Prolia Side Effects Ongoing (Page 2)
UpdatedI had my infusion Mar 4 2015. I have experienced severe stomach pains, leg pains that wake me up at night, a horrible dry cough, near migraine type headaches, very severe weakness, trouble walking, constipation, had to have dental work that I usually have great teeth, some trouble sleeping. My rheumatologist did nothing to try to help me with the symptoms but my primary doctor gave me medication that help with the stomach pains, take Excedrin for Migraines and enteric aspirin for back and body, and other meds to try and find some comfort. I'm somewhat better than the few weeks after the infusion but still have a lot of problems. Hopefully this doesn't last for 6 months.
Carcinoma (skin cancer) - nice Prolia! What a lovely side effect. Glad they caught it soon. You will probably require more antibiotics than when not having Prolia. Please report this one to Amgen and the FDA, if appropriate. It is listed as one of the side effects but you are the first in all the Prolia threads -I don't know how many posters since 2011 to have this one. Since one happened, I think I would get checked often as it could possibly come back. Best to you and BE WELL!! Pood
Please look at this, put vit C and E on it.
Too bad I also find some areas in my body have similar spots. My God.
Janey~I was on a Prolia Forum in another Continent today. One person who got thru Prolia just fine was telling the other person to go for it so I put in the comments about us, here in North America, and hopefully that person will be like Janey and wise up really quickly. She didn't even have osteoporosis, just osteopenia in two places in her spine. I cannot understand why her Doc would even recommend any type of meds for osteopenia unless that Doc is getting $$ for giving it. That makes a total of 2 now that I know of that got thru Prolia easily. You cannot see your whole body, so use mirrors to check as much as possible on the back side. Yes, you can see the back of arms, legs, feet and hands, but not head, neck and trunk of the back. Be well~Pood
Your pain from the shot may last up to 3 months. I am still having problems
with Prolia and I have not had a shot since Feb. Hope you get better soon
but I am still trying to find solutions to all the side effects that I am having.
Poodle, Finally, I did not take the Stomach scanning in the hospital today. I talked to the Doctor As I was having the side effects from the Prolia but he could not link them together, just asked me if I the pain becomes more serious go to see him again. A week ago after the Prolia injected in my tummy, i already noticed that my hands, face, neck have some red, brown and black colored spots growing quickly in these areas. I may have a chance of getting cancer also. My goodness. What other else?
Janey-Since you have had so much Prolia I would hazard to even guess when you will get well. Have you called the people at Amgen? They may have a clue in the clinical trials since it was for 11 months. I would guess that was from only one shot tho otherwise they should have continued. I know for sure they are doing a long study now and I sorta think we are the guinea pigs and don't know it. I know it will eventually leave but cannot guess when. I guess you could start doing half lives and counting out on a calendar each 26 days for 1/2 of it gone and 26 more days would be 1/4 and 26 more days would be an 1/8 and keep on going through each shot. I am so very sorry for you!! Pood
On one of the Prolia threads here, there is one lady who had zero problems. How many Prolia threads do we have going on this site -- maybe 5! Also one lady in Australia had no problems. Apparently a few people can tolerate this poison.
I appreciate your comments and I have definitely stopped Prolia and I have talked to Amgen but they said they may contact me later.
Canadian~You may be getting the dreaded Prolia rash. Go back to your Dr. and tell him these are KNOWN Prolia side effects and you want to know if they are the rash problem (which needs medical attention) or are you actually getting basal cell skin cancer. Then, ask him what he is going to do about it. Steroids or what?? This is so new that Doctors, themselves, really don't know much about treating Prolia side effects. It was just put on the market in North America in 2011. Our FDA decided the side effects were worth the benefit. Just another bureaucratic bunch of nitwits IMHO. Go back ASAP or if you cannot get in with your MD, maybe a Dermatologist could be a better option but in the US they are booked for months and months in advance. It's one or the other. Maybe a search on the net to see which both look like would help you too if anyone has put up any photos. Apparently Canada thought if it passed the FDA in the US, it's fine for Canada too.
Beware of dermatologists if you have the rash. I supposedly had one of the best guys. Right!! Each time I got the rash he insisted on taking biopsies. Each one came back benign Planus Lichen??? but 4 months later each biopsied area had turned into squamous cell cancer. It would not heal because at the time they did not know I have Sjogrens which affects healing. The Sjogrens was laid back in my system until I got the Prolia shots. Only two.... PS... the derma kept wanting to cut. I came in with the rash on both legs. He fought me to take a biopsy off both legs. If the rash is the same on both legs, why not take just one cut? Came back benign and then turned into squamous cell cancer 4 months later. Beware of dermatologists. I have had more damage done to me by them than any other practitioners.
Poodle, thank you for your info. I am going to see the doctor tomorrow for help. I will bring your comments with me to show her. God blessed me.
Janie, would you please explain the rash in great detail for Canadian. Her's does not read to me to be the typical Prolia rash since it is of 3 colors I believe she wrote. I could not find any photographs on the net. Mine were just reddish blister type things that wanted to ooze and I had the 'leathery' type skin that goes with them. I know real skin cancer comes in differing colors as it progresses and, as a matter of fact, the man that came here today to take care of my furnace showed me his that are REAL skin cancer and he has to go to a large city to have them removed.
Poodle, I could not find a picture from web for you to see now. It's now almost 11pm night time in Toronto. I want to go to bed first and tomorrow to see doctor at 12 noon. Will have to contact you at night time tomorrow. Once again, I wanted to say thank you very much for you and all of you here - friends here who shares the info and trying to help me. Very Much appreciated to everyone. Talk again tomorrow. Best regards.
Janie, we ARE listening to you and that is the exact reason I asked you to help Canadian as you have had far more Prolia than the rest of us. We mostly do one injection and QUIT! I cannot even imagine what you have been through so I'm unable to make suggestions because I cannot begin to hazard a guess with you -- only to know for sure it is Prolia related. Be well~Pood
Dear Canadian, Get off the Prolia before you go any more. It does not get any better and you will be better off not taking it. Buy some Almond Milk and drink 8 oz per day and you will get calcium from that milk. That is what one of my friends are doing. Almond Milk has great calcium contents. I am going to start on that right away. Good Luck.
Canadian & Poodle, The rashes that I have are a lot of eczema which the doctor identified. Also I have hives, little red blisters that come up on arms & legs. They come & go away with my ointment that I use for this. Also little white bumps that itch and If I scratch they bleed. I cannot identify the basal cell carcinoma because I had that and did not even know it. It was a pinkish small place and the doctor biopsied it and it was basal cell carcinoma. The rashes can vary in description and there are several that I have had and continue to deal with. Good luck on getting rid of the rashes. Eurecin ointment for dry skin is one of the things I use to keep down the itching. Drug stores sell that lotion. Get the one for dry skin if your skin is dry.
Hi everyone, Sorry keep everyone waiting for me tonight. I just came home, not feeling well - back pain again, may be lack of calcium in the muscle. Took calcium and vit D tonight immediately. I want to lay down on the bed and take rest ,need to sleep now. Wish everyone have good night and sleep well. Will update you what the doctor said about my situation tomorrow. Of course she denied those problem wasn't from the Prolia.....
Canadian~Sleep well and sweet dreams. Maybe you need to print the sheet from Amgen that has all these side effects and take them to your Dr. so s/he will be know for 100% sure they are from Prolia. We believe you!
Post tomorrow please. Be Well~Pood
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