Prolia Side Effects (Page 53)


I would like to know of any side effects others may have experienced after receiving Prolia infusions. Up to now I have none.

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I agree as much as chemo was bad this shot is so much worse, how bad is that. My friend at work just went thru treatments and her nails fell off, we got to talking and a light flash went off, when I realized my nails had to be from the shot.

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Canadian~that is listed as side effects in different words but meaning about what you have are definitely from Prolia. No one yet has offered any solutions. Have you tried over-the-counter stomach meds like Zantac and all the others? Did they help some? Do you have Walmart in Canada? They sell their own brand of these meds that are much cheaper generics than buying the original. I would go buy a bottle of each of them and find one that works and take it until the side effect goes away. It's much healthier for you to treat the problem than to live with it. If you don't have that go to your pharmacy and ask for one bottle each of OTC sour stomach and acid reflux medications. Let us know if any of those help you. Hugs~

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Poodle, yes I am still suffering from the many side effects. I finished 4 months, on 5th month - 2nd and 1/2 weeks. Not sure I will be that lucky like you to have my own life back from the end of 6 months. I was told by the endocrinologist 2 days ago that my upper right leg bone cracked and I need to take a CT scan. I haven't seen the x Ray yet, but the endocrinology said that it was from Prolia over the phone. Really sad ...

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I have no pain at this moment. Just feel a bit unusual when walking. I didn't fall before the Prolia.

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Ohh Canadian. I am so very, very sorry! I don't know if the attorneys for litigation are in Canada yet but if they are, you are the person they want. This should NEVER, EVER BE!! Hopefully, it's a slight crack and will heal if you stay off of it for 6 weeks if that number still applies as there has been talk about bones taking longer to heal while on Prolia. You may be on crutches for longer than 6 weeks. You just have to keep any weight off that leg now. I know it happens with no weight on it but hopefully it will heal with no weight on it. I wonder, with what all you have been through with Prolia, if your MDs would consider a bag of plasma. It's full of lovely T-cells and T-cell helpers that Prolia takes a lot out of you. It could help you heal faster and better. I think everyone here will be putting you in their prayers as of tonight. Unfortunately, you are our first broken leg from Prolia. You stay in bed and send your husband out to do things for you. I mean stay in bed. Maybe you could have a TV set in the bedroom and a water pitcher and some snacks so you just stay in bed and heal. Maybe he could order some novels in Chinese for you too. Please get well soon. Big hugs and get well~

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Sheri~I started on 2400 mg's of calcium and it's just store brand. The magnesium 500 mg was also just a store brand so I really cannot help you there. I did not feel better until the Dr. did extra blood work since I looked like death warmed over and found out that Prolia gave me Celiac Disease. After I switched to rice flour and corn, I felt 1000% better. I had gone from 165 pounds down to 100. Even now post Prolia, it is difficult to get the weight back on. Apparently the body gets used to something and is reluctant to change she said. Anyway, I'm now at 108 and that's a big deal. I eat bags of candy, cookies and all the junk food in the world and have a very difficult time putting on one pound. This may seem like someone's dream but trust me, it is not fun in the least. I still have muscle pains in the arm, neck,jaw that was injected and I need to take care of that one of these days when its nice outside. The insomnia ~ not 100% sure of yet. Just know it's better and hair this past week has gotten a lot better. I don't see it all over the pillows and blankets like before. Hopefully, it's done and over. With chemo it came out in big gobs, with Prolia it just fell out in smaller amounts. I guess it would be more like a dog shedding. Prolia also caused a cataract on one eye. I had that taken care of in Salt Lake right on my 'magic day'. It was easy to know I was quite blind in that eye. Sorry I cannot help you more. Don't feel sorry for me. Remember: That which does not kill us, makes us stronger. I'm a stronger and much wiser person now. Stay well~Pood

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This is a huge scam... someone at my docs office tried to get me to take this before I even saw him to discuss my Osteoporosis diagnosis. He said it wasn't him who suggested prolia. I looked him up and he hasn't taken alot of money from pharma so it must have been the other doc. He was going to refer me to him according to the woman I spoke with from the office but he didn't even mention him when I saw him. I told her forget about it I'm not taking any of those drugs and she backed right off. Just look your doctors up at dollars for docs.

You will find out if they have taken money officially from big pharma, under the table is another matter though. One of my brothers heart docs said big pharma reps brought huge amounts of cash to meals/meetings they attended with doctors and offered it to them. I know one of my docs is very corrupt. Took over 200,000 now from various companies. How can you trust someone like this???? What has medicine become? Why are we putting up with this?

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That was me- if you notice the highest reported adverse event was DEATH- 4-5000 deaths reported to the FDA. I found another site where people posted online that had 60 reported prolia deaths. I can't find that one now.

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Here is a link for prolia kickbacks:

Here is one for ask a patient data:

Ladies look your doctors up at dollars for docs to see if they are getting kickbacks. My endo was the worst. The referred rheumy took 36,000.

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Skitty~you can find the death reports on Amgen's own clinical study that was for 10 years. However, most of the women that died were quite elderly and should not have had Prolia anyway. Just an accident looking for a place to happen. As for Drs., I already looked into mine. She has not taken one cent. In fact, there are large signs on her door: NO DRUG REPS PLEASE. She admitted she pushed me into Prolia and apologized all over the place and told me I have every right to hate her. I don't hate as that is harmful for me but I will never trust her again. Pood

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My Dr didn't take money either

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How Prolia got past the FDA - It's called Mission Creep Changed to Warning Creep: Soon Prolia began to appear no safer than the bisophosphonates though it belonged to a different class of drugs. A monoclonal antibody derived from genetically engineered Chinese hamster ovary cells, Prolia carries warnings like other “MoAbs” about opportunistic infections, anaphylaxis and worse. Two years after its approval, Amgen issued warnings that Prolia could cause serious risks like "hypocalcemia, serious infections, suppression of bone turnover, including osteonecrosis of the jaw” as well as “atypical femoral fracture” and “dermatologic adverse events." Notably, these are the same risks bisphosphonates bone drugs pose. Six months ago also reported osteonecrosis of the jaw with Prolia.

Everyone has heard of "mission creep." In the pharmaceutical world, “approval” creep means getting the FDA to approve a drug for one thing and pushing a lot of other drug approvals through on the coattails of the first one.

But there is another, more insidious creep seen with drugs like Prolia- "warning creep": acknowledging new and alarming warnings after a drug is approved and in wide use.

Like so many expensive drugs aggressively marketed today--Prolia cost roughly $1650 a year—a risky drug made billions despite its risks, which were clear when it was first approved. Prolia “provided Amgen with $884 million in US sales between 2011 and 2013 and $1.4 billion worldwide for this same stretch,” This is why we have to continually be after the FDA with each and every side effect. Enjoy~

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I'm sorry your doc did that to you. It proves you can not take money and still be a terrible doc which I have also experienced. The deaths reported in the ask a patient graph are deaths ocurring after the drug was approved not in clinical trials. There have been 4-5000 deaths reported which is extremely high. The age of the patient doesn't matter. No one, especially someone more vulnerable, should be given this drug with these high risks. It's disgusting to me.

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I know this was going on in the 90's. Not cash money. Just lovely family vacations to Disney World in the winter all expenses paid, etc. Now, it seems to be just MONEY. Spend an hour inside with big pharma and the rest of the time is yours.

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It's going on big time now as you can see... with dr. felicia cosman who was head of the national osteoporosis foundation as a top receiver of donations for prolia and other drugs.

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oops I meant kickbacks NOT donations, lol!

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I read on another Forum that the ladies liked Prolia for their nails. They wrote it took out all the ridges and made them strong. That's an awful lot of horrid side effects for nice nails. Wonder if it could be from just the extra calcium and zero to do with Prolia? Maybe they were too sick to do any housework so the nails didn't get broken. Pood

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That had to be it or they are just lucky and not suffering like the rest of us.

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Pood, how long after you started 1200 calcium and 2000 magnesium, did you start to feel better

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Poodle, I am diagnosised the "atypical femoral fracture right femur". Will do durther CT scan next week. My jaw started getting some little pain. My skin or muscle still having the electrically like twitching. My vitamin D is low. Are all these lacking of calcium and magnesium in my body? How did you treat these before? Need help!

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