Prolia Issues And Side Effects (Page 7) (Top voted first)


I am not going to have my next shot of Prolia due 11 June. I have already had two injections and lately have suffered horrible side effects such as terrible constipation, leg and foot cramps, skin rashes, stomach pain,etc.

I also found out that Prolia works by stopping the body's own bone production, causing old bone to become denser. This results in probable fractures due to old brittle bones, Prolia also causes low calcium levels in the blood, a weird side effect seeing it is supposed?to strengthen boned!

128 Replies (7 Pages)

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I had my third Prolia injection a week ago, having had no side effects after the first two injections. Despite reading so many negative posts, I continued because my bone density had improved significantly—resulting in a change in diagnosis from osteoporosis to osteopenia—and because I tolerated the previous two injections so well. I had intended to discontinue injections for a year to see what happens to my bone density.

For the past three days, I’ve been struggling with muscle pain/discomfort, bloating/stomach pain and diarrhea. Not sure this is related to the Prolia or my having just reduced my Plaquenil from 400 mg/day to 200 (for Lupus and Sjögren’s Syndrome). I’m assuming that because plaquenil must build up for months before its full benefits are felt, an immediate response to a reduction of same would be unlikely.

Has anyone else suffered negative side effects after having tolerated orokinfor a year?

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Have had the leg and foot cramps too.. not fun. I also will not be getting my next shot even though I have only had one shot. I am going to get a bone density about 3 weeks before it is due to see if there is a difference. I had just recently begun to have really debilitating pain in the lower back and hips which I have never had before. MY shot was 10 weeks ago.

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Re: David (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

David, I am using lots of D. My level is very good. I am using all kinds of good food and supplements but the discomfort from Prolia is sometimes almost unbearable in the mouth some days. I did not even really need it. Come to find out, one of the doctors I saw mentioned to me: "Oh, you take Prolia? I have bone mass similar to yours and I had breast cancer too and I don't take Prolia" *(unusual for a doctor to say that to me, don't you think?)Then she turned around and said, "YOu must have hidden acid reflux" or GERD whatever it's called!! I don't even have osteoarthritis. Good grief.

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I too had nasty side effects after my third injection that included horrible constipation, fatigue and high cholesterol. My doctor said those side effects were rare and I said no more

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Re: Sodapop (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

How are you now?

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Re: Dawn (# 125) Expand Referenced Message

My cousin developed ARDS several days after a Prolia treatment. It was not her first treatment of Prolia and I don’t know if she had any reactions previously. She was put on ECMO for a number of weeks but never recovered and passed away. The hospital said it could not be proven that Prolia was the cause but she was fine before the treatment.

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Re: jenjioz (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

I don't have male pattern baldness in that sense. My hair is just thinning. I've never been the most attractive guy so I'm certainly quick to jump on those stricken by vanity. You're all grappling to a dying sense of superiority based upon your looks. It's pathetic.

Your ailments, while unfortunate, have in no way been proven related to Prolia, per se. My mother has terrible osteoporosis and I am quite familiar with it. There are many treatments available. None of which have been proven to be effective. If you want to complain about a drug you have voluntarily taken then rant away.

As far as debilitating, life-altering, depressing, disfiguring, or just incredibly hard to live with side effects.. you have no idea and you sound like an entitled teenager with acne. There are people out there with much, MUCH worse conditions than your symptoms from a drug you chose to take. Spare us your diatribe. No lawyer is going to back you and your "vengeance" falls on deaf ears. There is nothing to prove. Your words mean nothing.

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I'm a 41 year old male. My hair is thinning. So what? Can we put a stop to this constant vanity bickering. So you're losing hair. Guess what... it's called aging.

This crap is always blowing up the posts on here. Get over yourself, and your vanity. Focus on your HEALTH.

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