Prolia & Hair Loss (Page 4)


I've just recently had my second Prolia shot. So far so good...a little back pain. I continually have stress fractures on my feet and have also taken fosamax. My current problem is hair loss & I wondered if anyone else was having that problem?

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Pood - I made an appointment to see an endocrinologist to talk about the side effects of Prolia. I may also see a dermatologist, but the meds that they use also seem to come with some scary side effects. So, I'm going to wait on that. My Oncologist doesn't think that Prolia is the cause of my hair loss due to the fact that I'm taking estrogen inhibitors. And I admit, I do get hair thinning from the inhibitors, but not fall out like this. I've been on them for 2 years and have never had this happen to the point that I can see my scalp. After finally getting my hair back from chemo - to now be going through this is devastating and frustrating to say the least. It's upsetting and I just don't know what to do.

I called Amgen and they said that the med remains in your system for 4-5 months which is why you need another shot at 6 months. I have to believe that this will stop in a few months.

I started treating my hair with coconut oil because it's also very dry. That seems to be helping a bit. I also take Biotin and have a follicle stimulating system from my salon. Oh, and I bought an all natural oil remedy that if nothing else helps treat my scalp. I'm hoping that my hair can hang on a few more months until this crap is out of my system.

Trying to be positive, but I must say after all I've been through, being positive is exhausting.

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Mine is the same story. Won't ever take another Prolia injection. I too, have bald spots. Devastating!!

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I had my first prolia shot about 6 weeks ago and my hair seems to have thinned a great deal especially on the top of the head. I am thinking I will not continue this drug because of all the terrible side effects. I did a little research on 2 or 3 occasions and this is the first time I have run into anything which mentioned loss of hair.

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I am 15 months post prolia injection & my hair is still coming out. For the last 13 months I save all my lost hair in a baggie or should I say multiple baggies. On each doctor visit I take many, many bags as proof of loss & stick them in my docs face to look at. This he can't deny. Prolia is a cancer drug & all cancer drugs cause these results. Source: National Cancer Institute.

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My hair seemed thinner after my first Prolia shot in February. My second shot was in September and my hair started heavily falling out a couple of weeks later. I went to this website this morning and found other women experienced the same problem. I will cancel my next shot in February and return to Fosomax.

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I read about hair loss and just one strand of hair takes 7, yes, seven, years to grow so we are in for a long wait when the Prolia finally stops the hair loss and as to date I don't know when that is. It seems like many side effects last years. I know I find hair everywhere - on my clothes, on my bed on the sofa where I may lie down -- just strands of hair all over and it's been a couple of years since my one and only Prolia injection. My rheumatologist just says its from old age. I'm not that old to be losing that much hair. Pood

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You know, rheumatologist & almost every other Dr. play down the side effects of prolia & I am baffled at their lack of knowledge on this drug. It is horrifying to know that these are the very people taking care of our medical needs. The only Dr's that are up to speed on prolia are Dentists & Oral surgeons.
Merry Christmas to all..........

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Dawn~you may want to add apple cider vinegar in that mix to massage in the scalp and also a little in a pan of warm water when you do the final rinse of your hair after shampooing. I promise you will not smell like vinegar. A lot depends on the water you have and if you have very soft water, you don't need the apple cider rinse but if you have hard water then you do as it completely cleans the soap scum and everything else out of your hair that comes from hard water. It's a very old home remedy that works well. Prolia is chemo, it just has less of the active ingredient in it than it's twin, Xgeva does which is a total 100% chemo drug. You went thru chemo once and lost it all and now you are going through it again but to a lesser extent. Amgen, the manufacturer, has never admitted to this side effect but there sure are a lot of us with it. After mine is dry, I put on about 4 handfuls of mousse to make it look thicker to help with the appearance. Also, have your hair dresser be careful in cutting the hair. We need sufficient to comb over the spots. Another thing I noticed which is totally unreal -- apparently my 'mind' forgot where it is supposed to be growing the hair and I had a huge patch under my forearm. I will ask a friend for hypnosis after the Holidays to get it back on track and growing on the head where it belongs. When do the side effects end? We don't know. Some of us are still struggling after two years of one little injection. You may want to read other posts I've made on 'carbon' and half lives. It will explain a lot of your problems. I think they are on Prolia Side Effects thread. Be well~Pood

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I have been on Prolia for 3 years, so I've had 6 inj's. over the 6years (1 every 6 months) I was on Fossamax before that for about 1year. My hair started getting very thin about 3 years ago and it is v bad now. Nearly bald on top. I also take Eltrixin for an under active thyroid. And I take Rosuvastatin for high high cholesterol. My consultant is taking me off Prolia for a break of 2years. I wonder will my hair grow back now or is it gone for ever. I didn't connect the hair loss and d Prolia when I last visited my consultant so I didn't ask him about d hair loss & he didn't mention it either.

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It is odd that you mention stress fractures on your feet. Just 4 weeks ago an x-ray showed that I had a fracture on my foot. Tomorrow I go for an MRI of same to ensure there is nothing else going on since it is not getting any better. I had one inj. of prolia & am still in pain. So far as the hair loss - it started 1 month into the shot & has not let up as yet & that was 16 months ago. Prolia is an evil drug & I regret the day I allowed my doc to give it to me. Of course they are not well versed on prolia! I wish he had to take it prior to giving it to innocent patients, then he would see what we go through. A piece of advice here: Save your hair in a baggie & take to your doc on each & every visit. I now have a gallon bag full since prolia reared it's ugly head. So far as your hair growing back, I think we can dream on....

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I have noticed more than normal hair loss since my second shot. Not listed in side effects but I wasn't losing this much hair when washing or normal styling as I am now!

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yes, I feel my hair is thinning especially in the top back

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I had my second Prolia Injection 12/30/16 and have been experiencing my hair falling out as well. I have talked to my doctor and Amgen-Prolia nurse who both say that hair thinning is not listed as a side effect. I asked the nurse at Amgen if they keep a record of people who call about side effects of this drug and she said "no". I would think that it would be a good idea to keep a list of our side effects. Perhaps hair falling out or thinning is a side effect on prolonged Prolia. Any comments?

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I have been wondering about my hair loss. Thought it might be another new med I was put on. Now, I find BOTH of these drugs cause hair loss. My scalp itches like crazy and I feel so tired all the time. I've only had one injection--NEVER AGAIN. But, what do you take for bone loss now? I've been on all the old ones.

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I am four weeks post my first prolia injection and i have not felt this bad since i did chemotherapy twice before for breast cancer. So far i haven't had the hair issue, but i am afraid that will be next. I have had the bone pain, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and extreme, extreme fatigue!! I am missing work and am tired of getting no answers. My oncologist started me on steroids which helped until I tapered off of them and the side effects came right back; maybe even worse. I will certainly never take another injection.

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This is my third year to be on Prolia and side effects are worse. Hair is still thinning, back still occasionally hurts, itching is worse, GI problems are worse and venous insufficiency/varicose veins are worse. Do not want to take the next dose. I wish they could come up with something better without side effects.

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I have lost 1/2 of my hair and am still losing clumps every time I wash my hair. The texture has become dry and coarse. My hairdresser has corroborated this. I am due for my 2nd injection in 2 weeks and I am most likely going to decline.

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I only had one injection of Prolia and have a lot of hair loss. My hairdresser suggested eating collagen from bones (the gel on the top is collagen) but he is very vain and going bald so I highly doubt it works. I use a heck of a lot of mousse -- like 4 handfuls and my hair is pretty short. That makes it look much, much thicker. I have not gathered up all the evidence but my Dr. said it is just old age. I don't think I am that old to be thinning like this. Try it at your own risk. I'm not going to. You also have to be aware that Prolix's twin, Xgeva is a chemo drug and Prolia just contains less of the active ingredient which is made from Chinese Hamster ovaries. Please report all side effects to the FDA in the USA or to Amgen themselves as they are bound by law to report it to the FDA. Be well~Pood

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It has now been 19 months since my one & only Prolia inj. My hair is still coming out beyond belief. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist in a couple of weeks to get my immune system checked out & see if the devil's drug is still playing around with me of which I'm sure of. I will take my gallon baggie of hair with me for proof of what I have endured the last 19 months. I can now see my scalp & find it harder & harder to cover up. My message is: never have a prolia inj.!

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I received my first shot in November 2016. I was sick with nausea and was in bed for a week. Also, experienced exhaustion. Then I started noticing my hair everywhere and texture was different. My husband said he noticed, but him or my friends would say anything til I mentioned it. I had pretty hair and I have been sick about this. This is the only thing new added to meds or my diet. Hope it grows back. So glad there was a blog to share and know others experienced this issue.

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