Prolia Side Effects (Page 54)
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I would like to know of any side effects others may have experienced after receiving Prolia infusions. Up to now I have none.

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Judy~please stop freaking out. When they put in the implants, they use ground up donor bone to fill in for what we lack. It's not taking out anything from you. When they do the implants, they just stuff that around where we need it so they will heal properly in bone. There is hardly any pain involved. I go for sedation because I don't want to know about it. When I wake up I have some pain meds that work and ice packs. It's not bad or terrible at all. It's a good thing!! This good thing is expensive tho. I have no idea how much they cost where you live. Mine were $5,000 for two and Linda lives in a different State and hers were even cheaper than mine. The crowns that go on top of the implants are a separate charge and are made for you by your own dentist. They cost the same as an average crown does. Please stop fearing this. It's a very good thing. It's very sad that Prolia does this to us but in the end, we get teeth that will outlast us. That is what they mean by grafting -- just stuffing ground up donor bone into our jaws so they can properly hold the implants. It's been super cleansed and we can only thank the people that left their bodies to help all of us. Feel better now? Hugs~Pood

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If I had known about the risk of bladder irritation, I NEVER would have agreed to Prolia. I have Interstitial Cystitis and Prolia has been a big trigger. In 20 years with IC, I never showed 4plus white blood cells in my urine!. My Dr. didn't believe me, but the Nurse Practitioner in my Urologist's office assured me that Prolia can be irritating to the bladder.

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Had my 3rd prolia shot. No probs with the first 2. Unfortunately, this one left me with an irritated bladder. This is listed as a prolia side effect. It is horrible.

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Hey Poodle,
Oh ma gosh, I'm back as I'm writing this in the ER, left neck feels like electrical shock , four days now. It goes under my skull up left side of brain. Just had CTwContrast , waiting on ER Doctor for results . I can't help but think that it's part of my symptoms brought on by Prolia shot. Yes, my bones or gums hurt all over and it isn't constant the pain shifts from one area to the next, alternately :( weird , pain does not allow me to rest.. That is some awesome info on the old meds for Osteoporosis, I'm going to find a specialist and check on the drug you mentioned.. I'm so grateful for your post. Folks that are not involved have no possible idea of the struggles to try to get better. I have the biggest issue with my docs when they say , "you need to realize this is who you are now", I will push on and hope all the good people on this forum do as well , I want natural to replace the horrible drugs that have been used on me. Thank you and God Bless

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My insurance won't pay for complete blood very often and I had it done in April. Guess I will just have to wait. Some days are better than others.

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Well Gracie, that is about why all of us got the dreaded Prolia injection - osteoporosis. There is another drug, it's old and Dr. don't like it because there is no money in it. It is Calcitonin. It's made from salmon but has zero fish smell or taste. It does a good job of tackling osteoporosis by putting down new bone instead of old bone like Prolia does. I would have been dead in a year and a half of Prolia. 6 months about did me in. May I ask that you get referred to an Immunologist since most of what Prolia does to us is through our immune system that it depletes to some degree; sufficient for all types of infections. There has to be a reason your gums hurt so badly. Do they hurt on all sides or just the side of the body that got the Prolia injection? When we receive an injection in the arm, it causes muscles and tendons in our arm to go up our neck and into our mouth. It HURTS. I know. I had it too and thought I was getting ONJ. My dentist knows me and knows if I complain, I have a real reason to complain so he started feeling around in my mouth and he found the spot that was causing all the pain. It can be relieved by acupuncture or dry needling. Same idea but using different strategies. Dry needling is done by Physical Therapists. Please get a referral to help you. Pain drugs are for certain types of pain and sometimes they work well and sometimes not. I really and truly believe you will benefit from either of the aforementioned. It can only get better so hang in there lady. Be well~Pood

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Linda, regarding your thyroid. For what specific reason does it have to wait until October???? It's not that difficult to draw out blood and send it to a lab to check on the levels. Any primary doctor can do that. It does not require a specialist. I know things are different up north but still, you have problems that need answers. Diana who posts here had her's operated on and now she feels 100% better and is back to her art work. You need answers honey. Get in now. Hugs~Pood

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I did have to get two bone grafts because if thinning bone. I did call the drug company and FDA and told them what happened to me. The drug company said no one had complained about dental problems. I don't believe that. I also asked them to pay for my implants and got a letter saying they couldn't do that. Surprise, surprise. I would be willing to be in a class action lawsuit if there is one.

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Linda, you are lucky to only have to wait 4 months to have the crowns put on. Mine said six months which would be the middle of September. It's a very, very good thing that the X-rays show you have sufficient jaw bone for the implants. That is a huge plus for you. Have you reported yours to Amgen? I have not and I should. The only thing that stopped Prolia from taking more of mine is because it ran into a titanium implant that was already there. Even Prolia cannot get thru titanium. Soon you will be back to your beautiful self. Hugs~Pood

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terrible stuff - evil drug - after several weeks still feel pain, nauseaus, headache, I will never do more of this stuff

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My wish for you is that your nightmare end swiftly, and that you have a complete healing.

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Had my implants today and it is rough but I will get through it. My dentist gave me a discount because I have known him all of his life and he and my son were frat brothers. I really appreciate it but do not expect a discount any more. The lab will cost more for the teeth that I will get in four months. I have an ice pack and on pain pills and he also gave me a steroid shot. It may be a long night.

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Linda~the teeth cost what an average crown would cost. Larger molars are about $1,000 each and the price goes down with size but it's still very expensive. I don't know if I can afford to have my two put in this year. I think I will wait for next year to get the crowns on the implants. My two here cost $5,000 for implants and pulling out the rootless teeth. I did have bone grafting on both of them. They do not hurt and I think I talk a little different without a full set of teeth. I'll live! It's not that long until January comes around. Right now I'm dealing with eye surgery and will not have vision in one eye for three months. Not a Prolia problem. Hugs~Pood

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Grace, I am so sorry that you are experiencing this.

You have come to the right place for support and understanding.

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Well, I'm laying in the ER awaiting a doctor. I had my third Prolia shot 2 days ago and the same exact symptoms, I can not breathe , my neck feels like it's holding a 150 pound head up ! It's so painful and my body , oh Lord it hurts so bad :(
I have been getting hives for about as long as I've been taking Prolia and of course I've went to 100 docs with all these complaints over the last 1.5 years , always attributed to something else ...
Now, I am definite , it's Prolia , oh Lord please get this out of my body..
I can't think, serious confusion , and body pain off the charts !
I have been to several dentist in the last 1.5 yrs asking, do you think I have bone cancer ? My gums hurt so bad ?
Always answered no , and told take ibuprofen it will get better :((
I can't express how I hurt as I'm laying here waiting to see an ER doc
I'll NEVER take another Prolia shot!
Also I'm 57 female, 5' 7", 120 pounds and have always walked for exercise , can't now, pain is incredible . I took Forteo everyday intravenously for 2 yrs , had bone pain or back and neck pain .
But this is the worst pain ever :(
I forgot to add, I have severe Osteoporosis , reason for all the bone medications.

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I did report my reaction to amgen and they filed a safety report. Day 21 of my misery. Not feeling hopeful of any improvement in the foreseeable future.

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I have had one implant and the dentist did a bone graft. In two weeks, I will have 5 more and this dentist isn't going to do bone grafts. I am worried that I may have problems without a bone graft but I don't know if they are necessary. The average cost of the implants in Arkansas is $1200 and that doesn't include the teeth. I have no idea what the teeth cost. My dentist is suppose to contact the lab and tell me what they cost. I really need 4 more after I do these 5 but they are so expensive. It has been 4 months since I had my teeth pulled after they broke off at the gum line thanks to Prolia. I will have to wait 4 months after the implants to get my teeth so it is a 8 month ordeal. I have long since spent my $1000 dental insurance this year so this is all out of pocket.

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Was back to see my oral surgeon re the extraction of my fron tooth. I will now have to wait 6 months for an implant unless, as she said, I need a bone graft! Wow, I wasn't expecting that. Has anyone had one and if so how long did it take and also the cost. I know my insurance will not cover anything pertaining to an implant. They wouldn't even cover the "flipper" my dentist made as I needed a temporary tooth. Please, any info on bone grafts would be greatly appreciated.

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has anyone out there ever had stem cell treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. do any of you know anything about how it works or how successful it is?

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I had my shot 2 weeks ago suffering similar symptoms. They did not tell me about. This is horrible.

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