Prenatal Plus Tablet


I was prescribed prenatal plus tablet by my doc. I am ttc after the loss of my baby in feb. I've read the previous posts where it is explained what vitiams it contains. I've looked it up and that is when you are taking 4 pills. My doc prescribed it for a quantity of 100 but the pharmasist said they can only do 30 a month. So is this prenatal suppose to be taken as 1 or 4 pills a day? I just want to make sure that i am getting the appropriate amounts.

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Hi Sara,

The dosage guidelines for Prenatal Plus Indicate that:
As a dietary adjunct before, during and after pregnancy, take one tablet daily with a meal, or as directed by a physician.

I would suggest following these guidelines unless you are instructed to do otherwise by your doctor. I strongly believe that with an abundance of fruits and veggies in your diet, you should have more than enough vitamins and minerals circulating through your body at any given time.

If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.

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Hi Sara it's best to take them once daily I take mines in the morning everyday at the same time it seems to help

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How long did it take for someone to get pregnant?

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