Prostate Biopsy
UpdatedFour (4) days ago I had my 2nd protate biopsy. The 1st one was four (4) years ago. This one has been more problematic. While still on the table after the 14 samples were taken, I became nauseated, dizzy and broke out in s cold sweat. Low sugar was blamed. Was given a tootsie pop to eat and within ten (10) minutes, I was feeling much better. Yesterday (3 days post-biopsy) I mowed my grass, on the lawn tractor for two hours. I came in to shower. When I urinated, there was much higher concentration of bright red blood in it. I'm think the bouncing on the lawn tractor aggravated the recently-invaded prostate tissue. Anyone have any thoughts? Am waiting, now, for biopsy results. If positive, this will end my every 3-months TESTOPEL implantation.
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