Prolia Side Effects Duration (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Would like to know if anyone had side effects from Prolia but they went away - and how long did it take for that to happen?

318 Replies (16 Pages)

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Thank you to everyone for your comments on this drug. After reading your concerns I will definitely refuse it when I go back to the specialist. I will continue to exercise and eat well instead of poisoning my body. I fell and broke my shoulder and had to have surgery. He automatically blamed it on my osteo. Never let me explain how I fell. If it had not been for the fall my gp would never had sent me to a specialist. Now this guy has given me a year off to research this drug and try other osteo remedies. Thanks again for your input. Wonderful forum!!

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I had my last shot in 2015, I took seven before I began my research on the drug in Prolia. I, sadly to say, am still suffering from the side effects of it. It is a cancer drug denosumab, a form of chemo, I wish I had and answer as to when or if it will go away, sorry I do not, I am still suffering from this nightmare of a drug.

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Pretty rough side effects, including the cost. Two years after one injection only, I spent 20,000 each year on copays alone, trying to stay on my feet. It attacked my joints, my muscles, my stamina, (I was on a walker for a few months), still using a walking pole sometimes, ultimately teeth, my pain levels were off the charts. Also ended up with tumors on my parathyroid, which I eventually eliminated through surgery. PTH levels were way off the charts. (Which incidentally helps bone density to take any tumors off the parathyroid glands). Initially, I was on a walker - I swelled up like a balloon and looked generally very sick. Which I was. Some say they have no side effects, but a good share of us do. And they don't seem to ever really end, though some can be abated somewhat. I took a chance I wish I hadn't.

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Re: BB (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Yes it will be 3 years this coming October and I am still having shortness of breath. No one in the medical field will blame Prolia but yet I was told not to have another shot.

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Re: Jo (# 247) Expand Referenced Message

So very sorry. I think the pharmaceutical industry has come up with the idea they can deal with bone loss the same for all patients and really there are various causes and/or contributors, including aging. It is not so. The did their best to talk me into switching to Prolia's wicked cousin, that works in the same way. I said NO!


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Re: Katherine (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Katherine (# 9) -

Have been on Prolia for five years. Had such severe back and muscular pain. I stopped the injections although they try to convince me to stay but remember they’re getting $860 per shot they told me that if I quit my bones would go back to what they were before I started the shots and I said to them since I’ve been on pro Leah I have lost 50% of my bone mass on my spine so I would not continue with that now I can tell you what I have done I’m going into my fourth month of no injection I am fighting so hard to overcome all this pain it’s not what I want to live with and it’s a little expensive but I don’t care I am taking AlgaeCal pulse along with Stontium Boost. Also Bone Broth every day I am seeing a holistic for Accupunture I swim 3 times a week. Been though hell. but I truly feel improvement I will keep you informed

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Re: Lizzie (# 251) Expand Referenced Message

Every day is not beautiful. But I am having more good days the longer I am off Prolia

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The side effects are myriad, such as losing teeth for one. At one point I suffered a severe HypoCalcemia ( which can be life threatening ); it also affected my thyroid, making it unstable. There are so many potential side effects that I advise sc4olling through the archives to read all the side effects that have been experienced.

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Re: Debbie (# 282) Expand Referenced Message

After 2 years if suffering, I went Gluten free. At that point, my Thyroid became regulated (My previously well regulated Thyroid for 18 years, became wildly unregulated soon after Prolia). After 3 years of of fatigue, lethergy, mental status changes, GI distress, blurred vision and a 20 pound weight gain; I read about how Gluten affects the Thyroid. Bingo! I immediately dropped 9 pounds, now 15 pounds down and feeling better. Gluten is very inflammatory and can inflame the body in ways other than Thyroid, such as skin, for example.

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Re: Sal (# 292) Expand Referenced Message

I have been off Prolia for a year-- have weird hand and toe malformations in the joints... The joint just pops up and looks odd.. is painful but not horribly so; also there is red skin and a rash around the joint. I just look lumpy and the joints are tender. Also- I have been trying to find out where Prolia is actually manufactured ( what facility, what country) and have been unable to do so. The Amgen site has pictures of American plants and indications locations globally but I can't find specific information . I would like to track the inspection reports.

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What is AMGEN?? If possible need the number to the nurses. I will certainly call.
Thank You.

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Hi Poodle,
I went to my cancer Dr. to find out about my Pet scan every things looks good for now I don't have to see her for 3 months. I will be a patient for life. I will have to see her every 3 months for about 2yrs. Then it will change to maybe every six months if every thing stays good. Thanks to Prolia I will have this hanging over my head for the rest of my life. I'm happy I am clear for now I will have to take one day at a time. Thank you for all your concern and prayers.

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RM~According to Amgen, the half life of Prolia is 16 days if I remember correctly. That means in 16 days 1/2 of it will be out of the body and in 16 more days another 1/2 of that half and in 16 days another 1/2 of that half into infinity. Everything on Earth that is or was ever alive is carbon based so it all has half lives and as such there is never an end. That's how scientists can come up with the age of an antiquity, by the amount of carbon left in it. We live on the Earth too and we are also carbon based. If a body were discovered and they wanted to know how old it is, they would do carbon dating to find out how much carbon is left in that body. Prolia is made from live organs so it has half lives which means there will always be a tiny little molecule of Prolia in the human body. It's insufficient to cause any problems but that's the way life on Earth and biologics work. Be well~Pood

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Marti~I've over a year and I 'think' my hair is getting better. When I mentioned it to the Doc that gave me the Prolia I was told: "It's just old age." I'm NOT that old!! Be patient. It does lessen over time. Pood

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My doctor has said sorry for pushing Prolia on me. She said recently she doesn't suggest it anymore to her patients because of me...
That's a positive thing out if this.....

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At exactly a year I can hardly remember how bad my life and the pain was. It was so bad. I am not back to where I started but oh so thankful not to be back in those awful first months. I mostly have my life back. I have continued to sound the alarm about this awful drug. For those who are suffering, I hope you come out of the dark days soon.

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Leonine~You need medical help. You need pain management and sometimes people have to be referred to a Pain Specialist. Secondly, you definitely need 10mg daily of Prednisone to stop the itching. You have to be careful with Pred as when you come off of it, it has to be done VERY slowly or your blood will go crazy and you can end up with DVT's and PE's. Now find a Rheumatologist to help you. They deal in all of the horrible biologic drugs and usually have an Immunologist with whom they can consult. You need to realize also that your immune system isn't working well now and it may come back to normal in 6-8 months if you are lucky. Be very careful! For some unknown reason, MD's love to Rx Prolia. They have an ill formed idea in their head that it is the fastest way on Planet Earth to get your bones built up quickly. Quickly is not desirable. I prefer slow and steady and that's why I'm on Calcitonin right now. The only side effect to it is a very low possibility of getting basal cell carcinoma from it in the nose. If one goes to an ENT Dr. every year to have the nose checked out there are no problems with with drug whatsoever. It's not a racehorse like Prolia. It's slow and steady. Docs don't like it and say it doesn't work because there is no money in it for them. You will have to search around to various Docs to find one that will write the script after you get rid of Prolia. Prolia is a biologic drug and is made from ovaries of Chinese Hamsters. Everything on our Earth that was alive or is alive is carbon based. There is no end to carbon based drugs. Amgen says the half life of Prolia is 16 days, and then in 16 more days another half of that half and in 16 more days another half of that half on into infinity. There is NO end to half lives. That is how scientists can determine about how old an antiquity is -- by checking how much carbon is left in it. It's called "Carbon Dating". Those aspirins you had a long time ago still have a little molecule in your body because aspirin is made from a tree -- a living thing on Planet Earth. Now, get busy and find the help you need or else you will stay in agony. Probably after the first of the year would be a good time to start or call now for an appt. in early January. Also call Amgen in CA and tell them your problems. They are required by law to inform your government entity that allows drugs to be passed on to consumers or if you live in the US call or email the FDA. There are lots of links in these back pages together with loads of information from people a bit like you. With your immune system messed up you are also at a very high risk of getting autoimmune diseases. Many of us have different ones. I went through the h e double toothpicks with Prolia and the only reason I am here is to help guide you new ones to get the care you desperately need. Be well~Pood

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Thank you for giving us hope. I am totally disabled at 60 since having received this poison injection. I will start acupuncture. Thank you much...

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Re: Ann (# 103) Expand Referenced Message

I have had RA for 10 years and yes I had the first and only Prolia shot in November 2015. It was my worst nightmare. I had severe muscle and bone pain in my groin and thighs. I was unable to drive, dress myself, etc for the first four months. I also suffered from two fractures in my sacrum. I take methotextrate, leuflomide and hydroquloriquine for my RA. I do not think they mix with Prolia. My rheumatologist to this day does not admit Prolia caused my extreme pain. About 6 months after my shot I started to see my symptoms ease somewhat but still have some groin and thigh issues reappear from time to time.

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Re: teddt (# 101) Expand Referenced Message

Please keep her calm. Get her REAL paid meds. They will help. Also she may have insomnia from the Prolia so she may need help there. You also need to find an Immunologist to correct what Prolia has done to her immune system. I know there is one in Montana so there should be one somewhere near where you live. Get with her Dr. and find one YESTERDAY! Prolia works by binding to RANKL and that L is very important because that L is our immune system. Prolia deletes a lot of our T-cells and T-cell helpers. That is the reason all these ladies on here have had all kinds of infections. It causes more side effects than what the FDA lists. Sending mice into space was not exactly a very good way to test this drug. She will start getting better in the 5th month but she needs a lot of help now and it's up to you to get it for her. You are going against the Devil so play smart and play hard by getting her what she needs and the very best is not good enough. Prednisone is also a very good drug to take while on Prolia. It takes a bad drug to beat a bad drug. I'm not being hateful to you. I want to get your attention because your wife needs you very, very much if she is to survive this injection. Prolia also causes unknown problems in our DNA to come to the front and center. Get busy and we will keep her in our prayers as we do for all ladies that have been given this drug. Be well~

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