Primolut N For Preponement (Top voted first)


I am amiddle age women.I took primolut-N for threedays threetimes a day 5mg to prepone my periods. For the past 2and half years I have being having irregular periods . After stopping the pills I saw a little spotting after four days . What I would like to know is will I get my periods or should I do something else. My periods normally occur anywhere between 24 days to 2months.

4 Replies

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mno, to be honest, if you're middle aged and in perimenopause, or full menopause, then there is nothing that may change it and get you back to having regular cycles. Such changes are just a normal part of aging and there isn't always anything you can do about them.

Learn more menopause details here.

Amy, what did you end up doing? Did you have any luck postponing?

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I'm getting married on 27th nov.
usually i get 1 day prior of the cycle evrymonth,last month it was on 27th(Sep),for oct(this month)it would be 26,and for nov it will be 25th.I dont want this to happen.
I already had promoltin(which is a postpone-purpose)tablet.I thot If i have it for 2 days and stop using i myt get my periods on the 3rd or 4th day i stop used(somehow prior to 25th).Please suggest me.I want to end before 23rd atleast.

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Hi I have missed my period by 15 days I got it on 19th June and have still not got it. I have never had intercourse.. But I am still worried... I took primolut n 3 tablets for three days, when should I expect my periods?

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I got my periods on 19th sept.I need to prepond the date to 14th Oct .my menstrual cycle is 32 should I use primolut -N

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