Pregnancy After Jadelle Removal (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I had jadelle implants for 5 years and removed the implants in May 2013 and up till now I am still not pregnant. I have had normal menstral cycles after removal and still cant understand why i cant get pregnant. How soon will the effects of Jadelle wear off so i can become pregnant

61 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: peace (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Leave your stupid husband. What the hell. Why do you still wanna keep him after he threatens to leave you. Let him leave. Dont be dumb

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Its now 8 months since I was removed my jadelle, but from that period i'm not mensuration on my monthly periods. I want to know cause of that. and if I will still going to have my monthly cycle again. I'm aged 37. I want to have my last child before I'm 40yrs. Please help me with your advice.

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Re: peace (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Hie guys have being reading abt your problems abt Jadelle,I have mine now for four years now didn't have any problems with it but now am having headaches and I eat too much am worried that maybe I maybe pregnant or it's just some side iffects so I want to remove it asap,hope I won't get pregnant cz already I have two girls and am 27,want to have my 3rd bby at 30.What side iffects will I have after a long time like this plz help.

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Re: moonslight (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I had mines in for 3 months then took it out. Here i am 8 years later still ttc. :(

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I have a Jadelle myself I have been having my monthly period but now from nowhere they stopped what could be wrong with me need your advice please. ..

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Re: peace (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

You should see a doctor and also have a sit down with your husband. Let him understand that it's simply a side effect if the implant...

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I have been using jadelle for 5 years and my menstrual cycle is normal but l can't get pregnant. I have been on jadelle from 2013-2017, less than its term, but still l get pregnant... What must l do?

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Re: moonslight (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I had mines in for 3 months, it’s been 8 years after the removal of the implant and can’t get pregnant for nothing in the world. #It_sucks

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Re: moll (# 28) Expand Referenced Message

Had a jadelle for three years and removed it. I got pregnant immediately after the removal. After 13 weeks scan I was told there was no heartbeat and the baby stopped developing at 9 weeks. And I had a miscarriage. Now after a month I got pregnant again. it seems it's progressing well. It's my prayer that history wont repeat itself.

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Re: moonslight (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I had mines in for 6 months. And here i am 8 years later still can’t get pregnant

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Re: moonslight (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

me too had it for 4 months due to side effects, got it removed 8 october 2018. hopefully i will get pregnant soon

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have just removed my jedelle last year but im not pregnant my period is coming two times a month and its really heavy and i just did my pregnancies test and it was positive but for a sudden i just realize that i have bleeding

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Hello..I just removed jadelle a month ago, it was to go for three years but I removed it after two years n saw my periods two weeks later. I then had intercourse with my fiancee. I am experiencing pain in my breasts for two days until now n have been seeing thick sticky fluid on my panties for three days now. I also feel like am going to have the flu and a sore throat. Might I be expecting? And can the pregnancy kit get the results of a week pregnancy?

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Hey i have the jadelle fix for two years and half and removal it Sep. 15,2015.I'm menstruating but am failing to get pregnant what will I do now and I feel weak every month thinking that I'm pregnant but I'm not so what can I do now and I need baby.. Thanks

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I removed my jedelle in December 2015 till now no sign of pregnancy and my husband threatens of getting another woman , please what should I do .

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it been a month since my jadelle exipires and i haven't removed it did i fall pregnant

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After having it in your system for 5 years, it can take awhile for you to be able to get pregnant again, once it has been removed.

Jadelle is still a hormonal contraceptive that prevents ovulation, so it's likely that you're not even ovulating yet, so soon after its removal.

I'd suggest getting an ovulation test kit to see if you are, or not.

Have you consulted your doctor for advice?

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how long will it take for me to fall pregnant after removing jadelle. I had the implant for three years and within that that three years I had fallen pregnant whist on the implant. I don't know whether it was the effect of the implant, I lost that pregnancy but the doctor did not remove the implant I was told it was still effective. l have finally had it removed it has been.

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Hi there. Me and my partner are trying to have a baby I was on the Jadelle implant for only 4 months how long do you think it would take for me to get pregnant. I had the Jadelle removed about 2 months ago.

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I had a jadelle in 1 month after my son was born Feb 2014
i had it removed March 2015.
It is now Jan 2016 and we have been trying since we removed it and no luck. I get regular periods and was on regular periods while on jadelle. Now its like as if I'm never gonna get pregnant again.

What to do... what to do...

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