Prolia Side Effects Duration (Page 15) (Top voted first)


Would like to know if anyone had side effects from Prolia but they went away - and how long did it take for that to happen?

318 Replies (16 Pages)

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Re: Poodle (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

I took my one and only shot in May 2016. I have a back fracture now. Which I have had since Dec.2017. The shot almost destroyed my body.

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Re: Vickie (# 168) Expand Referenced Message

Because I have NO life! And if this is indeed Polymyalgia Rheumatica, that is the ONLY treatment I am fully aware of the horrible side effects of prednisone, but it has also saved my life on SEVERAL occasions, due to exacerbation of asthma. I was asking if anyone else has experienced the same situation.

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Re: Shirley (# 160) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks so much for replying, Shirley!

Hugs and blessings!

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Re: Shirley (# 170) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry Shirley I didn't mean to upset you, I just don't want to take prednisone for myself if I can help it. I have been using cbd hemp oil for a couple of weeks with some relief. Seen my doctor recently and he agreed I should discontinue the prolia and we will decide later what to do next. Hope things get better for you soon.

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Re: Giralda (# 176) Expand Referenced Message

75 years old. I wouldn't go near Prolia. Fosomax is the same take that pill if you want for 30 days and see if you have a drug reaction.

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Re: Joanne701942 (# 181) Expand Referenced Message

No address Joan, google them and you fill out the forms online. Very easy.

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Re: Giralda (# 176) Expand Referenced Message

I did a Google search and found this information for you. If it doesn't describe what you need, you'll need to do a Google search and place what you specifically need in the browser. I hope you find the information you need. If I were you I would be very, very careful about what I take. My Dad had kidney issues. Because his kidneys didn't work well and then when he had dialysis, the medication he was on went through his system differently/at a different rate than those of us who didn't have kidney issues.
Something for you to consider and speak to a qualified and non-biased medical professional about.


Safety Of Denosumab In Dialysis Patients On Calcium And Vitamin D Supplements

Denosumab In Chronic Kidney Disease

Effects Of Denosumab And Calcitriol On Severe Secondary Hyperparathyroidism In Dialysis Patients With Low Bone Mass

Wishing you the best!

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Re: Poodle (# 156) Expand Referenced Message

The doctor is now saying after looking at the x-rays that it is probably tendonitis and/or bursitis.
Does anyone else have any of these issues? I'm trying not to blame everything on the Prolia but with so many health issues, it can be a bit hard.

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Am having eye surgery to repair a macular hole in my R eye. Left one will be done as it progresses... gel I eye dries up and gets sticky and pulls a hole in ones retina. I’ve had rapid vision loss and have a hole now. Prolia affected all my membranes significantly drying them out- dry eyes, vagina dryness and atrophy, nasal cavity, skin, mouth, nails, hair... and more... anyone have eye issues develop after Prolia? I have macular hole... anyone? Having surgery today hoping it’s not too soon and can heal normally...

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Re: Poodle (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

My shot is 5 weeks old and I am really losing hair... thinning is way obvious. I have never had this problem and it is a blow to my self confidence. Is there a time when the loss stops or does it keep going till all of the hair is gone. I feel weird complaining because this is vanity, not health or life threatening, but it is still debilitating.

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I just had a mammogram (which was fine) and a bone density test recently. I've received 2 calls from the rheumatologist's office saying I have osteoporosis and Prolia was mentioned both times.
I told them I can't take ANY osteoporosis drugs and I won't take Prolia again. I'm still suffering from bronchitis. It started April last year and went to December. It started up again end of March/ first part of April. I've had two doses of antibiotics already.

Just want to say for the record this is not my idea of fun. I did get a nebulizer but I had to pay for it since my insurance wouldn't. I'm now on 2 inhalers daily and a rescue inhaler.

And the saga continues...

Hugs and prayers to all!

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Re: Marion (# 206) Expand Referenced Message

i live in Australia too and don't know what I am going to do as I don't want to start this drug either but feel l have no choice.l am 55 & have been putting it off for years now .l can't do heavy exercises as l damaged my hip and shoulder 6 years ago lifting my father after a fall.

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Re: Laura (# 209) Expand Referenced Message

Try water aerobics....excerise but less stress on joints.

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Re: Laura (# 209) Expand Referenced Message

Have you got any access to a gym and/or a good physiotherapist? Fortunately we now live in a retirement village which has a gym as well as a good physio. He has started us on bone strengthening exercises which can only help. I would encourage you to seek help from someone in this field. My experiences with doctors of any stripe puts me right off getting further help from them. Because I am 79 we are able to get 5 visits to a physio without cost through medicare but need a referral from a GP.

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I want to know if there are dialysis patients at stage 5 where prolia injection has been given and what are the consequences. Can you give this to dialysis patients and is this not dangerous if you do not urinate. Please let me know.

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I had side affects with the prolia. After my third shot I had joint pain and after the fourth shot in december 2017 I hurt from head to toe, all my joints, muscles and bones I am continuing with the prolia and my doctor agrees.

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Re: Vickie (# 221) Expand Referenced Message

You are going to continue?? Or did I read it wrong

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Re: Diamend (# 204) Expand Referenced Message

That is true and you have a good dentist. There is too big of a chance of you getting bad infections in your mouth and getting osteocronosis of the jaw if you have dental work done. It's best to wait over a year past the 6th month ending of your last injection of Prolia. If it is a true emergency, your dentist will send you to a specialist that is more able to help you if those things were to happen. They are Maxofacial something or others meaning if you were in an accident and your jaw was broken in many pieces they would be the ones wiring it all back together for you. Many dentists do not like to pull teeth either and they do that too under sedation. I think this will help explain to you where your dentist is coming from. I'm having total knee replacement in about a month and my surgeon is ordering my dentist to fix everything NOW because there will be no dentistry done on me for 6 months after surgery. He also has to certify that I don't have any infections or diseases in my mouth. Be well~

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Re: Meme (# 222) Expand Referenced Message

I am discontinuing the Prolia and I am staying on the hemp cbd oil

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Re: Gloria (# 217) Expand Referenced Message

Your Dr. should have referred you to an Immunologist. They understand how Prolia diminishes out ability to fight off anything and they are the ones that will give you the most help to get you thru this horrid journey. Be well~

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