Prolia Issues And Side Effects (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I am not going to have my next shot of Prolia due 11 June. I have already had two injections and lately have suffered horrible side effects such as terrible constipation, leg and foot cramps, skin rashes, stomach pain,etc.

I also found out that Prolia works by stopping the body's own bone production, causing old bone to become denser. This results in probable fractures due to old brittle bones, Prolia also causes low calcium levels in the blood, a weird side effect seeing it is supposed?to strengthen boned!

128 Replies (7 Pages)

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Laura (# 70) --Mason is simply a troll that got in here by mistake. Hopefully, the moderator will find his posts and remove them. Pood

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Re: Poodle (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you, Poodle. I didn't see it.


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Thank you for helping others sceptical about starting this rubbish

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Re: Poodle (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you Poodle, you have done the right thing. l am sure all on this site will appreciate you for doing the right thing.

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Re: Poodle (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Well said Poodle... You need to walk in our shoes before you have any idea what you are taking about

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Re: jenjioz (# 63) Expand Referenced Message


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Re: Poodle (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

Doesn't surprise anybody they are there to PUSH their drugs... Unfortunately

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Re: Poodle (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

Poodle and Sharon,

I'm taking Slow-Mag (magnesium chloride) 2 tablets, 1 time a day along with potassium and these seem to be helping the cramps in my calves and toes. If I don't take them for a few days, I'm quickly reminded.


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Re: jenjioz (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

Please monitor any esophagus problems that might arise with Actonel. Hopefully you will not experience any complications!

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Re: Lizzie (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks Lizzie. I'm being hyper-vigilant this time! So far a couple of minor and brief sensations of indigestion; half an hour of headache and blurred vision a couple of hours after taking a weekly tablet. If that's the full extent of it I'll live with it.
The pills now have a coating which is intended to prevent the oesophageal effects. We'll see.

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Re: sal (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

Can you recommend a DVD of Yoga to help with the osteoporosis? I need to look into the alkaline diet as well.

I have started Thrive Life. The food is purer and more nutritionally dense than the organic you can buy at the store. This is freeze dried food that is freeze dried from 2-4 hours after it's harvested. Their blueberries have 40% more calcium than store bought. Hopefully, the walking, yoga, and eating better quality food will help my bones.

Hugs to all!

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Re: Laura (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

I have done the same, l will have to come up with something soon as my hip's are getting especially worse

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Re: JenjiOz (# 93) Expand Referenced Message

It is in the back pages on this site. There are two main discussion threads: "Prolia Side Effects" and "Prolia Side Effects Duration" here on I believe your best searching in the back pages would be simply: "Prolia Side Effects" here in medschat. What you see are just current issues. They go back many, many, many years here and then the discussions continue on from there, so go back to when Prolia was first released and start reading posts. I would estimate maybe 3 years ago or so. You will find it and there is a lot of very useful info in the back pages. Be well~

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Re: Sodapop (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

Tell your Dr. to read the side effects. They are well written and diarrhea and constipation are both on the list. So much for medical knowledge. huh? Be well~

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Re: JenjiOz (# 101) Expand Referenced Message

For all the good it did me, I reported everything to Amgen except the hair and nails. Prolia has only spread farther and farther around the globe. Be well~

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Re: JenjiOz (# 102) Expand Referenced Message

Polyester is very good because it does not breathe so should keep you nice and warm but what a shame to have to buy all new clothes just because of Prolia. Be well~

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Re: jenjioz (# 98) Expand Referenced Message

It seems to take quite a lot of time for allergies caused by Prolia to go away. They can go away for 6-9 months and then pop right back up again. I have never had hay fever since I lived in Colombia where it was just so overwhelmed it stopped but now it's back too as of this year. Very curious. Maybe I need to go back and start all over again. I have never read of one like yours here on Medschat. You seem to have started something very different and I hope people pay attention to you because it could happen to them too. As I have always said, we are humans, not made from cookie cutters. Hopefully, it will lessen quickly in time. Have you contacted an Acupuncturist to see if that is something they can work on? I know in Clinical Hypnosis it is something we can change for sure. I know many people in your Country so will do a little looking at some of our postings to see exactly what their level of expertise is. Not all is lost yet. Be well~

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Re: JenjiOz (# 101) Expand Referenced Message
I left a message at one international forum asking if there are any like we are in Australia. I will let you know if and when I get an answer. Most are based in England and two of us in the US. Hopefully, someone will respond. I know there is a husband and wife team that go there to train people and they like to say 'we can cure that' and I, personally, do not believe one word of it because I have studied under them as well as many others so I know for sure who can and cannot. Be well~Pood

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Re: JenjiOz (# 102) Expand Referenced Message
I have located an excellent hypnotherapist for you in Australia. I checked his expertise well and he is willing to work with you to get rid of those strange and nasty allergies you have going on from Prolia. Now comes the question of how do I connect him to you and are you willing to travel in Australia to where he is? It should not take over two sessions according to my work and it's a common thing we do and generally quite easy. Let me know on how to go from here. Hugs~Pood

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Poodle (# 113)

Hello Poodle. Thank you for going to all that trouble for me. The thing is, I really don't know what a hypnotherapist might be able to achieve for drug-related allergy problems. Just lack of knowledge, I suppose, but intuitively I don't see how they connect.
I àm in south-eastern Australia, with some capacity to travel. Where is the person that you know of? I am definitely constrained by financial issues, unfortunately. I would really want to do some research before putting my trust in a treatment, even a benign one, despite at present waiting impatiently for these wretched side effects to wear off.

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