Prosed/DS Forums
Recently active Prosed/DS forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Prosed/DS and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.My doctor gave me Prosad DS tablet. The pharmacy changed it for Re Methylphen Tablet RIV. I do not find details for either drugs. Could you help? ## I was able to retrieve some information on Prosed/DS, which you can take a look at by following the link below... Once you link to the drug page, be sure to take a look at the active ingredients associated with Prosed/DS, which are listed right underneath the drug title. Also underneath the drug title is a link called Review the Drug Article, if you would like to further research Prosed/DS. As far as locating the newer name Re Methylphen that the pharmacy changed it to, I was only able to retrieve information on a similar more established name, Methylphenidate. To further address the contents of this drug, please follow the link below... If...
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