Private Doctor To Prescribe Methadone Instead Of Clinics In Fort Worth Tx (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI took Hydrocodone for pain for several years and became very dependent. I have been going to a Methadone Clinic now for 2 years and it saved my life. I have led a productive life since. I take care of my parents and they both are bedbound. It is getting so hard for me to go to the clinic daily. Does anyone know of a private doctor in Fort Worth Texas that subscribes Methadone? Thank you for your help
Re: Doc88 (# 74)
why not answer the question instead of giving your ignorant ass unwanted opinion??
Re: Doc88 (# 74)
You need to look up the VA/DoD report on all drugs there is about right or nine pages on methadone. One of the good things about methadone is that it doesn't collect in the kidneys or liver. All other pain meds do
Have you considered a possible switch to Suboxone? It has been very successfully used to enable people to become completely drug free, rather than staying dependent on something, as often happens with Methadone.
Treatment with it is also often done with a take home prescription, rather than always having to go to a clinic for a daily dose.
You can check for a doctor in your area at the website
I did try to search in your area for outpatient Methadone treatment, but all the ones I found require inpatient treatment or daily clinic visits.
I'm on suboxone now and just moved to the Waco ft. Worth area I'm having the worse time finding a Dr. Even knowing the web site that has the 20 of them listing that prescribe it they either won't take anymore patients or are booked for months methadone just seems easier to get but I don't want to get re-hook after kadien and hydrocodone for years any suggestions?
please help...
i'm looking for a doc that prescribes methadone..been on it for two years now . Just moved to the Burleson area in Fort Wort..know any ??if so please let me know asap..ty..oh yeah im on disabilitly so on medicare and medicaid
where? i jst moved to the ft. worth/ dallas area and im in desparate need of a methadone or sub dr.! please help! call me @ {edited for privacy} NOW PLEASE!!!!
Just moved to Tx need to find Dr in Dallas or 50 mile radius!
Was wondering if you ever got any good info about Houston doctors? I go to a methadone clinic, but would like to have it prescribed privately, Just need to find a doctor who isnt scared. Dont want Suboxone. Let me know what you found out.
If you say you are taking Methadone for pain and describing the relief akin to morphine... you sir are self delusional. Medically, you must be the exception to 99% of the population.. Methadone is worse than H to detox from. It has become a savior to some and a curse for most others and that's why I hope this reply reaches many ears. It is like trading a monkey for a gorilla on your back. These outfits that are licensed to dispense methadone are in a money agenda maintenance mode and not on a mode which gets you stable and then a gradual forced detox so one can regain their LIFE...
Listen real hard to these words people.. the Truth is a powerful weapon. Get off this insidious drug mister.
I am trying to find a methadone clinic close to Abilene and where I don't have to go every day. PLEASE HELP!!!
U live close to me... please help me. Are clinics going to still be open even though the roads are iced over.. i could not get anyone to the phone today at all. I have a drive of two hours to mckinney clinic! Please let me know.. please!!
I'm in methadone for pain management!!! Wow, do the reasearch it was given to hitlers soldiers when a shortage of morphine came about, then as only when the methadone receiving soldiers began dien in agony because methadone had blocked the morphine use was then relished to also hell with drug addiction.
Im going to check in to that. Do you live in DFW? I am aware that clinics cannot do pain management, but they are treating me for the dependence. My previous pain mgmt dr decided he didnt want to prescribe methadone anymore because of the government cracking down, and suggested methadone clinics.
Hello, I have chronic pain and have had Spinal Cord Surgery, T1-T12, as well as many other surgeries. I am disabled and the Dr that prescribed me methadone for the past few years has a health condition of his own and is closing his office. I am an urgent need of a Dr that prescribes methadone. I cannot do a daily trek to a clinic and my needs are for pain management. I do not take illicit drugs or have done anything that would qualify me to go to a clinic as they are rehabilitative treatment centers for opiod abuse. Please get back to me because I know that there are prescribing methadone Doctors available in the Dallas Fort Worth area that would be more than happy to be my new doctor. My naturagratitude for helping me locate one is beyond words as I am in a dire situation. I made the bad assumption that my Dr would naturally refer me or even detox me if he ever were to be unable to stay open. Thank you very much. Jenna
I just moved to Fort Worth TX, and I am going to run out of my methadone. I was told by a methadone clinic that they only help addicts. I'm on it for pain management. Did anyone ever find help here in Fort worth? I am so afraid of detox! I need to find a Doctor who will write low dose prescriptions, to continue the prescription I have been on, for going on 9 years now. Please.... can anyone help me?
I moved to Arlington a month ago I found a pain doctor I am on suboxone but I am sure he can give you the medication you need he seems to give people what they need he is on mattock in Arlington texas I hope that helps oh and if you do go be prepared to stay for awhile I was there for about four hours and he even does night time appointments
Could you tell me if you found a doctor? I live in Arlington and suboxone caused GI problems. I don't need to use insurance. I just want confidentiality and a doctor that won't give me a hassle. I don't want to take hydrocodone ever again. I just want something that will keep me from thinking about it 24 hrs a day
I really need a methadone doctor for pain AND addiction maint. I also take pain medication but it was actually cheaper to get H so i became an addict FAST! I cant live like this anymore but i cant live with the pain either. im a young man, 29 years old but living the fast life and crashing multiple vehicles turned my bones to mush. please help. I need a doc to prescribe methadone for pain as well. if anyone knows one near the North Side of houston, preferably the woodlands area or conroe let me know. I have no insurance either and keep getting denied even though i cant find work due to my shady past. im trying to get my life back together and it just seems to not want to happen! my e-mail is {edited for privacy}. A good doctor that is understanding of my situation would be greatly appreciated. ALSO methadone only costs like 90$ without insurance to fill an entire month! suboxone is 10$ per PILL without insurance. thanks for your time everyone i hope someone finds it in there heart to drop me a line.
I have been taking Methadone for about 14 years and now I need a doctor that will prescribe Methadone for me in the Houston area can any one help please.
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