Prophylactic Use Of Amoxicillin For Dental Surgery


Dentist suggests 500 mg. amoxicillin 4 tablets in one hour prior dental deep cleaning. Sounds like too much. Comments?

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Lippincott Nurses Drug book reads:
2g 1 hour before procedure

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How many times can a person sustain a cours e of amoxicillin antibiotics treatment for dental problems/ surgery and root canal over 2 months period? What are teh risks and how will they manifest themselves?

What are the alternatives to antibiotic or (specifically amoxicillin?), whatar the risks/side effects and how to deal with it?

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I experience severe intestinal problems with drugs such as erythromycin and Flagyl when following normal dosing of 3 to 4 500 mg pills over 24 hrs. Won't taking 2000 mg of amoxicillin in one hour trigger severe cramps, diarrhea, etc.? I'm leery of taking this much at one time with my history. Any advice? Thank you.

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On the original post, as Raz stated, 2grams is usually given for those with certain medical conditions as a prophylactic measure, before dental procedures.

Learn more Amoxicillin details here.

But what I really want to cover are the concerns that were raised by Steve regarding frequent use and etc.

Yes, taking it too frequently can result in your body and/or the infectious bacteria developing resistance to this antibiotic, so it may no longer be effective for you.

That's why most doctors or dentists will switch off and have you use different ones, they don't' usually prescribe the same antibiotic all the time.

However, two months and taking it a couple of times is most likely not going to cause this problem.

As to the side effects, they may include nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea and in most cases, unless they get very severe to the point of being dangerous, you should just try to wait them out as they won't last long and will go away on their own, once you finish the antibiotics.

And Rosey, it really shouldn't trigger that, unless you're really sensitive to it. It usually takes a few days for it to process through your body and for any symptoms such as diarrhea and such to show up.

How did it work out for you?

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