Propylthiouracil, PTU Forums
Recently active Propylthiouracil, PTU forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Propylthiouracil, PTU and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.How long should I use PTU for hyperthyroidism? I have been taking this medication for (1) year with my tsh checked by my dr. every (3) months. I went off of PTU about 6 months ago and ended up in the hospital for atrial fibrillation. I do not have health insurance and need to know if I should cut back on the medicine? I take 2 tabs 2x's a day of the 50 mg Propylthiouracl. ## Only your doctor can advise you on whether or not it is safe for you to change the dosage of your medication. No one online can really answer that, since your full medical history, and TSH levels are unknown. Typical side effects of this medication may include nausea, dizziness, hair loss, weight changes, and skin rash. You may require a medication like this for the rest of your life, it depends on the specific ...
I took PTU for 8 years but not continuesly. I did not consult/return to my doctor for further check-up. I hope that I did not get too much side effect using this medicine. Thanks for this site, I stopped taking it when I read some comments and side effects.
UpdatedI got a new prescription for PTU and the pill is small, round and white with 480 Westword on one side. Is this the correct medication? ## i don't know what ptu is i just started taking them to and have done a little research there for people with hyperthyroidism, it decreases the amount iodine the thyroid takes.
need to know what this pill is for ## I found a pills in my sons pants as I was washing them and it is a small white oval with an N or a Z and 375 on the back of it ## I found a Baby Blue oval shape pill it has GG and then the number 258 right under it. ## It is a generic xanax ## i found a pill it is oval name fore it is watson 385