Prepopik Is By Far The Best Bowel Prep!!!!!!
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Prepopik is by far the best and most tolerable bowel prep for colonoscopy! I have tried 3 others in the past, including the pill form, and this new prep was the best for the following reasons:
1. Split dosing, 5 ozs, 5 hours apart. Least amount to have to get down (10 ozs total)
2. No salty, gritty taste. Not thick, actually tastes just like orange soda, very palatable!
The prep is what hindered me in going back for my follow up c'scpe until now.

5 Replies

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I agree..Prepopik is great... didnt .ake me feel sick...very easy to take

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I agree the best prep cramping or gagging on the prep.

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Lucky you. I had a horrible experience with nauseous,vomit, extreme bloating, descended, abdominal pain, headache, cramps and so little clean out of bowels that the colonoscopy needs to be redone in 3weeks. I sure will never use Prepopik again and you should read up on it. All the good words u read... Don't believe it. I was nearly in the ER! I have had 3 prior colonoscopies and I would drink the other stuff in a heartbeat. Three days later still with bloating pain and headache. It does not clean the colon out!

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For bowel prep this worked wonderfully. Took the split dose method at 8pm and 3am for an early morning procedure. 1st dose chased with 24oz of water and 16 more oz within the hour and I was having bowel movements by 45 minutes. I did have to use Vaseline on my second dose as my rear was in a lot of pain. The trick is to eat light for the 2 days prior and a clear liquid diet 1 day before. Don't forget to pound those fluids! I felt really full/bloated but it made the process go by much faster. Bowls completely clear by 5am.
Doc said procedure was good and bowls clean. No diarrhea afterwards and was able to eat a sandwich after with no problems.
Highly recommend!!

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I forgot to say ask for a coupon for Prepopik from your doctor.

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