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For conceiving pregnancy.

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i have taken prolifen 50mg in last month my period start to 2nd day to till end 5 days, but i couldnt concive.
i have taken prolifen 50mg again in this month in periods time..along with that m taking glucophage n foreva pearl hunsband is nt willling for his tests..should i continue taking it..i am happily married n want to conceive..plz help me.

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oki so im precibed to prolifen 50 mg twice a day. I am ttc for the whole long year so i want to know do prolifen and clomid contain same formula?

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i have taken prolifen 50mg in last month my period start to 2nd day to till end 5 days, but i couldnt concive.
i have taking prolifen 50mg again in this month in periods time.
i used this medicine to advice of Doctor.
i'm married and make a family. :-)
can u help me about this???

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the problem isthat docter advice my husband do test of semen analysis we do test problem accour in his test uand docter advice him to take prolifen its good for male

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hi Awais, i am also on medication cuz its been three years since i ot married but couldnt conceive, doctor has prescribed prolifen to me and told me to start taking it from the 2nd day of my periods till the 6th day, so i have to take one tablet of 50 mg in the morning and one at night,it makes 100 mg prolifen everyday for 5 days,this is the right way to take it and forget about what the leaflet says,just follow your doctor's advise...and dont be disappointed if ur wife doesnt conceive after taking medicine, i've heard doctor's tell the females to keep taking it for three or four periods and it works ,its not necessary that ur wife will conceive the first time she'll take this tab,so relax and best of luck...

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My wife has been prescribed prolifen rom the 2nd day of periods end for 5 days. Is the prescribed days of medication ok? As the leaflet says that she has to take the tablet from the 5th day of her periods. we are married since a year and trying to make a family :) waiting for a helpful answer

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