Prolia Side Effects Duration (Page 4)
UpdatedWould like to know if anyone had side effects from Prolia but they went away - and how long did it take for that to happen?
At exactly a year I can hardly remember how bad my life and the pain was. It was so bad. I am not back to where I started but oh so thankful not to be back in those awful first months. I mostly have my life back. I have continued to sound the alarm about this awful drug. For those who are suffering, I hope you come out of the dark days soon.
To All: One strand of hair takes 7 years to grow so it may be a long time before we get our hair back. Today in the shower, it did not clog the drain so that's a big plus. I did notice, however, that hair on one of my arms has started to grow under the whole arm, How weird. I'm going to ask a friend for hypnosis to change what's growing where it should not be growing and have it all moved to my scalp where it is supposed to be. It's a really bad time for him so I will have to bide my time. Will report the results when wildfires settle down and are gone. Pood
it has been almost 8 weeks now I am still in crucifying pain its has gotten worst my hole body get is hitching all over and every time I get out of bed my body gets all red all the way down my feet some days I can hardly walk I was told to get rid of my doctor for suggesting that Prolia shot that's what I am going to do I spoke to a lady friend about that Prolia she told me her doctor would have never suggested that for her.
Jan~That is what mine said too. Big deal. It doesn't help me. It will help future patients but in the meantime we are all still dealing with side effects of Prolia which really is a chemo drug. It just has less of the active ingredient in it than it's twin, Xgeva. The FDA in the US had a lot of questions about it but ended up passing it anyway. They are busy now adding more warnings on the boxes as if our MD's read the boxes it comes in. Pood
Pood- I hate that I am so sick and damaged from this. I'm tired and nothing makes it better but time- I feel a bit better and then things flare up again. I have Chronic Prolia Syndrome. There, I named it.
The best thing I did was self refer and go to Mayo Clinic to get all my symptoms assessed with relation to the prolia shot and instant health decline. I don't have copd, heart problems, psoriasis, bad oral hygiene, reflux, fibromyalgia or autoimmune disorder... I have side effects from prolia which hopefully will continue to improve with each passing month. It will be a year this January that I almost killed myself with my first prolia shot-
Also, thank you for always reaching out to many who post here to offer your experience and support and expertise...
Leonine~You need medical help. You need pain management and sometimes people have to be referred to a Pain Specialist. Secondly, you definitely need 10mg daily of Prednisone to stop the itching. You have to be careful with Pred as when you come off of it, it has to be done VERY slowly or your blood will go crazy and you can end up with DVT's and PE's. Now find a Rheumatologist to help you. They deal in all of the horrible biologic drugs and usually have an Immunologist with whom they can consult. You need to realize also that your immune system isn't working well now and it may come back to normal in 6-8 months if you are lucky. Be very careful! For some unknown reason, MD's love to Rx Prolia. They have an ill formed idea in their head that it is the fastest way on Planet Earth to get your bones built up quickly. Quickly is not desirable. I prefer slow and steady and that's why I'm on Calcitonin right now. The only side effect to it is a very low possibility of getting basal cell carcinoma from it in the nose. If one goes to an ENT Dr. every year to have the nose checked out there are no problems with with drug whatsoever. It's not a racehorse like Prolia. It's slow and steady. Docs don't like it and say it doesn't work because there is no money in it for them. You will have to search around to various Docs to find one that will write the script after you get rid of Prolia. Prolia is a biologic drug and is made from ovaries of Chinese Hamsters. Everything on our Earth that was alive or is alive is carbon based. There is no end to carbon based drugs. Amgen says the half life of Prolia is 16 days, and then in 16 more days another half of that half and in 16 more days another half of that half on into infinity. There is NO end to half lives. That is how scientists can determine about how old an antiquity is -- by checking how much carbon is left in it. It's called "Carbon Dating". Those aspirins you had a long time ago still have a little molecule in your body because aspirin is made from a tree -- a living thing on Planet Earth. Now, get busy and find the help you need or else you will stay in agony. Probably after the first of the year would be a good time to start or call now for an appt. in early January. Also call Amgen in CA and tell them your problems. They are required by law to inform your government entity that allows drugs to be passed on to consumers or if you live in the US call or email the FDA. There are lots of links in these back pages together with loads of information from people a bit like you. With your immune system messed up you are also at a very high risk of getting autoimmune diseases. Many of us have different ones. I went through the h e double toothpicks with Prolia and the only reason I am here is to help guide you new ones to get the care you desperately need. Be well~Pood
I had three injections of prolia. My pulmonologist told me to go off the prolia because I had a severe cough and sinus problems the whole time. I went off the prolia and i got better after a few months. All I hv left now is a chest rash and rash on my wrist. I also hv trouble swallowing food and need to throw it up to get it to go down. Having an Endoscopy end of month.
About 2 and 1/2 years - some nerve pain in back of neck returning with the addition of proton pump inhibitor to meds. Quitting that. But I can walk again, skin better, don't feel like I'm dying now.
Katherine do you think the acupunture would help with the other side effects such as skin boils and leathery skinn and depression, appetite cravings, shoryness of breath intermttant muscles weakness
Its been almost 3 years for me - - I had to have radiofrequency ablation on nerves in neck, will have to keep having them as they wear off. I still have trouble with my hip and leg on right side, but at least I can walk, which I couldn't two weeks after the shot without assistance. I think it causes trouble with the PTH in one's body, which is excreted from the parathyroid - about 7 months ago, I had a tumor removed off the parathyroid gland and one off my thyroid, at that point non-malignant. I can't prove this. Only from my research have I concluded myself that Prolia and Reclast do work through the PTH, or affect the PTH. Of course we can't prove any of the damages to our bodies, if the physicians deny the causes are Prolia. All we can do is report, and hope an attorney will pick up the case(s) if we want restitution. I spent $36,000 in two years on COPAYS, in order to get my life back. It would be nice to get renumeration. If any one comes up with an attorney who will take these cases, please let me know. I've called several and they are not interested.
I had my 2 year Prolia shot in Aug. 2016. On 8/23/16, I went to the hospital for severe and debilitating back pain, difficulty breathing, that stretched across the mid part of my back, from one side to the other. The ER said I had a Vaginitis infection and prescribed medication. The 2nd night, back pain, back in the hospital, a 2nd infection, UTI. On 8/26, diagnosed with acute back pain with more medications. On 8/29, my right knee was swollen, hot to the touch and too painful to walk on, 3 weeks bedridden, more medications, 3 days in the hospital in Oct., MONTHS of rheumatologist, orthopedic & infectious disease doctor visits and tests. In Dec '16 & Jan '17 I went to Physiotherapy, no change. On Feb 17, I had arthroscopic surgery, nothing was found. My condition remains undiagnosed. I am a "medical mystery", an "enigma" and the specialists are done with me. It is now the end of Mar '17. Last week, the word "Prolia" popped into my head. I googled "side effects" & one site said that at the 2 year dose there may be back pain, infections and joint pain and swelling. What else can it be? Will I continue to have to use a wheelchair for any distances more than a half block of walking, every step is a shooting pain, extreme pain when I sit for too long & back pain at night? My husband says that I groan in my sleep so I started taking Tramadol every night to be able to sleep. I NEVER had any side effects before this happened and my bone density had improved dramatically. My next shot was due in Feb '17 but I decided never again. I just read that bone density results are based on "quantity" and not "quality" so the bone density is improved but...with brittle bones.
Your story sounds like mine. Since my prolia shot my body is not my own. I'm depleted... I never know how I will react to a regular new health development like a cold, bug or allergic reaction because my Body immune system is way off. Pain, itching, diarrhea constipation new gum disease Ha rash new allergies cramps muscle and bone pain brain fog sleep disturbance and more..,,
My husband had found weight gain was a side effect. I have told my Drs. after the 1st shot the weight was going on I can almost feel my self growing. Had 2nd shot Nov. 2016. finally my primary care Dr. Said it was the shot putting on the weight. I'm due in May for the 3rd shot. After reading these post. I'm sure I will not be taking that shot. I thank you all for your post. I wish you all the best. Has any one else had this problem Weight gain?
I did. About 15 pounds. But it's off now. I quit Prolia after first shot. It changed my physiology. Not only weight gain, I aged about 10 years in looks and I tire quite easily still. Don't know if it's permanent. Did loose the weight but took a long time. I look forward to next bone scan, had a parathyroid tumor, was told on its removal my bone density should increase in 18 months. Why the primary dr and endocrinologist never checked me for that with my high calcium levels on tests, i will never know.. Haven't broken anything since prior P. though, despite a fall caused by some medication for ulcers. I had to quit the ulcer meds. I certainly would tell people to beware if they had any pre-existing conditions....I think Prolia makes them worse and causes past condition flares. Hope this helps. I had researched all I could before taking P. All its possible terrible side effects are not given to us before the decision to accept them. Some do ok. And what is worse I've read that if one stops Prolia and any positive results it may have had, rapidly disappear. But at least now I have some activities back, my head us much clearer and physically much better, the hip and neck seem to be permenent damage. But I am angry that the majority of b us are not fully informed pre injection.
Please let me know results of scope. My recent one shows I now have stomach ulcers.. if I didn't have all this stuff pre P, I am suspicious when something sows up.
Diane ,Thank you so much for writing. Yes I agree with you I was never told the side effect just the ones they posted. & after the first shot I told my primary & endo Dr. I was putting on weight to fast I can fee myself grow. they said no it wasnt the shot. My husband found that it was a side affect. I also have day when my limbs seem very heavy . achy. I could tell by my friends faces when they saw me how I had change. & You know as well as I Menopause is not nice to being with. I worked so hard to get 43 lbs off be fore the shot to see them come back & I'm still working out to try to control it. Thank you again. Patti
I had the rapid weight gain... I could feel myself getting bigger- 3 dress sizes! I purchased a dress for my daughter's wedding in December. Had Prolia shot January 3rd. Bought next size up in February, next size up in April and a third size up in late May. Wore that dress in early July. 2 of the 4 dresses in my closet! I too have aged, physically mentally and visually. I say I was a healthy and gapoy 58 year old before Prolia... now I'm sick and tired and in pain all the time. Depressed too... I'm an old 58 now. Post Prolia... it's unbelievable.
Thanks Janet.
How many shot have you had & did you stop taking them? Wishing you all the Best.
Elaine~I believe acupuncture can do many wonderful things for us that are in misery with Prolia. Could you just make an appointment and ask yours if s/he believes that acupuncture will help with your current problems. Not all acupuncturists are equal. We had a fantastic one here but he had no money for advertising so he had few clients and left. Now we have another that cannot do 1/10 of what the original acupuncturist did. And, if you cannot find a good acupuncturist there are Physical Therapists that do dry needling but it's more for pain issues I think. Be well~Pood
Thanks Pood. I will see what I can find here in Oklahoma
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