Prescribed Thyronorm 75mcg
UpdatedMy Thyroid result is as Follows. My age is 36.
Free T3 1.7
Free T4 0.6
TSH 6.0
Hypothyroid Range 5.6 - 80 MCIU/ML
Hyperthyroid Range 0.05 - 0.6 MCIU/ML
KIT: Medix Biotech Inc. USA
Method Elisa
Kindly Give the Exact Diagnosis and Advices. At present, I am prescribed to take Thyronorm 75mcg for 2 months.
1. Can I get back to normal stage.
2. What are the side effects.
3. What are the precautions i should take.
4. what will happen if I take 1 pill early in the morning and then take breakfast after 1 and half hours. Is it okay or should I avoid long gap.
Please advice. Thank You,
2 Replies
I'm sorry, but only your doctor can give you an exact diagnosis.
Thyronorm contains the active ingredient Levothyroxine, it is used to treat Thyroid disorders.
It may cause side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness, hair loss and weight changes.
It should be taken 2 hours, before you eat or drink anything, other than the water you take it with.
As to getting back to a normal stage, there are no cures for thyroid problems, but the medication can help correct the imbalance. Your doctor should be doing regular blood tests to check your levels and then adjusting your medication, if needed, accordingly.
Have you tried asking your doctor these questions?
my thyroid count is
T3 0.77
T4 9.0
Tsh 4.5
wheather it is hypothyroid or hyper thyroi ? i am using thyronorm 75 mcg alternate it ok ?
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