoping this is just a bump and things will start progressing again. ## In most cases, it is best to consult your doctor, and try a different me...
I take 20mg of Prozac but do not know if i should stop it before getting pregnant? Is there anyone who got pregnant while on Prozac and the baby was fine with no issue, birth defects, complications? Has anyone stopped taking Prozac before getting pregnant and how did you do with your depression? ## Animal studies have revealed no evidence of fetal harm, but it is always best to consult your physician to be sure it is safe for you to take. The NIH does lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and mood changes. Are you on any other medications?