Procedure For Stopping Eliquis And Going Back To Aspirin (Page 2)
UpdatedI was put on Elliquis for a blood clot in right foot. been on it aprox 6 months, first I had a severe Nose bleed, the emergency room put a tampon up nose to stop it had to wear it for 3 days, I was told if you ever have another hemorrhage to hold the nose tight for 10 minutes and get to the emergency room, it stopped it. nose is still sore. 3 days agoI had a severe hemorrhage in kidneys, doctor gave a shot and put me on cipro, thanks to the Lord the bleeding has stopped, it is scary, I to go off it, my doctor told me to stop taking it for 3 days.
Hi Paul. I have been off the Eliquis since March and I have had no problems at all. In fact, I feel like all the issues I was experiencing while taking Eliquis have disappeared. It's hard to know how much is simply the recovery process after the ablation. I suspect Eliquis was contributing to my problems. Stopping Eliquis was simple. I only went on the one a day aspirin for a few weeks. For the past few months I am not taking anything and feel fine.
Having said all that, each case is unique and has to be considered that way. I wish you well.
Hi have you been to the Cleveland clinic yet are you still on Eliquist
So, doctor give you ELIQUIS before while you still had Aspirin 80mlg?
And now you taking just aspirin ?
Oh, congrats , I thought that eliquis doctors give for life.
I start taking ELIQUIS today too & still my aspirin 80 mlg
My cardiologist prescribed Eliquis for me a few weeks ago and dc'd my 81mg enteric coated aspirin x2 qhs.. A severe intermittent pain on the right side just below my ribcage started within days of Eliquis. I did not put 2 and 2 together until now.. I went to my pcp about the pain and she sent me for ultrasound at local hospital.. Got results yesterday... liver apparently inflammed..i would like to dc the Eliquis and go back on aspirin but I want to do so safely.. Of course it's now the holiday weekend and a doctor directed med change would involve emergency room and all that drama and expense ( copay). Pcp didn't have an appointment 'til end of june.. Perhaps I understated the severity of the pain.. Liver issues are indeed listed as possible Eliquis possible side effect.. Have mild afib but no episode requiring treatment for several months.. No blood clots ever.. I wish I had read about possible side effects prior to starting this medication because I would not have ever started on it.
I was starting to taper off Eliquis due to the hemorrhage of nose and severe bleeding in kidney. 1 pill a day for 4 days after the hemorrhage, the doctor said to go off eliquis for 3 days - he was not aware that I had started to taper off, after the 3 days I started the 30 mg aspirin my doctor was on vacation was the reason I did not tell him. I have been off of it for 2 weeks no side effects that I know of feeling much better. Talk with you doctor on what he wants you to do.
I was on Eliquis for 3 months for a DVT in my leg my DR . Took me off Eliquis and put me on 81mg aspirin.
How long were you on Eliquis for? And how have you been since you stopped and went back to aspirin? Thanks
I have been on Eliquis since June of 2016 for Afib which I have had a problem with for over 30 years off and on. I don't like the side effects I've been having with the Eliquis and would LOVE to stop taking it. I also have additional problems with a hiatal hernia (my stomach is in my chest) causing major acid reflux at night, so I'm no on Protonix and Reglan. then there is the problem I have with multiple sclerosis which has caused major fatigue, numbness and balance problems as well as arthritis pain and stiffness. I feel all of theses problems have been compounded by the Eqliquis, but all the doctors say is "you don't want to have a stroke." No, but this is not living! I might be going for an ablation myself and hopefully that will be a step in the right direction for going off of Eliquis.
What happened? Are you off eliquis? I've been taking it for a year. I feel like crap and I don't know what to do... Any advice? {edited for privacy}. Thanks
I was put on eliquis after losing clumps of my hair w/ xarelto. Eliquis has given two bad uti's with blood in the urine. Initially given xarelto for an old blood clot in my upprr right leg, hair loss changed that quickly from xarelto to eliquis. With eliquis I have had pimple like sore with bumps on them that turn black and blue and quickly into an abcess w/ one day. Too many visits to doctors and very expensive with deductibles to be met (another story).
I have constant joint pain and need to take muscle relaxers to help the pain.
Scheduled a duplex venous doppler for next Tues. MD will take me off eliquis if it comes back showing no clots.
I was on xarelto for two moths and four months on eliquis.
My hair use to be thick and shinny, now it is dry and thinning with patches of little to no hair...very disappointing.
I had an ablation for afib and it is the best thing I ever done. I was very scared but knew I could not continue like I was. The surgery was successful but now I am preparing to stop Eliquis and am very nervous about it but have no regrets about the ablation
I am so glad to hear of your success with the ablation. I nixed both Eliquis (gave me headache and dizzy the entire first day I took it), and won't even try Xarelto. Neither of these drugs seem to have ANY kind of an antidote if problems; which is a shortfall of the prescrip med community. My nurse told me I was a "long way off" for having an ablation; but if it's the best course of action it is what I will ask for. Did your insurance company cover the procedure? I am on warfarin now; don't like it but at least it has Vitamin K antidote.
Sorry if I gave you the impression I had already had an ablation. I'm going to be seeing my heart doctor 7/6 and discuss going off eliquis and possible ablation. I will decide then what is the best course of action for me.
I'm scheduled for an ablation on 7/17/7...(hope 7 is a lucky number for me!). Doctor said he will check in me after one month and again after three months. At the three month mark, it's possible for me to get off of the Xarelto for good. Was previously on Rluquis and asked to switch to something else.
Would like to be off of blood thinners for good! Have lost 48 pounds in six months and am exercising daily to ultimayely escape the meds.
Ablations are pretty common today. I'm sure everything is going to be okay and you'll come out fine. I hope that if and when I have an ablation I can go off of Eliquis permanently. Nonetheless, I'm going off of it one way or another. I'm tired of the side effects.
How do i wean myself off eliquis after taking it for one year? My blood test came back normal.
Follow up: I've been off of it since May 27th, 2017. On 1 aspirin a day and doing ok. It's important to check with your doctor.
Yes my insurance paid for it I was only in the hospital overnight and came home I just came off Eliquis 6 28 and already feel like a new person that stuff really slowed me down I have had no issues yet been a week I feel great!
I only took it for one day and had dizziness and a headache - neither of which are common for me. So I just took one only. The thing that bothers me about these type blood thinners (Eliquis, Xarelto, etc); are that they have no antidote whatsoever. At least that is my understanding, and I read everything that came with the package. I decided on warfarin and feel a little safer since my blood is at least checked periodically and kept within a certain range. Also, Vitamin K is an antidote although I'm not sure how that works - but for me the blood monitoring seems sensible; and warfarin has been around for lots of years and taken by lots of people needing to avoid blood clots. I can't imagine how the FDA approved the new types of blood thinners without an antidote and LOTS of trials.
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