Primolut Nor (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Hi! I want to postpone my periods. They are always regular. I had my last periods on 16th april (was 1st day). Now if i have to take primolut nor 10mg from when do i have to start the dosage? From which date i have to start in this month to postphone my periods? Thanks.

82 Replies (5 Pages)

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My doctor had put me on Primolut as I have irregular periods and he advised that I needed to take 2 tabs three times a day for 5 days. I am done with the course of treatment, but I still didn't have my periods yet. Is there something wrong?

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I took 9 pills of primolut, then I stopped and my period came, but I also had spotting on the 5th day and don't know what to do about it?

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I'm having severe gastritis and taking Losec, Gastrofait, Mucain & Librax. Can I take Primolut Nor that was prescribed by my gynecologist as well? I'm planning for a pregnancy

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I have taken Primolut N for 5 days now and today marks the 3rd day but I haven't seen my period yet. My doctor said I should check back today. Should I go today or postpone my appointment till next week since today is the 3rd day?

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I want to have intercourse with my girlfriend and we will use a condom as protection, but she is also taking primolut-n tablets for some reason. So will it still be safe to have intercourse during this period?

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I am 20. I see my period twice a year and when it does come it lasts for 2 months. I take primolut-n to stop it because it doesn't stop itself. Please advise what I should do?

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Hi. I am 34 yrs old. I have PCOS & irregular periods. After I didn't get my period I took primolut-n (1 tablet for 5 days). Even after 7 days I haven't gotten my period yet. What should I do? After 10 days I have to go to a pilgrimage tour and it's very important as I have to accompany a heart patient.

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I took primulot for two months and after I stopped I got my period for two cycles; but for now my period is four days late and when it comes it is only for two days long. What is the reason behind this?

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Hi. I am 18 years old and unmarried. Due to stress, my periods have become irregular. I had 18 days of heavy menstrual flow and it stopped for 3 days, but now it started up again with a heavy flow. Can I use Primolut-N for relief?

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I've taken primolut-n for 3 consecutive days, 1 per day... but still have no periods yet. And i have a fear of pregnancy. I have missed my period for about 1 month & 5 days. When i took primolut earlier my periods used to come within 2 days. But now it has not happened like that. I had intercourse in the last few days of my menstrual cycle (i.e. on the 27th day). Is there any chance of pregnancy?

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I have a problem with an irregular menstrual flow that's sometimes delayed by about 3 to 6 months and when it does come, I over-bleed with intense pain. What should I do? I'm taking primolut-n right now.

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My periods are spotting and the doc prescribed primolut n tablets thrice a day for 21 days plus an injection. This is the third day of my period. Is it okay to take primolut during periods?

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I had taken Primolut tablets to delay the previous month's period for four days, consumed one tablet every day and my period returned in two days. Now my second period has been delayed by almost 34 days. Could it be a side effect of the Primolut?

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I took a primolut-n tablet one day before my period. Took the dosage as one per day. Will it help to delay my period?

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I've been taking primolut and had no bleeding. I just started a shake diet of whey protein powder and the bleeding has returned. Is this because of the powder?

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Hi. I've started taking this as I'm going away in 2 days. I've been taking it for 3 days now and realized that I was spotting when I went to the toilet. How can I make the spotting stop? Will primolut n 5mg help?

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Hi ladies,

So I stopped using Yasmin (oral contraceptive) on the 23rd of October and had my “normal” period that week... It stopped for a week and then started again for 8 days... It stopped for a week again and I started bleeding again for 2 days afterwards which is when my doctor put me on Primolut N for 7 days (1 pill a day).

I stopped using the Primolut N 5 or 6 days ago already but still haven’t received my period again.

Is it possible that I did ovulate after stopping the contraceptive and while using the Primolut N?

We are trying to conceive so any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!

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Hi. I'm 23 years old and from December 10th-16th I took primolut-n on the recommendation of my doctor, but I still didn't have my period. It's been about 4 days now... What's the reason behind that?

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Hi. Can I use Primolut N tablets as a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy?

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My age is 42 and I have never taken primolut-n tablets, but I want to delay my periods by 4 days from today. Is it safe? I'm unmarried. Would it not cause menopause? Plz advise. Thanks.

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