Prednsione Evil Side Effects
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I want to know if anyone is living with someone, anyone like me: I have a husband who have been on Prednisone for over 6 months due to an undiagnosed breathing condition. It helps him breath so we are thankful for that, but that's IT! Now the new Dr. has him tapering down, per my request, thank goodness. Meanwhile, I still live in hell. I don't know my husband anymore. His personality is gone, his sense of humor gone. What I do have is: constant anger over nothing, anything, fights with me over the stupid things in life that makes every day a living hell. Just when I think maybe he is in a ok mood, bam something changes. He is miserable and so am I. I just don't know how couples survive this medication together. Any advice would be so greatly appreciated, as walking away from him doesn't seem to work anymore. I am at my wits end.

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Thanks for your reply. Things are still like a volcano and I can say bad days are more often than good ones, but he is trying to be better. I can't believe Doctors don't warn people about the horror's of this drug. Right now he is tapering down 1mg a week. This week is 17mg, it's such a slow process but we were told how dangerous it can be dropping any quicker. So slow it goes. Knowing what I do now, I will never let any Doctor put me on Prednisone no matter what is going on with me.

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I am so very sorry! Those are common side effects of this medication, they can also be withdrawal effects, while he is tapering off of it, according to NIH studies.

My husband and I have both dealt with such things, when we had to take some type of steroid for various health problems, and when my mother-in-law has to take some for her breathing issues and severe asthma, I've actually learned to just expect her to be grumpy and irritable, after a few days. It is not easy, I understand how you are feeling, we have all snapped at each other over silly things, but it will eventually improve. I know this doesn't help much, but in this case, it really is just a matter of time and you kind of have to wait it out.

He may do better with a nasal steroid spray, or an inhaler, so he doesn't absorb quite so much of it.

Speaking of these types of issues, my husband just stopped one medication and started a new one, today.... I am waiting for the adventures to begin.

How are you guys doing? Has there been any change

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